18 research outputs found

    Profitable services in an uncertain world

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    In a service-oriented, utility-computing, Grid-like world, service providers will execute jobs on behalf of their clients on systems rented from resource providers. This poses many challenges to the service provider, such as choosing which jobs to admit, when to run them, whether to execute them on one system or many, and how many resources to rent. To complicate matters, the service provider may experience resource uncertainty—an inability to get the resources it needs or expects. The result will be sub-optimal choices of which jobs to accept and when to run them, and the service provider may have to pay penalties to its clients. Using an economics-based approach, we have developed scheduling policies that systematically address these problems. We show that the new policies deliver significantly more profit (or added value) than ones oblivious to such concerns.

    Robust, Portable I/O Scheduling with the Disk Mimic

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    We propose a new approach for I/O scheduling that performs on-line simulation of the underlying disk. When simulation is integrated within a system, three key challenges must be addressed: first, the simulator must be portable across the full range of devices; second, all configuration must be automatic; third, the computation and memory overheads must be low. Our simulator, the Disk Mimic, achieves these goals by building a table-based model of the disk as it observes the times for previous requests. We show that a shortest-mimicked-time-first (SMTF) scheduler performs nearly as well as an approach with perfect knowledge of the underlying device and that it is superior to traditional scheduling algorithms such as C-LOOK and SSTF; our results hold as the seek and rotational characteristics of the disk are varied

    Abstract Robust, Portable I/O Scheduling with the Disk Mimic

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    We propose a new approach for I/O scheduling that performs on-line simulation of the underlying disk. When simulation is integrated within a system, three key challenges must be addressed: first, the simulator must be portable across the full range of devices; second, all configuration must be automatic; third, the computation and memory overheads must be low. Our simulator, the Disk Mimic, achieves these goals by building a table-based model of the disk as it observes the times for previous requests. We show that a shortest-mimicked-time-first (SMTF) scheduler performs nearly as well as an approach with perfect knowledge of the underlying device and that it is superior to traditional scheduling algorithms such as C-LOOK and SSTF; our results hold as the seek and rotational characteristics of the disk are varied.

    Abstract Datamation 2001: A Sorting Odyssey ∗

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    We present our experience of turning a Linux cluster into a high-performance parallel sorting system. Our implementation, WIND-SORT, broke the Datamation record by roughly a factor of two, sorting 1 million 100-byte records in 0.48 seconds. We have identified three keys to our success: developing a fast remote execution service, configuring the cluster properly, and avoiding the potential ill-effects of occasionally faulty hardware.

    Deconstructing Storage Arrays

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    We present Shear; a user-level software tool that characterizes RAID storage arrays. Shear employs a set of controlled algorithms combined with statistical techniques to automatically determine the important properties of a RAID system. We illustrate the correctness of Shear by running it upon numerous simulated configurations, and then verify its real-world applicability by applying Shear to both software-based and hardware-based RAID systems. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of Shear through two case studies. First, we show how Shear can be used in a storage management environment to verify RAID construction and detect failures. Second, we show how an operating system can use Shear to automatically tune its storage subsystems to specific RAID configurations

    Semantically-Smart Disk Systems

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    We propose and evaluate the concept of a semantically-smart disk system (SDS). As opposed to a traditional "smart" disk, an SDS has detailed knowledge of how the file system above is using the disk system, including information about the on-disk data structures of the file system. An SDS exploits this knowledge to transparently improve performance or enhance functionality beneath a standard block read/write interface. To automatically acquire this knowledge, we introduce a tool (EOF) that can discover file-system structure for certain types of file systems, and then show how an SDS can exploit this knowledge on-line to understand file-system behavior. We quantify the space and time overheads that are common in an SDS, showing that they are not excessive. We then study the issues surrounding SDS construction by designing and implementing a number of prototypes as case studies; each case study exploits knowledge of some aspect of the file system to implement powerful functionality beneath the standard SCSI interface. Overall, we find that a surprising amount of functionality can be embedded within an SDS, hinting at a future where disk manufacturers can compete on enhanced functionality and not simply cost-per-byte and performance