3 research outputs found

    Techniki informatyczne w ocenie zanieczyszczeń w surowcach spożywczych®

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    The grain and milling industry deals with the grinding of grain into flour and groats. These processes take place in mills. During the technological process of producing flour and groats, contamination may occur, which reduces the quality of end products. Before the product is introduced into the consumption cycle, the flours and groats are subjected to laboratory analysis, including in terms of product purity. This analysis is based on the organoleptic determination of the amount of contamination in flour and grain products using the sense of sight. The article presents innovative techniques for assessing the quality of the pollution level using image analysis and artificial neural networks (ANNs). Wheat flour was used for laboratory tests.Przemysł zbożowo-młynarski zajmuje się przemiałem zboża na mąkę i kasze. Procesy te odbywają się w młynach. W czasie procesu technologicznego produkcji mąki oraz kasz, może dojść do zanieczyszczeń, co powoduje obniżenie jakości produktów końcowych. Przed wprowadzeniem produktu do obiegu konsumpcyjnego, mąki i kasze poddawane są analizie laboratoryjnej, między innymi pod względem czystości produktu. Analiza ta polega na organoleptycznym określeniu za pomocą zmysłu wzroku ilości zanieczyszczeń w mące i przetworach zbożowych. W artykule przedstawiono innowacyjne techniki oceny jakości poziomu zanieczyszczeń wykorzystujące analizę obrazu oraz sztuczne sieci neuronowe (SSN). Do badań laboratoryjnych wykorzystano mąkę pszenną

    Żywność wzbogacana w suplementy diety®

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    The article deals with the subject of fortified foods and dietary supplements. Methods of food enrichment, their forms and doses, examples of fortification and its effects on health were discussed. Then, the subject of dietary supplements was introduced, their basic chemical composition, health risks resulting from inept use of supplementation were presented, and a criterion for the division of dietary supplements was created. Dietary supplements can be divided according to their composition and chemical structure, function and form. An example of a dietary supplement was a drink with green tea extract based on nano-water, which was created in lowtemperature plasma.W artykule zajęto się tematem żywności wzbogacanej oraz suplementów diety. Omówiono metody wzbogacania żywności, ich formy oraz dawki, przykłady fortyfikacji i jej skutki dla zdrowia. Następnie przybliżono temat suplementów diety, przedstawiono ich podstawowy skład chemiczny, zagrożenia zdrowotne będące następstwem nieumiejętnego korzystania z suplementacji oraz stworzono kryterium podziału suplementów diety. Suplementy diety można podzielić ze względu na skład oraz budowę chemiczną, spełnianą funkcję oraz formę. Za przykład suplementu diety posłużył napój z ekstraktem z zielonej herbaty na bazie nanowody, która powstała w niskotemperaturowej plaźmie

    Wind Tunnel Experiments on an Aircraft Model Fabricated Using a 3D Printing Technique

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    Experimental tests regarding the M-346 aircraft model made via 3D printing were carried out in order to obtain numerical data and characteristics in the form of graphs of basic aerodynamic forces and coefficients. The tests were carried out for the left side of the airframe model in a clean configuration, without additional suspension equipment; the flight control surfaces and the aerodynamic brake were in neutral positions. Based on the scan of the base model in 1:48 scale using a Nikon Model Maker MMDx laser scanning head, followed by the generation and optimization of some of the airframe elements in SolidWorks software, a test model ready for printing was prepared. Using the MakerBot Print program, the printing parameters were set, and the process itself was completed using a MakerBot Replicator Z18 3D printer. The next step was manual treatment in order to remove the material excess from the melted thermoplastic material, join the elements and appropriately polish the surface of the tested model in order to obtain the desired quality. The test was carried out using a Gunt HM 170 wind tunnel for fixed airflow velocities at variable angles of attack. On this basis, the numerical values of lift force, Pz, and drag force, Px, were obtained; then, the lift force indices, Cz, and drag force indices, Cx, were computed for the steady states, which were for angle α from −12 to 16°. The use of 3D printing contributed to the generation of geometry, which, for research purposes, was scaled down in order to fully use the available measurement space of the wind tunnel. The final stage of the work was to compare the obtained curves of particular characteristics with the literature data