53 research outputs found

    Frosted Branch Angiitis Diagnosed as Neuro-Behçet: A Diagnostic and Etiologic Dilemma

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    Purpose: To report a case of frosted branch angiitis (FBA) secondary to neuro-Behçet. Methods: Description, diagnosis, angiogram imaging and follow-up of a 28-year-old female with FBA. Results: ‘Frosted branch angiitis’ is a clinical term applied to three conditions: infiltration of vessels by malignant cells, and sheathing of vessels either secondary to an active disorder or subsequently to a previous inflammatory disease. Our patient’s history of two optic neuropathies and the lack of demyelinating signs in neuroimaging made us consider FBA in the context of neuro-Behçet. Conclusion: Recognition of the category of FBA from the clinical signs is essential to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment

    Propuesta de mejoramiento del proceso "gestión de la calidad" del Servicio de Rentas Internas - SRI

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    El Servicio de Rentas Internas – SRI es una institución de mucha trascendencia en el país, es de interés público ya que todas las personas directa o indirectamente tenemos que pagar algún impuesto en algún momento. Al ser una institución pública tiene varias facultades sobre los contribuyentes, inclusive el de embargar cosas para poder cumplir con las obligaciones tributarias a tiempo. Puede clausurar cuando no entregan un papel llamado factura o nota de venta. Los alcances que tiene el SRI son inmensos, puede hasta rematar bienes. Casos como el de Álvaro Noboa, el mismo que fue de impacto nacional al embargar bienes de una persona millonaria, y luego venderlos para poder cobrar los impuestos que estaban pendientes de pago por parte de esta persona. Hay personas que se han preguntado que habrá detrás de ese proceso de atención al cliente, será que alguien controla los RUCs o RISE’s entregados. Otras personas se preguntan porque el sistema a veces es lento, porque se va el sistema en ocasiones, porque toca esperar tanto para ser atendido por un servidor público; las respuestas a estas preguntas dependen en la ocasión que se den, los procesos que fueron afectados, y no necesariamente puede ser el proceso que se ejecuta sino los procesos que le proveen de alguna información. El SRI tiene subido en la página web algunos instructivos que se consideran documentos oficiales de la Institución, los mismos que son aplicados para algún trámite que el contribuyente quiere realizar. Detrás de eso hubo herramientas y una metodología para documentarlos. Los trámites ciudadanos cada vez tienen que ser más eficientes, debido a que las personas demandan más agilidad en los servicios, por lo tanto, las Administraciones Públicas por tema político, económico o social tratan de mejorar los servicios para satisfacer las necesidades de las dos partes. La Administración Pública ha visto la necesidad de establecer por escrito la nueva metodología y herramientas que se deben utilizar para administrar las Instituciones del Estado. La Gestión por Procesos es la metodología que está vigente y es obligatoria para todas las Administraciones Públicas. La Gestión por Procesos a nivel mundial es una metodología que ha revolucionado la administración e implantado en varias empresas, trayendo beneficios mutuos (empresa - cliente) y menores costos de producción o prestación de algún servicio

    Control inteligente remoto para fuentes de agua públicas

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    Control remoto a través de un smartphone Android de fuentes de agua ornamentales con posibilidad de controlar la altura del chorro de agua, luz y sonido

    Étude du système d'étirage pour filature pneumatique à grande vitesse

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    Empleando un sistema de anemometría láser, se han determinado las velocidades del flujo de aire arrastrado por el cilindro productor. Se trata de hallar la posible correlación entre la geometría, las condiciones de funcionamiento del conjunto de cilindros mencionados, la calidad y velocidad de producción.The velocities of the air flow have been determined using a system of laser anemometry. This flow is crawled by the producing cylinder. It is to find the possible correlation among the geometry, the operation conditions of the group of mentioned cylinders, the quality and speed of the production.Avec un système d’anémométrie laser, on a déterminé les vitesses du flux d’air entraîné par le cylindre producteur. Il s’agit de trouver la corrélation possible entre la géométrie, les conditions de fonctionnement de l’ensemble des cylindres mentionnés, la qualité et la vitesse de production

    Pulsed magnetic feld increases the efect of ultraviolet C radiation and thermal shock in aged yeasts

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    The study of the efects of the magnetic feld (MF) on living matter continues to be a dilemma. Until now, the interaction mechanisms of MF with living matter that explain the observed phenomena are unknown. Despite the existing literature and the multiple efects described to date, there are few published articles that study the combined efect of MF with other physical agents during the cellular aging process. In this sense, the aim of this work is to study whether low frequency and intensity pulsed and sinusoidal MF exposure produce alterations in the cell killing efect of ultraviolet C (UVC) radiation and thermal shock during the chronological aging of S. cerevisiae. Yeast cells were exposed to 2.45 mT (50 Hz) sinusoidal MF and 1.5 mT (25 Hz) pulsed MF, during 40 days of aging, in combination with UVC radiation (50 J/m2 ) and/or thermal shock (52°C). Cell survival was evaluated by clonogenic assay. The exposure of yeast to pulsed MF produces an acceleration of aging, which is not observed in cells exposed to sinusoidal MF. The pulsed MF modifes the cellular response to damaging agents only in aged S. cerevisiae cells. In this sense, the pulsed MF applied increases the damage induced by UVC radiation and by thermal shock. In contrast, the sinusoidal MF used has no efect.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Málaga/CBUA. This study was supported by the “Plan Andaluz de Investi gación, Desarrollo e Innovación (PAIDI); Junta de Andalucía”, code CTS-181

    Age and sex-adjusted reference intervals in tear cytokine levels in healthy subjects

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    Producción CientíficaAlterations in tear cytokine levels have been associated with various ocular disorders as compared to those in healthy subjects. However, age and sex are not always considered in these comparisons. In this study we aimed to establish age and sex reference intervals (RIs) for tear cytokine levels in healthy people. Tear samples were taken from 75 males and 82 females, aged 18–88 years, and tear cytokine levels were determined. Age- and sex-adjusted RIs for epidermal growth factor (EGF), fractalkine, interleukin (IL)-1 receptor antagonist (RA), IL-7, IL-8, interferon inducible protein (IP)-10, monocyte chemotactic protein (MCP)-1, and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) tear cytokine levels in a healthy sample were established using generalized additive for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) models. RIs were tested in two external samples: a validation sample of 40 individuals with normal results at four Dry Eye Disease (DED) clinical diagnostic tests (OSDI, T-BUT, corneal staining and Schirmer test); and a utility sample of 13 severe DED cases. IL-1RA, IL-8, IP-10, and MCP-1 levels showed a positive association with age, while EGF was negatively correlated. IL-7 concentration increased up to 40 years and again after 70 years, observing a quasi-linear decrease between them. For VEGF, higher levels were observed in the middle-aged range. Regarding sex-influence, fractalkine tear levels were higher in men, whereas those of IL-7, IL-8, and IP-10 were higher in women. Using the estimated age- and sex-adjusted RIs, more than 92% of the validation sample was correctly classified, and 100% of the severe DED patients in the utility sample had concentrations outside the RIs in at least two of the cytokines evaluated

    Maternal separation increases alcohol-drinking behaviour and reduces endocannabinoid levels in the mouse striatum and prefrontal cortex

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    Altres ajuts: This study was supported by Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (2014/020) i UE Medbioinformatic project (grant number 634143).Childhood adversity is associated with an increased risk of mood, anxiety and substance use disorders. Maternal separation is a reliable rodent model of early life adversity that leads to depression-like symptoms, which may increase the vulnerability to alcohol consumption during adolescence. However, the specific alterations in the pattern of alcohol consumption induced by maternal separation and the underlying molecular mechanisms are still unclear. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the long-term effects of maternal separation with early weaning (MSEW) on emotional and social behaviour, alcohol rewarding properties, and alcohol consumption, abstinence and relapse in adolescent male C57BL/6 mice. In addition, endocannabinoid and monoamine levels were analysed in discrete brain areas. Results showed that MSEW mice presented emotional alterations related to depressive-like behaviour and modified endocannabinoid levels in the striatum and the prefrontal cortex. MSEW mice also showed impairments in alcohol-induced conditioned place preference and higher alcohol intake in a model of binge drinking. Moreover, MSEW animals displayed a higher propensity to relapse in the two-bottle choice paradigm following a period of alcohol abstinence associated with reduced monoamine levels in the striatum. Such results indicate that exposure to early life stress increased the vulnerability to alcohol binge-drinking during adolescence, which may be partially explained by decreased sensitivity to alcohol rewarding properties and the ability to potentiate alcohol intake following a period of abstinence

    Multimodal Retrieval of the Scattering Parameters of a Coaxial-to-Waveguide Transition

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    In this paper a multimode characterization of coaxial to waveguide transition is carried out by means of inverse techniques. The multimode coaxial-to-waveguide transition is characterized with the generalized scattering matrix (GSM). A number of measured standards considering shorts is used to extract the matrices. By using optimizing techniques, such as genetic algorithms (GA) and a gradient descent (GD) based method the multimodal scattering matrix is calculated with the help of a fitness function that compares the standards with analytical calculations. The same measurement set up using uniquely shorts has been simulated and the GSM results have been retrieved, thus validating the proposed technique. This method easily allows working in the multimode range of waveguides, thus increasing considerably the bandwidth of classical applications such as permittivity characterization. Benefits and drawbacks of the implementation are also discussed

    Actividad de Spondias mombin frente a microorganismos de importancia clínica

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    Las plantas han sido una fuente valiosa de productos naturales para el mantenimiento de la salud humana, con un estudio más intensivo en la terapia natural.  Muchas de ellas han sido utilizadas por sus características antimicrobianas, principalmente,  debido a los componentes sintetizados en el metabolismo  secundario. Spondias mombin Linneo “jobo” (Anacardiaceae),  es un árbol de amplia distribución tropical cuyo empleo medicinal es de origen indígena y está  basado en las propiedades antisépticos y astringentes del tallo y la raíz que se administran en forma de infusión o decocción. En este trabajo se evalúa la  actividad antimicrobiana frente a microorganismos con reconocida patogenicidad (Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli,   Pseudomonas aeruginosa  y Candida albicans). Los resultados mostraron una actividad antibacteriana significativa de los extractos de hojas de S. mombin  frente a las bacterias ensayadas, no así frente a la levadura C. albicans. La actividad antimicrobiana de esta especie es una contribución en la búsqueda de  nuevas drogas de origen natural, pudiendo constituir en el futuro un paso en la validación científica de los conocimientos y de los usos etnomédicos