13 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perendaman Larutan KOH Dan NaOH Terhadap Kualitas Alginat Rumput Laut Sargassum Polycycstum C.A. Agardh

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    Sargassum polycystum seaweed is a type of brown algae that contains alginate. Alginate from S. polycystum did not optimally and alginate has an importnat role from a variety of industries. Alginate ekstraction obtained by submersion wes using NaOH and KOH solvent, then continued using Na2CO3 solvent. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of immersion with KOH and NaOH with concentration 0,3%, 0,5% and 0,7% solution to the quality alginate from brown seaweed S. polycystum. Experimental design used was Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). The results showed that aging of the KOH solution has a lower water content and higher viscosity than NaOH solution. The concentration of the solution used also affects the yield, moisture content, ash content and viscosity alginate S. polycystum. The higher concentration of the solution then the yield, moisture content and lower ash content, while viscosity alginate increased. The best results obtained in the treatment with a solution of KOH concentration of 0.7%

    Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Rumput Laut Turbinaria Decurrens Bory De Saint-Vincent Dari Pantai Krakal, Gunung Kidul, YOGYAKARTA

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    Turbinaria decurrens merupakan salah satu rumput laut cokelat yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui potensi antioksidan T. decurrens dari ekstrak n-heksan (non-polar) dan metanol (polar), menentukan kadar total fenol dan biopigmen (klorofil a, klorofil b, dan karotenoid).Materi yang digunakan adalah T. decurrens yang diambil dari Pantai Krakal, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif eksploratif. T. decurrensdimaserasi dengan pelarut metanol, diuapkan dengan rotary evaporator dan dipartisi dengan pelarut n-heksan menggunakan corong pemisah. Aktivitas antioksidan ditentukan dengan nilai IC50.Penentuan nilai IC50 ekstrak kasar metanol dan n-heksan T. decurrens dilakukan dengan metode penangkapan radikal DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl) pada 位=517 nm. Kadar total fenol diuji dengan menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu dengan asam galat sebagai standar pada 位=725 nm, kadar klorofil diukur pada 位=663 nm dan 位=646 nm dan karotenoid pada 位=470 nm.Data dianalisis menggunakan analisa ragam Independent Samples Test.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak metanol dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 670,603 ppm lebih tinggi dibandingkan ekstrak n-heksan (1201,853 ppm). Kadar total fenolik (61,127 mgGAE/g ekstrak), klorofil a (1,518 mg/g), dan klorofil b (1,558 mg/g) ekstrak n-heksan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ekstrak metanol. Kadar total karotenoid ekstrak T. decurrens hanya ditemukan dalam ekstrak metanol (0,459碌mol/g). Hasil ini menunjukkan total karotenoid pada ekstrak metanolT. decurrens berkaitan erat dengan aktivitas antioksidan yang tergolong ke dalam antioksidan lema

    Produksi Bioetanol Dari Tepung Agar Gracilaria Verrucosa (Hudson) Papenfuss Yang Dihidrolisis Dengan Menggunakan Larutan Asam Sulfat

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    Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels and overexploited. It has an impact on depletion oil reserves so needed renewable energy such as bio-ethanol. Bioethanol is alternative fuel made from biomass containing component sugars, starches, and cellulose. Agar is polysaccharide in cell wall seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa. Polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed with chemically or enzymatically into monosaccharides and then be fermented into bioethanol. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of powder agar for bioethanol feedstock; optimum sulfuric acid to hydrolyze powder agar, and knowing optimum fermentation time on ethanol production. The study was conducted from February to June 2012 in Microbiology Laboratory, Research Center for Biology-LIPI, Cibinong. Powder agar is obtained from manufacturers in Malang. Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a collection of LIPI-MC. Reducing sugar content was analyzed by the method of Miller (1959), while concentration ethanol were analyzed by Gas Chromatography (GC). Method used in this study is an experimental laboratory for the hydrolysis and repeatable measurements for fermentation processes. Hydrolysis process using concentration H2SO4 of 0M, 0.1 M, 0.3 M, and 0.5 M. Fermentation using yeast S. cerevisiae with the incubation time 120 hours. Results showed powder agar can be used as raw material for bioethanol. Optimum reduction sugar 35.38 mg/ml 卤 0.59 obtained in H2SO4 0.3 M. Ethanol Optimum 0.77%, obtained at 120 hours incubation

    Produktivitas Dan Dekomposisi Serasah Daun Mangrove Di Kawasan Vegetasi Mangrove Pasar Banggi, Rembang - Jawa Tengah

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    Produksi serasah mangrove merupakan bagian yang penting dalam transfer bahan organik, karena unsur hara yang dihasilkan dari proses dekomposisi serasah sangat penting dalam pertumbuhan mangrove dan sebagai sumber detritus bagi ekosistem laut dan estuari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tingkat produktivitas serasah dan kecepatan dekomposisi serasah daun mangrove di kawasan vegetasi mangrove Pasar Banggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa rerata total produksi serasah sebesar 617,34 gr/100 m/2 minggu. Daun merupakan penyumbang terbanyak rerata total produksi serasah dan Rhizopora mucronata. lebih banyak menyumbangkan serasah dibandingkan dengan Soneratia alba. Sedangkan pada pengamatan proses R. mucronata terdekomposisi lebih cepat dibandingkan S. alb

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Limbah Padat Industri Pengolahan Agaragar Kertas Berbahan Baku Rumput Laut Gracilaria SP. Sebagai Pupuk Pada Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus SP.)

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    Study the utilization of solid waste seaweed Gracilaria sp. processing results agar paper as fertilizer on plant spinach (Amaranthus sp .) has been done. Case studies in Agar-Agar Paper Factory Cap Apples in the Village Mancagahar, Pamengpeuk District, Garut regency. Was comparing parameters with seaweed solid waste compost on the market and testing this on the test plant spinach (Amaranthus sp .). Results of chemical analysis of seaweed solid waste generated from agar paper processing is pH 7.3 (neutral), COrganic 27.28 %; moisture content 29.98 % ; ratio C / N 8, N-total 3.42 % ; Phosphorus 0.37%, Ca 10.44%, Mg 0.98 %, 1.54 % K, 1.70% Na; 2573 ppm Fe; 5 ppm Cu; 182 ppm Zn; Mn 83 ppm; KTK 49.33 cmol / kg; KB> 100%. These results meet the minimum technical requirements of organic fertilizer. Optimal results on plant growth test using the media of waste, waste treatment that achieved by 15% , while the use of compost to be achieved in compost treatment 25%. Solid waste of seaweed has the potential as spinach (Amaranthus sp .) plant fertilizer

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Jenis Dan Konsentrasi Larutan Alkali Terhadap Kekuatan Gel Dan Viskositas Karaginan Kappaphycus Alvarezii, Doty

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    Carrageenan is a seaweed sap extracted by water or alkali solution from certain species Rhodophyceae class (red algae). The raw materials are used in various food and non-food industrial. The process of making SRC performed by using alkali type strong base KOH and NaOH with 4%, 6% and 8% concentration. Analysis is measured gel strength and viscosity of each type and concentration. KOH alkali treatment values are 4, 6 and 8% of the gel strength is 192.00 卤 1.12 g/m虏; 630.71 卤 10.32 g/m虏; 385.85 卤 3.70 g/m虏. NaOH 4, 6 and 8% of the gel strength is 184,63 卤 4,48 g/m虏; 321,26 卤 46,12 g/m虏; 452,24 卤 125,45 g/m虏. KOH alkali treatment values are 4, 6 and 8% of the viscosity was 22.24 卤 0.20 cPs; 24.61 卤 0.3 cPs; 20.00 卤 0.15 cPs; NaOH 4, 6 and 8% of the viscosity is cPs 22.58 卤 0.26; 25.07 卤 0.17 cPs; 25.07 卤 0.17 cPs. Based on the results of the study the highest gel strength is at 6% KOH and highest viscosity at 6% NaOH

    Penentuan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Rumput Laut Ulva SP. Dari Pantai Krakal-Yogyakarta

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    Ulva sp. merupakan salah satu rumput laut hijau yang belum banyak dimanfaatkan. Tujuanpenelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas antioksidanekstrakmetanol dan ekstrak n-heksanUlva sp. yang dinyatakan dalam nilai IC50, sertamenentukan kadarfenolat, klorofil a, klorofil b, dan karotenoid. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif eksploratif. Materi yang digunakan adalah rumput laut hijau Ulva sp. dari Pantai Krakal, Gunungkidul-Yogyakarta.Penentuan aktivitas antioksidandilakukan dengan metode penangkapan radikal DPPH(1,1-diphenyl-2-picryhidrazyl) pada 位=517 nm. Kadar fenolatdiuji menggunakan metode Folin-Ciocalteu dengan asam galat sebagai standar pada 位=725 nm. Kadar klorofildiukur pada 位=663 nm dan 位=646 nm dan karotenoid diukur pada 位=470 nm.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai IC50 ekstrak n-heksan sebesar 448,659 ppm, sedangkan ekstrak metanol sebesar 515,631 ppm.Kadar fenolat (82,683 mgGAE/g ekstrak), kadar klorofil a (2,674 mg/g), klorofil b (1,978 mg/g) dan karotenoid (1,078 mg/g) pada ekstrak n-heksan lebih tinggi dibanding ekstrak metanol. Senyawa fenolat,klorofil a, klorofil b, dan karotenoid pada ekstrak n-heksan Ulva sp. berpotensi sebagai penyumbang aktivitas antioksidan, dimana tergolong dalam antioksidan sangat lemah (>200 ppm)

    Exploration of Antimicrobial Potency of Mangrove Symbiont Against Multi-Drug Resistant Bacteria

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    Highlight ResearchAntimicrobial potential against the test microbesRhizhopora mucronata isolate showed 95% homology with Bacillus subtilis, and 97% homology with Bacillus oceanisediminis,Acanthus ilicifolius isolate showed 96% homology with Paracoccus caeni, and 89% homology with Bacillus circulans. The study found 4 isolates with antimicrobial potency against MDR pathogenic microbes.The symbiont microbes taken from Rhizophora mucronata and Acanthus ilicifolius were determined to be of the genus Bacillus and Paracoccus AbstractAntimicrobial property of mangrove symbiont have the ability to fight Multi Drug Resistant bacteria which were Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio haryeyi. This study aimed to determine the potential of symbiont microbes from the root of Rhizopora mucronata and Acanthus iilicifolius as antimicrobial agents against multi-drug resistant (MDR) pathogenic microbes. This research was conducted during July to November 2020. The MDR bacteria were S. aureus, E. coli, and V. harveyi MDR test microbes. The symbiont microbes were identified through molecular analyses (PCR 16S rDNA). Isolation of symbiont microbes from R. mucronata resulted in 16 isolates, while isolation from A. iilicifolius resulted in 14 isolates. Based on the antimicrobial qualitative test against S. aureus, 8 out of 16 microbial isolates from R. mucronata were found to show antimicrobial properties. The testing of A. ilicifolius symbiont microbes against S. aureus showed 8 out of 14 isolates with antimicrobial properties. The test against E. coli resulted in 2 out of 16 microbial isolates from R. mucronata and 5 out of 14 isolates from A. ilicifolius with antimicrobial properties. The test against V. harveyi resulted in two out of 16 microbial isolates from R.mucronata and 4 out of 14 isolates from A. ilicifolius with antimicrobial properties. The quantitative test found 2 isolates from R. mucronta, namely isolates RM10 and RM12, with antimicrobial properties against MDR strain E. coli, with the best isolate being RM10, which produced 11.22 mm of inhibition zone diameter. Furthermore, the selection of isolates was based on the size of the inhibition zone, the clearness of the inhibition zone and the potential for antibacterial activity. Based on their overall antimicrobial potential against the test microbes, four isolates were selected. Molecular analyses of RM12 isolate showed 95% homology with Bacillus subtilis, of RM 10 isolate showed 97% homology with Bacillus oceanisediminis, of AC isolate showed 96% homology with Paracoccus caeni, and of AC 5 isolate showed 89% homology with Bacillus circulans. The study found four isolates with antimicrobial potency against MDR pathogenic microbes. The symbiont microbes taken from R. mucronata and A. ilicifolius were determined to be of the genus Bacillus and Paracoccus