26 research outputs found
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Hypervelocity Impact Experiments in Iron‐Nickel Ingots and Iron Meteorites: Implications for the NASA Psyche Mission
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Psyche mission will visit the 226-km diameter main belt asteroid (16) Psyche, our first opportunity to visit a metal-rich object at close range. The unique and poorly understood nature of Psyche offers a challenge to the mission as we have little understanding of the surface morphology and composition. It is commonly accepted that the main evolutionary process for asteroid surfaces is impact cratering. While a considerable body of literature is available on collisions on rocky/icy objects, less work is available for metallic targets with compositions relevant to Psyche. Here we present a suite of impact experiments performed at the NASA Ames Vertical Gun Range facility on several types of iron meteorites and foundry-cast ingots that have similar Fe-Ni compositions as the iron meteorites. Our experiments were designed to better understand crater formation (e.g., size, depth), over a range of impact conditions, including target temperature and composition. We find that the target strength, as inferred from crater sizes, ranges from 700 to 1,300 MPa. Target temperature has measurable effects on strength, with cooled targets typically 10-20% stronger. Crater morphologies are characterized by sharp, raised rims and deep cavities. Further, we derive broad implications for Psyche's collisional evolution, in light of available low resolution shape models. We find that the number of large craters (>50 km) is particularly diagnostic for the overall bulk strength of Psyche. If confirmed, the number of putative large craters may indicate that Psyche's bulk strength is significantly reduced compared to that of intact iron meteorites. Plain Language Summary Many iron meteorites are thought to be remnants of the cores of melted asteroids. Some cores may have been exposed by collisions during the earliest days of Solar System history, with a few survivors possibly found today in the main asteroid belt. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Psyche mission will be the first spacecraft to visit asteroid (16) Psyche, an object thought to be representative of these metallic asteroids. Impacts onto (16) Psyche in the past may therefore be able to tell us about the history and nature of this body. To this end, we performed high-speed impact experiments into metallic targets in order to understand how crater formation differs from rocky bodies. These experiments revealed that impact craters into metal targets are deeper and have sharper rims than on their rocky counterparts. These results will be crucial for interpreting both the bulk properties of Psyche's interior and the modification of Psyche's surface when the Psyche mission reaches its target.6 month embargo; first published online 24 October 2019This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]
Exploring the smallest terrestrial planet: Dawn at Vesta
The Dawn mission is designed to map Vesta and
Ceres from polar orbit for close to one year each. The
ion-propelled Dawn spacecraft is illustrated in Figure
1. Dawn carries a framing camera with clear and
color filters, a visible and infrared mapping
spectrometer, a gamma ray and neutron spectrometer,
and obtains radiometric data on the gravity field. The
camera obtains stereo imagery from which a global
shape and topography model are derived. The
mapping spectrometer determines the mineral
composition of the surface and the gamma and
neutron spectrometer determines the elemental
composition. As Dawn approaches Vesta, as
illustrated in Figure 2, it measures the rotational
characteristics of the body to determine the
orientation of the rotation axis. This in turn
determines when solar illumination reaches the north
pole and when mapping can be completed. As shown
in Figure 3, there are three science orbits: Survey at a
radial distance of 3000 km and a period of 69 hr;
high-altitude mapping at a radial distance of 950 km
and a period of 12.3 hr; and low-altitude mapping at
a radius of 465 km and a period of 4 hours. Vesta is
the ultimate source of the HED meteorites from
which much has been learned about their parent body.
By the time of this presentation we will have
surveyed the region around Vesta for moons,
determined a much more accurate mass and rotation
axis for Vesta, and have preliminary information on
surface features and composition from the survey