129 research outputs found

    Probing electronic excitations in mono- to pentalayer graphene by micro-magneto-Raman spectroscopy

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    We probe electronic excitations between Landau levels in freestanding N−N-layer graphene over a broad energy range, with unprecedented spectral and spatial resolution, using micro-magneto Raman scattering spectroscopy. A characteristic evolution of electronic bands in up to five Bernal-stacked graphene layers is evidenced and shown to remarkably follow a simple theoretical approach, based on an effective bilayer model. (N>3)(N>3)-layer graphene appear as appealing candidates in the quest for novel phenomena, particularly in the quantum Hall effect regime. Our work paves the way towards minimally-invasive investigations of magneto-excitons in other emerging low-dimensional systems, with a spatial resolution down to 1 Ό~\mum.Comment: to appear in Nano Letter

    Raman scattering excitation spectroscopy in monolayer WS2_2

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    Resonant Raman scattering is investigated in monolayer WS2_2 at low temperature with the aid of an unconventional spectroscopy technique, i.e.i.e., Raman scattering excitation (RSE). The RSE spectrum is made up by sweeping the excitation energy, when the detection energy is fixed in resonance with excitonic transitions related to neutral and/or charged excitons. We demonstrate that the shape of the RSE spectrum strongly depends on a selected detection energy. The out-going resonance with the neutral exciton leads to an extremely rich RSE spectrum displaying several Raman scattering features not reported so far, while no clear effect on the associated background photoluminescence is observed. Instead, a strong enhancement of the emission due to the negatively charged exciton is apparent when the out-going photons resonate with this exciton. Presented results show that the RSE spectroscopy can be a useful technique to study electron-phonon interactions in thin layers of transition metal dichalcogenides.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Single Photon Emitters in Boron Nitride: More Than a Supplementary Material

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    We present comprehensive optical studies of recently discovered single photon sources in boron nitride, which appear in form of narrow lines emitting centres. Here, we aim to compactly characterise their basic optical properties, including the demonstration of several novel findings, in order to inspire discussion about their origin and utility. Initial inspection reveals the presence of narrow emission lines in boron nitride powder and exfoliated flakes of hexagonal boron nitride deposited on Si/SiO2 substrates. Generally rather stable, the boron nitride emitters constitute a good quality visible light source. However, as briefly discussed, certain specimens reveal a peculiar type of blinking effects, which are likely related to existence of meta-stable electronic states. More advanced characterisation of representative stable emitting centres uncovers a strong dependence of the emission intensity on the energy and polarisation of excitation. On this basis, we speculate that rather strict excitation selectivity is an important factor determining the character of the emission spectra, which allows the observation of single and well-isolated emitters. Finally, we investigate the properties of the emitting centres in varying external conditions. Quite surprisingly, it is found that the application of a magnetic field introduces no change in the emission spectra of boron nitride emitters. Further analysis of the impact of temperature on the emission spectra and the features seen in second-order correlation functions is used to provide an assessment of the potential functionality of boron nitride emitters as single photon sources capable of room temperature operation

    Excitonic resonances in thin films of WSe2: From monolayer to bulk material

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    We present optical spectroscopy (photoluminescence and reflectance) studies of thin layers of the transition metal dichalcogenide WSe2, with thickness ranging from mono- to tetra-layer and in the bulk limit. The investigated spectra show the evolution of excitonic resonances as a function of layer thickness, due to changes in the band structure and, importantly, due to modifications of the strength of Coulomb interaction as well. The observed temperature-activated energy shift and broadening of the fundamental direct exciton are well accounted for by standard formalisms used for conventional semiconductors. A large increase of the photoluminescence yield with temperature is observed in WSe2 monolayer, indicating the existence of competing radiative channels. The observation of absorption-type resonances due to both neutral and charged excitons in WSe2 monolayer is reported and the effect of the transfer of oscillator strength from charged to neutral exciton upon increase of temperature is demonstrated.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Magneto-optical probing of weak disorder in a two-dimensional hole gas

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    In two-beam magneto-photoluminescence spectra of a two-dimensional valence hole gas we identify the three-level energy spectrum of a free positive trion with a field-induced singlet-triplet transition. The recombination spectrum of acceptor-bound trions is also detected, including a cyclotron replica corresponding to the hole shake-up process. The emergence of a shake-up peak at low temperature is shown to be a sensitive probe of the presence of a small number of impurities inside the high-mobility quantum well, and its relative position is directly related to the hole cyclotron mass.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Tuning carrier concentration in a superacid treated MoS2_2 monolayer

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    The effect of bis(trifluoromethane) sulfonimide (TFSI, superacid) treatment on the optical properties of MoS2_2 monolayers is investigated by means of photoluminescence, reflectance contrast and Raman scattering spectroscopy employed in a broad temperature range. It is shown that when applied multiple times, the treatment results in progressive quenching of the trion emission/absorption and in the redshift of the neutral exciton emission/absorption associated with both the A and B excitonic resonances. Based on this evolution, a trion complex related to the B exciton in monolayer MoS2_2 is unambiguously identified. A defect-related emission observed at low temperatures also disappears from the spectrum as a result of the treatment. Our observations are attributed to effective passivation of defects on the MoS2_{2} monolayer surface. The passivation reduces the carrier density, which in turn affects the out-of-plane electric field in the sample. The observed tuning of the carrier concentration strongly influences also the Raman scattering in the MoS2_2 monolayer. An enhancement of Raman scattering at resonant excitation in the vicinity of the A neutral exciton is clearly seen for both the out-of-plane A1â€Č_1^{'} and in-plane Eâ€Č^{'} modes. On the contrary, when the excitation is in resonance with a corresponding trion, the Raman scattering features become hardly visible. These results confirm the role of the excitonic charge state plays in the resonance effect of the excitation energy on the Raman scattering in transition metal dichalcogenides.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure
