90 research outputs found

    A many-body perturbation theory approach to the electron-phonon interaction with density-functional theory as a starting point

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    The electron-phonon interaction plays a crucial role in many fields of physics and chemistry. Nevertheless, its actual calculation by means of modern many-body perturbation theory is weakened by the use of model Hamiltonians that are based on parameters difficult to extract from the experiments. Such shortcoming can be bypassed by using density-functional theory to evaluate the electron-phonon scattering amplitudes, phonon frequencies and electronic bare energies. In this work, we discuss how a consistent many-body diagrammatic expansion can be constructed on top of density-functional theory. In that context, the role played by screening and self-consistency when all the components of the electron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions are taken into account is paramount. A way to avoid over-screening is notably presented. Finally, we derive cancellations rules as well as internal consistency constraints in order to draw a clear, sound and practical scheme to merge many-body perturbation and density-functional theory.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure

    Structural, electronic, elastic, power and transport properties of β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3 from first-principles

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    We investigate the structural, electronic, vibrational, power and transport properties of the β\beta allotrope of Ga2_2O3_3 from first-principles. We find phonon frequencies and elastic constants that reproduce the correct band ordering, in agreement with experiment. We use the Boltzmann transport equation to compute the intrinsic electron and hole drift mobility and obtain a room temperature values of 258 cm2^2/Vs and 1.2 cm2^2/Vs, respectively as well as 6300 cm2^2/Vs and 13 cm2^2/Vs at 100 K. Through a spectral decomposition of the scattering contribution to the inverse mobility, we find that multiple longitudinal optical modes of Bu_u symmetry are responsible for the electron mobility of β\beta- Ga2_2O3_3 but that many acoustic modes also contributes, making it essential to include all scattering processes in the calculations. Using the von Hippel low energy criterion we computed the breakdown field to be 5.8 MV/cm at room temperature yielding a Baliga's figure of merit of 1250 with respect to silicon, ideal for high-power electronics. This work presents a general framework to predictively investigate novel high-power electronic materials.Comment: With respect to the published version, this version includes the correct citation to F. Macheda and N. Bonini, Phys. Rev. B 98, 201201 (2018) - Ref. [64

    First-principles study of Ce3+^{3+} doped lanthanum silicate nitride phosphors: Neutral excitation, Stokes shift, and luminescent center identification

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    We study from first principles two lanthanum silicate nitride compounds, LaSi3_{3}N5_{5} and La3_{3}Si6_{6}N11_{11}, pristine as well as doped with Ce3+^{3+} ion, in view of explaining their different emission color, and characterising the luminescent center. The electronic structures of the two undoped hosts are similar, and do not give a hint to quantitatively describe such difference. The 4f5d4f\rightarrow 5d neutral excitation of the Ce3+^{3+} ions is simulated through a constrained density-functional theory method coupled with a Δ{\Delta}SCF analysis of total energies, yielding absorption energies. Afterwards, atomic positions in the excited state are relaxed, yielding the emission energies and Stokes shifts. Based on these results, the luminescent centers in LaSi3_{3}N5_{5}:Ce and La3_{3}Si6_{6}N11_{11}:Ce are identified. The agreement with the experimental data for the computed quantities is quite reasonable and explains the different color of the emitted light. Also, the Stokes shifts are obtained within 20\% difference relative to experimental data.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    First-principles Study of the Luminescence of Eu2+-doped Phosphors

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    The luminescence of fifteen representative Eu2+^{2+}-doped phosphors used for white-LED and scintillation applications is studied through a Constrained Density Functional Theory. Transition energies and Stokes shift are deduced from differences of total energies between the ground and excited states of the systems, in the absorption and emission geometries. The general applicability of such methodology is first assessed: for this representative set, the calculated absolute error with respect to experiment on absorption and emission energies is within 0.3 eV. This set of compounds covers a wide range of transition energies that extents from 1.7 to 3.5 eV. The information gained from the relaxed geometries and total energies is further used to evaluate the thermal barrier for the 4f5d4f-5d crossover, the full width at half-maximum of the emission spectrum and the temperature shift of the emission peak, using a one-dimensional configuration-coordinate model. The former results indicate that the 4f5d4f-5d crossover cannot be the dominant mechanism for the thermal quenching behavior of Eu2+^{2+}-doped phosphors and the latter results are compared to available experimental data and yield a 30%\% mean absolute relative error. Finally, a semi-empirical model used previously for Ce3+^{3+}-doped hosts is adapted to Eu2+^{2+}-doped hosts and gives the absorption and emission energies within 0.9 eV of experiment, underperforming compared to the first-principles calculation.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, (Phys. Rev. B 2017 Accept

    Assessment of First-Principles and Semiempirical Methodologies for Absorption and Emission Energies of Ce3+^{3+}-Doped Luminescent Materials

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    In search of a reliable methodology for the prediction of light absorption and emission of Ce3+^{3+}-doped luminescent materials, 13 representative materials are studied with first-principles and semiempirical approaches. In the first-principles approach, that combines constrained density-functional theory and Δ\DeltaSCF, the atomic positions are obtained for both ground and excited states of the Ce3+^{3+} ion. The structural information is fed into Dorenbos' semiempirical model. Absorption and emission energies are calculated with both methods and compared with experiment. The first-principles approach matches experiment within 0.3 eV, with two exceptions at 0.5 eV. In contrast, the semiempirical approach does not perform as well (usually more than 0.5 eV error). The general applicability of the present first-principles scheme, with an encouraging predictive power, opens a novel avenue for crystal site engineering and high-throughput search for new phosphors and scintillators.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Hole mobility of strained GaN from first principles

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    Nitride semiconductors are ubiquitous in optoelectronic devices such as LEDs and Blu-Ray optical disks. A major limitation for further adoption of GaN in power electronics is its low hole mobility. In order to address this challenge, here we investigate the phonon-limited mobility of wurtzite GaN using the ab initio Boltzmann transport formalism, including all electron-phonon scattering processes, spin-orbit coupling, and many-body quasiparticle band structures. We demonstrate that the mobility is dominated by acoustic deformation-potential scattering, and we predict that the hole mobility can significantly be increased by lifting the split-off hole states above the light and heavy holes. This can be achieved by reversing the sign of the crystal-field splitting via strain or via coherent excitation the A1_1 optical phonon through ultrafast infrared optical pulses.Comment: 17 pages and 11 figure

    Route to high hole mobility in GaN via reversal of crystal-field splitting

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    A fundamental obstacle toward the realization of GaN p-channel transistors is its low hole mobility. Here we investigate the intrinsic phonon-limited mobility of electrons and holes in wurtzite GaN using the ab initio Boltzmann transport formalism, including all electron-phonon scattering processes and many-body quasiparticle band structures. We predict that the hole mobility can be increased by reversing the sign of the crystal-field splitting, in such a way as to lift the split-off hole states above the light and heavy holes. We find that a 2% biaxial tensile strain can increase the hole mobility by 230%, up to a theoretical Hall mobility of 120 cm2^2/Vs at room temperature and 620 cm2^2/Vs at 100 K.Comment: Submitted to PRL on 3 Nov 2018. Update to cross-reference with arXiv:1908.0207

    Carrier Lifetimes and Polaronic Mass Enhancement in the Hybrid Halide Perovskite CH3_3NH3_3PbI3_3 from Multiphonon Fr\"ohlich Coupling

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    We elucidate the nature of the electron-phonon interaction in the archetypal hybrid perovskite CH3_3NH3_3PbI3_3 using ab initio many-body calculations and an exactly solvable model. We demonstrate that electrons and holes near the band edges primarily interact with three distinct groups of longitudinal-optical vibrations, in order of importance: the stretching of the Pb-I bond, the bending of the Pb-I-Pb bonds, and the libration of the organic cations. These polar phonons induce ultrafast intraband carrier relaxation over timescales of 6-30 fs and yield polaron effective masses 28% heavier than the bare band masses. These findings allow us to rationalize previous experimental observations and provide a key to understanding carrier dynamics in halide perovskites

    General invariance and equilibrium conditions for lattice dynamics in 1D, 2D, and 3D materials

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    The long-wavelength behavior of vibrational modes plays a central role in carrier transport, phonon-assisted optical properties, superconductivity, and thermomechanical and thermoelectric properties of materials. Here, we present general invariance and equilibrium conditions of the lattice potential; these allow to recover the quadratic dispersions of flexural phonons in low-dimensional materials, in agreement with the phenomenological model for long-wavelength bending modes. We also prove that for any low-dimensional material the bending modes can have a purely out-of-plane polarization in the vacuum direction and a quadratic dispersion in the long-wavelength limit. In addition, we propose an effective approach to treat invariance conditions in crystals with non-vanishing Born effective charges where the long-range dipole-dipole interactions induce a contribution to the lattice potential and stress tensor. Our approach is successfully applied to the phonon dispersions of 158 two-dimensional materials, highlighting its critical relevance in the study of phonon-mediated properties of low-dimensional materials.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures for main text, 52 pages with supplementary informatio

    Dynamical and anharmonic effects on the electron-phonon coupling and the zero-point renormalization of the electronic structure

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    The renormalization of the band structure at zero temperature due to electron-phonon coupling is investigated in diamond, BN, LiF and MgO crystals. We implement a dynamical scheme to compute the frequency-dependent self-energy and the resulting quasiparticle electronic structure. Our calculations reveal the presence of a satellite band below the Fermi level of LiF and MgO. We show that the renormalization factor (Z), which is neglected in the adiabatic approximation, can reduce the zero-point renormalization (ZPR) by as much as 40%. Anharmonic effects in the renormalized eigenvalues at finite atomic displacements are explored with the frozen-phonon method. We use a non-perturbative expression for the ZPR, going beyond the Allen-Heine-Cardona theory. Our results indicate that high-order electron-phonon coupling terms contribute significantly to the zero-point renormalization for certain materials