24 research outputs found

    Choosing stability over reforms: why Macedonia’s elections should be delayed

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    Following an EU-brokered agreement to solve a prolonged political crisis, Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski handed in his resignation on 15 January, with a date for new elections being set for 24 April. This has in turn provoked a reaction from the main opposition party, which resumed a boycott of the Macedonian parliament, citing serious concerns over the integrity of the country’s voting process and the state of its media. Misha Popovikj argues that sticking to deadlines rather than prioritising essential reforms risks worsening the crisis, and that the upcoming elections should be delayed until later in the year

    Brown Tumour in the Mandible and Skull Osteosclerosis Associated with Primary Hyperparathyroidism – A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: The hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a condition in which the parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels in the blood are increased. HPT is categorised into primary, secondary and tertiary. A rare entity that occurs in the lower jaw in association with HPT is the so-called brown tumour, which an osteolytic lesion is predominantly occurring in the lower jaw. It is usually a manifestation of the late stage of the disease. Osteosclerotic changes in other bones are almost always associated with renal osteodystrophy in secondary HPT and are extremely rare in primary HPT. This article reports a rare case of a brown tumour in the mandible as the first sign of a severe primary HPT, associated with osteosclerotic changes on the skull.CASE REPORT: A brown tumour in the mandible was diagnosed in 60 - year old female patient with no previous history of systemic disease. The x - rays showed radiolucent osteolytic lesion in the frontal area of the mandible affecting the lamina dura of the frontal teeth, and skull osteosclerosis in the form of salt and pepper sign. The blood analyses revealed increased values of PTH, calcitonin and β – cross-laps, indicating a primary HPT. The scintigraphy of the parathyroid glands showed a presence of adenoma in the left lower lobe. The tumour lesion was surgically removed together with the lower frontal teeth, and this was followed by total parathyroidectomy. The follow - up of one year did not reveal any signs of recurrence.CONCLUSION: It is critical to ensure that every osteolytic lesion in the maxillofacial region is examined thoroughly. Moreover, a proper and detailed systemic investigation should be performed. Patients should undergo regular check-ups to prevent late complications of HPT

    Mandibular Movement Restoration in a Child with Bilateral Coronoid Hyperplasia: A Case Report

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    BACKGROUND: Coronoid process hyperplasia is an uncommon finding, characterized by an enlargement of the coronoid process, causing a mechanical obstacle by its interposing in the posterior portion of the maxilla or zygomatic arch.CASE PRESENTATION: The article presents a case report of a bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia in a 3-year-old girl demonstrated with inability to open the mouth and restricted jaw movement. Panoramic x-ray and 3-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction showed bilateral elongation of the coronoid processes associated with deformation of the mandibular condyle with no involvement of the articular space. A coronoid resection by intraoral approach was done, followed by an aggressive physiotherapy. A considerable improvement in mouth opening of 30 mm was achieved. We strongly suggest early surgical treatment of coronoid hyperplasia to recover morphology and function consequently to reduce skeletofacial deformities in young patients.CONCLUSIONS: The article presents a clinical and surgical case of bilateral coronoidectomy in a 3-year-old girl, with retrognathic mandible. The diagnosis of bilateral coronoid process hyperplasia was confirmed, and the surgical treatment was under general anesthesia, with nasotracheal intubation guided by a nasofiber endoscope, using an intraoral approach

    Oncocytoma of the Deep Lobe of the Parotid Gland

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    BACKGROUND: Oncocytoma or oxyphilic adenoma is uncommon salivary gland tumour, occurs predominantly in the in patients older than 60 years of age. Clinically oncocytoma resemble other salivary tumours while histology is typically consisting of oncocytes with many hyperplastic mitochondria. It usually occurs in the parotid gland. Because the features of oncocytoma are similar to those of other benign and low-grade malignant salivary tumours, clinical diagnosis is often challenging.CASE PRESENTATION: This report presents the pathologic and imaging findings of an oncocytoma arising in the deep lobe of the right parotid gland in a 74-year-old male. Oncocytoma was diagnosed on the basis of histological, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), scintigraphic findings and fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC).CONCLUSION: This case was unique because in the literature there are few articles about the rare presentation and deep lobe location of this type of parotid oncocytoma

    The role of noradrenaline in the development of rat neocortex

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Osteoradionecrosis of the Mandible: A Case Report

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    Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the jaws is a serious complication of radiotherapy of head and neck malignancies. Different assumptions about its occurring, risk factors and possible therapeutical modalities exist, but the clinical outcome of such patients is still not on the desired level. This article presents a clinical case of ORN of the mandible, occurring with exposed and infected bone, necrotic process that extended through all the mandible body, as well as cutaneous fistula. The first site of ORN was detected 2 years after radiotherapy for oral cancer, with the second one detected 3 and a half years after radiotherapy. In both, the reason for exposing the bone was local trauma due to tooth extraction. Due to the stage of the condition, a decision for surgical treatment accompanied with antibiotics was made

    Assessment of Clinical Examination Validity in Oral Cancer Risk Patients

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    Background/Aim: Oral cancer is one of the ten most common cancers in the world, recently positioned as a sixth one, unfortunately with poor prognosis after treatment because of the late diagnostics in advanced stages of the disease. Aim of this study was to present the basic criteria in assessment the accuracy/efficacy, specificity and sensitivity, the positive and negative predicted values of the conventional oral examination (COE) as the easiest and most acceptable procedure in detection of the early changes of the suspicious oral tissue changes compared to the diagnostic gold standard – tissue biopsy in two different groups of examinees