15 research outputs found

    A T1-Hypointense Intracranial Dermoid Cyst

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    Case Report: Rare Convexity Meningeal Chondroma Mimicking a Meningioma

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    Background: Intracranial chondromas account for 0.2-0.3% of all intracranial neoplastic lesions and less than a quarter arise in the convexity or falx. Despite its benign nature, exceedingly rare malignant transformations exist. The misdiagnosis with meningiomas is frequent and may be related with chondromas' similar insidious clinical presentation and imaging features. Standalone surgery is advised and complete resection provides the definitive treatment. Case description: A 44-year-old female presents with insidious headache, visual disturbances, and papilledema. The imaging studies were compatible with frontal parasagittal meningioma. Surgery revealed a meningeal based mass, mostly avascular and with a well-demarked surgical plane from the brain parenchyma. Complete resection with meningeal margins was achieved and the histopathologic examination revealed a chondroma. The patient symptoms subsided and no surgical complications existed. Conclusion: Intracranial convexity chondromas constitute a rare differential diagnosis for meningiomas. The present case reinforces the current scarce data and serves as reminder for clinicians diagnosing and treating intracranial tumors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simultaneous Supratentorial and Infratentorial Pilocytic Astrocytomas in an Adult Patient with Concurrent Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and HIV Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) has been identified as a predisposing factor in the development of pilocytic astrocytoma (PA), a common benign central nervous system tumor. Although this is a common association, simultaneous development of multiple lesions is an infrequent finding, especially in nonoptic and hypothalamic locations. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 41-year-old female patient with NF1 and uncontrolled human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) type 1 infection presented with a first generalized seizure and associated headache and ataxia. Imaging studies revealed 2 large intra-axial PAs, nodular-cystic in the supratentorial compartment and solid in the infratentorial compartment. Both lesions were treated by gross total resection in 2 surgeries performed 1 week apart. Despite their different imaging patterns, the tumors were histologically and genetically identical. CONCLUSIONS: We present a unique case involving 2 histologically and genetically identical PAs occurring simultaneously in supratentorial and infratentorial locations. We suggest that an intrinsic predisposition to tumor development in patients with NF1 might have been enhanced by the HIV-related immunosuppression in this case. Strict oncologic surveillance is essential in patients with a tumor predisposition syndrome combined with immunosuppression.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O Atual valor das Autópsias Clínicas

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    La Disecación Como Herramienta Pedagógica en la Enseñanza de la Anatomía en Portugal.

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    Ao longo da História, a importância da utilização de cadáveres humanos para o ensino e investigação não tem sido consensual. No passado, a obtenção dos cadáveres indispensáveis ao ensino passou pelo recurso a cadáveres de reclusos, de não reclamados e ao roubo e/ou compra. Para além da inadmissibilidade ética e jurídica destas soluções, estas revelaram-se insuficientes para as necessidades das escolas médicas. Nas últimas décadas, a consciência global da legitimidade da doação de cadáveres foi-se intensificando, considerando-se, hoje, a forma digna de colmatar essa falta. Neste artigo realizou-se uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de se fazer uma resenha histórica, jurídica e pedagógica sobre a importância da utilização de cadáveres humanos no ensino da Anatomia Humana nos cursos de Medicina, incluindo em Portugal, nomeadamente pelo recurso à dissecação cadavérica em complementaridade com outras ferramentas pedagógicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antineoplasic Drug Methotrexate Redox Mechanism Using a Glassy Carbon Electrode

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    Methotrexate (MTX) is an antimetabolite of folic acid indicated in the treatment of a variety of cancers. The electrochemical behaviour of MTX on a glassy carbon electrode was investigated. The MTX oxidation is a complex, pH-dependent, diffusion-controlled irreversible process and proceeds with the transfer of two electrons and two protons and the formation of one electroactive product, 7-hydroxymethotrexate that undergoes a reversible redox reaction. The MTX reduction is a pH-dependent, quasi-reversible process and involves the transfer of two electrons and two protons leading to the formation of an electroactive product.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES