84 research outputs found

    Intraseasonal sea level variability in the Persian Gulf

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Meteorological Society, 2021. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 51(5), (2021): 1687ā€“1704, https://doi.org/10.1175/JPO-D-20-0296.1.Satellite observations are used to establish the dominant magnitudes, scales, and mechanisms of intraseasonal variability in ocean dynamic sea level (Ī¶) in the Persian Gulf over 2002ā€“15. Empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis applied to altimetry data reveals a basinwide, single-signed intraseasonal fluctuation that contributes importantly to Ī¶ variance in the Persian Gulf at monthly to decadal time scales. An EOF analysis of Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observations over the same period returns a similar large-scale mode of intraseasonal variability, suggesting that the basinwide intraseasonal Ī¶ variation has a predominantly barotropic nature. A linear barotropic theory is developed to interpret the data. The theory represents Persian Gulf average Ī¶ (ĀÆĪ¶) in terms of local freshwater flux, barometric pressure, and wind stress forcing, as well as Ī¶ at the boundary in the Gulf of Oman. The theory is tested using a multiple linear regression with these freshwater flux, barometric pressure, wind stress, and boundary Ī¶ quantities as input and ĀÆĪ¶ as output. The regression explains 70% Ā± 9% (95% confidence interval) of the intraseasonal ĀÆĪ¶ variance. Numerical values of regression coefficients computed empirically from the data are consistent with theoretical expectations from first principles. Results point to a substantial nonisostatic response to surface loading. The Gulf of Oman Ī¶ boundary condition shows lagged correlation with Ī¶ upstream along the Indian subcontinent, Maritime Continent, and equatorial Indian Ocean, suggesting a large-scale Indian Ocean influence on intraseasonal ĀÆĪ¶ variation mediated by coastal and equatorial waves and hinting at potential predictability. This study highlights the value of GRACE for understanding sea level in an understudied marginal sea.The authors acknowledge support from NASA through the Sea Level Change Team (Grant 80NSSC20K1241) and GRACE Follow-On Science Team (Grant 80NSSC20K0728). The authors appreciate comments from two anonymous reviewers that improved the manuscript

    Impact of self-attraction and loading on Earth rotation

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    The impact of self-attraction and loading (SAL) on Earth rotation has not been previously considered except at annual timescales. We estimate Earth rotation excitations using models of atmospheric, oceanic, and land hydrology surface mass variations and investigate the importance of including SAL over monthly to interannual timescales. We assess SAL effects in comparison with simple mass balance effects where net mass exchanged with the atmosphere and land is distributed uniformly over the global ocean. For oceanic polar motion excitations, SAL impacts are important even though mass balance impact is minor except at the annual period. This is true of global (atmosphereā€‰+ā€‰landā€‰+ā€‰ocean) polar motion excitations as well, although the SAL impacts are smaller. When estimating length-of-day excitations, mass balance effects have a dominant impact, particularly for oceanic excitation. Although SAL can have a significant impact on estimated Earth rotation excitations, its consideration generally did not improve comparisons with geodetic observations. This result may change in the future as surface mass models and Earth rotation observations improve

    Global General Circulation of the Ocean Estimated by the ECCO-Consortium

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    Following on the heels of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment, the Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) consortium has been directed at making the best possible estimates of ocean circulation and its role in climate. ECCO is combining state-of-the-art ocean general circulation models with the nearly complete global ocean data sets for 1992 to present. Solutions are now available that adequately fit almost all types of ocean observations and that are, simultaneously, consistent with the model. These solutions are being applied to understanding ocean variability, biological cycles, coastal physics, geodesy, and many other areas.National Oceanographic Partnership Program (U.S.)United States. National Aeronautics and Space AdministrationNational Science Foundation (U.S.)United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNational Center for Atmospheric Research (U.S.)San Diego Supercomputer CenterGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (U.S.)Jet Propulsion Laboratory (U.S.)

    Towards Comprehensive Observing and Modeling Systems for Monitoring and Predicting Regional to Coastal Sea Level

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    A major challenge for managing impacts and implementing effective mitigation and adaptation strategies for coastal zones affected by future sea level (SL) rise is our very limited capacity to predict SL change on coastal scales, over various timescales. Predicting coastal SL requires the ability to monitor and simulate a multitude of physical processes affecting SL, from local effects of wind waves and river runoff to remote influences of the large-scale ocean circulation on the coast. Here we assess our current understanding of the causes of coastal SL variability on seasonal to multi-decadal timescales, including geodetic, oceanographic and atmospheric aspects of the problem, and review available observing systems informing on coastal SL. We also review the ability of current models and data assimilation systems to estimate coastal SL variations and of atmosphere-ocean global coupled models and related regional downscaling efforts to project future SL changes. We discuss (1) key observational gaps and uncertainties, and priorities for the development of an optimal and integrated coastal SL observing system, (2) strategies for advancing model capabilities in forecasting short-term processes and projecting long-term changes affecting coastal SL, and (3) possible future developments of sea level services enabling better connection of scientists and user communities and facilitating assessment and decision making for adaptation to future coastal SL change

    ECCO Version 4 Release 3

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    This note provides a brief synopsis of ECCO Version 4 Release 3.This note provides a brief synopsis of ECCO Version 4 Release 3, an updated edition to the global ocean state estimate described by Forget et al. (2015b, 2016), covering the period 1992-2015.JPL/Caltech and NASA Physical Oceanograph

    Low-frequency dynamic ocean response to barometric-pressure loading

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Meteorological Society, 2022. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 52(11), (2022): 2627-2641, https://doi.org/10.1175/jpo-d-22-0090.1.Changes in dynamic manometric sea level Ī¶m represent mass-related sea level changes associated with ocean circulation and climate. We use twin model experiments to quantify magnitudes and spatiotemporal scales of Ī¶m variability caused by barometric pressure pa loading at long periods (ā‰³1 month) and large scales (ā‰³300km) relevant to Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) ocean data. Loading by pa drives basin-scale monthly Ī¶m variability with magnitudes as large as a few centimeters. Largest Ī¶m signals occur over abyssal plains, on the shelf, and in marginal seas. Correlation patterns of modeled Ī¶m are determined by continental coasts and H/f contours (H is ocean depth and f is Coriolis parameter). On average, Ī¶m signals forced by pa represent departures of ā‰²10% and ā‰²1% from the inverted-barometer effect Ī¶ib on monthly and annual periods, respectively. Basic magnitudes, spatial patterns, and spectral behaviors of Ī¶m from the model are consistent with scaling arguments from barotropic potential vorticity conservation. We also compare Ī¶m from the model driven by pa to Ī¶m from GRACE observations. Modeled and observed Ī¶m are significantly correlated across parts of the tropical and extratropical oceans, on shelf and slope regions, and in marginal seas. Ratios of modeled to observed Ī¶m magnitudes are as large as āˆ¼0.2 (largest in the Arctic Ocean) and qualitatively agree with analytical theory for the gain of the transfer function between Ī¶m forced by pa and wind stress. Results demonstrate that pa loading is a secondary but nevertheless important contributor to monthly mass variability from GRACE over the ocean.The authors acknowledge support from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration through the GRACE Follow-On Science Team (Grant 80NSSC20K0728) and the Sea Level Change Team (Grant 80NSSC20K1241). The contribution from I. F. and O. W. represents research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant 80NM0018D0004)

    How is New England coastal sea level related to the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation at 26 degrees N?

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    Author Posting. Ā© American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters, 46(10), (2019): 5351-5360, doi: 10.1029/2019GL083073.Monthly observations are used to study the relationship between the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) at 26Ā° N and sea level (Ī¶) on the New England coast (northeastern United States) over nonseasonal timescales during 2004ā€“2017. Variability in Ī¶ is anticorrelated with AMOC on intraseasonal and interannual timescales. This anticorrelation reflects the stronger underlying antiphase relationship between ageostrophic Ekmanā€related AMOC transports due to local zonal winds across 26Ā° N and Ī¶ changes arising from local wind and pressure forcing along the coast. These distinct local atmospheric variations across 26Ā° N and along coastal New England are temporally correlated with one another on account of largeā€scale atmospheric teleconnection patterns. Geostrophic AMOC contributions from the Gulf Stream through the Florida Straits and upperā€midā€ocean transport across the basin are together uncorrelated with Ī¶. This interpretation contrasts with past studies that understood Ī¶ and AMOC as being in geostrophic balance with one another.This work was supported by NSF awards OCEā€1558966, OCEā€1834739, and OCEā€1805029; NASA contract NNH16CT01C; and the J. Lamar Worzel Assistant Scientist Fund and the Penzance Endowed Fund in Support of Assistant Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Helpful comments from Magdalena Andres and two anonymous reviewers are acknowledged. Tideā€gauge sea level data were provided by the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (www.psmsl.org). Observations of the overturning circulation were taken from the RAPID data download page (www.rapid.ac.uk/data.php). Time series of the North Atlantic Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation were downloaded from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Sciences Division website (www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/). Reanalysis wind stress and air pressure fields were provided by the Community Storage Server at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (http://cmip5.whoi.edu/).2019-11-0

    Timescales and regions of the sensitivity of Atlantic meridional volume and heat transport: Toward observing system design

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    A dual (adjoint) model is used to explore elements of the oceanic state influencing the meridional volume and heat transports (MVT and MHT) in the sub-tropical North Atlantic so as to understand their variability and to provide the elements of useful observational program design. Focus is on the effect of temperature (and salinity) perturbations. On short timescales (months), as expected, the greatest sensitivities are to local disturbances, but as the timescales extend back to a decade and longer, the region of influence expands to occupy much of the Atlantic basin and significant areas of the global ocean, although the influence of any specific point or small area tends to be quite weak. The propagation of information in the dual solution is a clear manifestation of oceanic teleconnections. It takes place through identifiable ā€œdualā€ Kelvin, Rossby, and continental shelf-waves with an interpretable physics, in particular in terms of dual expressions of barotropic and baroclinic adjustment processes. Among the notable features are the relatively fast timescales of influence (albeit weak in amplitude) between 26Ā°N and the tropical Pacific and Indian Ocean, the absence of dominance of the sub-polar North Atlantic, significant connections to the Agulhas leakage region in the southeast Atlantic on timescales of 5ā€“10 years, and the marked sensitivity propagation of Doppler-shifted Rossby waves in the Southern Ocean on timescales of a decade and beyond. Regional, as well as time-dependent, differences between MVT and MHT sensitivities highlight the lack of a simple correspondence between their variability. Some implications for observing systems for the purpose of climate science are discussed.National Oceanographic Partnership Program (U.S.) (ā€˜ā€˜Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Oceanā€™ā€™ (ECCO) and the ā€˜ā€˜Atlantic MOC Observing System Studies Using Adjoint Modelsā€™ā€™ projects)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Collaboration in Mathematics and Geoscience (CMG) project ā€˜ā€˜Uncertainty Quanti- fication in Geophysical State Estimationā€™ā€™

    Dynamic adjustment of the ocean circulation to self-attraction and loading effects

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    The oceanic response to surface loading, such as that related to atmospheric pressure, freshwater exchange, and changes in the gravity field, is essential to our understanding of sea level variability. In particular, so-called self-attraction and loading (SAL) effects caused by the redistribution of mass within the landā€“atmosphereā€“ocean system can have a measurable impact on sea level. In this study, the nature of SAL-induced variability in sea level is examined in terms of its equilibrium (static) and nonequilibrium (dynamic) components, using a general circulation model that implicitly includes the physics of SAL. The additional SAL forcing is derived by decomposing ocean mass anomalies into spherical harmonics and then applying Love numbers to infer associated crustal displacements and gravitational shifts. This implementation of SAL physics incurs only a relatively small computational cost. Effects of SAL on sea level amount to about 10% of the applied surface loading on average but depend strongly on location. The dynamic component exhibits large-scale basinwide patterns, with considerable contributions from subweekly time scales. Departures from equilibrium decrease toward longer time scales but are not totally negligible in many places. Ocean modeling studies should benefit from using a dynamical implementation of SAL as used here

    Local and remote forcing of interannual seaā€level variability at Nantucket Island

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    Ā© The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Wang, O., Lee, T., Piecuch, C., Fukumori, I., Fenty, I., Frederikse, T., Menemenlis, D., Ponte, R., & Zhang, H. Local and remote forcing of interannual seaā€level variability at Nantucket Island. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 127(6), (2022): e2021JC018275, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021jc018275.The relative contributions of local and remote wind stress and air-sea buoyancy forcing to sea-level variations along the East Coast of the United States are not well quantified, hindering the understanding of sea-level predictability there. Here, we use an adjoint sensitivity analysis together with an Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean (ECCO) ocean state estimate to establish the causality of interannual variations in Nantucket dynamic sea level. Wind forcing explains 67% of the Nantucket interannual sea-level variance, while wind and buoyancy forcing together explain 97% of the variance. Wind stress contribution is near-local, primarily from the New England shelf northeast of Nantucket. We disprove a previous hypothesis about Labrador Sea wind stress being an important driver of Nantucket sea-level variations. Buoyancy forcing, as important as wind stress in some years, includes local contributions as well as remote contributions from the subpolar North Atlantic that influence Nantucket sea level a few years later. Our rigorous adjoint-based analysis corroborates previous correlation-based studies indicating that sea-level variations in the subpolar gyre and along the United States northeast coast can both be influenced by subpolar buoyancy forcing. Forward perturbation experiments further indicate remote buoyancy forcing affects Nantucket sea level mostly through slow advective processes, although coastally trapped waves can cause rapid Nantucket sea level response within a few weeks.This research was carried out in part at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). CGP was supported by NASA Sea Level Change Team awards 80NSSC20K1241 and 80NM0018D0004
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