4 research outputs found

    The behaviour of some mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes exploited in mixed regime under Center of Moldova conditions

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    For the establishment of temporary meadows it is envisaged choosing the most suitable species of perennial grasses and legumes, with high adaptability to the use procedure planned for the cultivated area. In most temporary meadows changes occur in the floristic composition of the vegetation cover, determined by the use procedure, the aggression of the species from the mixtures and the climatic conditions evolution. The studies have followed the evolution of the vegetation cover under the influence of mineral fertilization and the used mixture. The researches were conducted during 2013 - 2014, in the Agricultural Research – Development Station Secuieni, Neamt county, where it was followed the influence of four doses of nitrogen on a phosphorus agri fund at an experience formed of three mixtures of perennial grasses and legumes used in mixed regime. The obtained results showed that the use period of the studied mixtures was of 168 days, and the grasses were prevailing in the vegetation cover at each harvest, with a participation percentage that manifested a slightly decreasing trend. The highest yield, of 13.04 t/ha d.s., was recorded at the mixture formed from Dactylis glomerata 60% + Lolium perenne 25% + Lotus corniculatus 15%, fertilized with N80P40, and the lowest one, of 6.08 t/ha d.s., was obtained in the same mixture, in the unfertilized variant, which highlights the need of fertilization of the temporary meadows for production intensification

    Research on the evolution of Amathes c-nigrum L. species (Ord. Lepidoptera, Fam. Noctuidae) under Central of Moldavia conditions

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    The larvae of the Amathes c-nigrum L. species are polyphagous pests which attack plants from spontaneous flora, most crop plants, beets, grain legumes, forage legumes, flax, tobacco, potato, medicinal plants, ornamentals plants, vines. Especially after the winter, the mature larvae, produce significant damage in spring, when they attack all the green parts of the plants. In most cases, the larvae of the the Amathes c- nigrum L. species cause damage along with similar larvae of other Noctuidae species. Adult collection with a light trap, observations and measurements made during 1993 – 2012, showed that Amathes c- nigrum L. species was present in the study area, each year, the number of specimens collected ranged from 4 specimens (2002) to 201 specimens (2006), the average collections for the 20 years of observations was of 74,1 specimens. The emergence of the first adults was recorded in the first decade of May, the insect flight continued without interruption until the end of September. During this time were identified two flight curves, first made by the adults of the hibernating generation, which recorded a flight peak in the first decade of June. The second flight curve was made by the adults of the summer generation (the insect first annual generation) and reached the top flight in the second decade of August. The observations and measurements have shown that under the Central Moldova conditions, the insect presented two generations per year, the hibernation occurs in mature larvae stage in the deeper layers of soil

    The contribution of agricultural research and development station Secuieni, Neamţ county, Romania, to the supply of soybean seed

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    In the 2008-2012 period, in the Seed production laboratory from Agricultural Research and Development Station (A.R.D.S.) Secuieni, Neamţ county, Romania, were cultivated three varieties of soybean, Granat, Eugen and Onix, created at A.R.D.S. Turda, Cluj county. These varieties were well adapted to the climatic conditions of A.R.D.S. Secuieni, obtaining yields of up to 3000 kg/ha. During 2008- 2012, the following amounts of seeds were produced: PB1(pre-basic seed 1): 11000 kg in 2008, 8700 kg in 2009, 6500 kg in 2010, 5600 kg in 2011 and 3800 kg in 2012; PB2 (pre-basic seed 2): 45900 kg in 2008, 39000 kg in 2009, 67000 kg in 2010, 32000 kg in 2011 and 27000 kg in 2012. The amount of seed from the biological category PB2 ensure, annual, the required for sowing 300- 700 ha of basic biological category, which is delivered to farmers for the sowing of about 5000-12000 ha. Both in the field of seed production as well as in the ecological testing field (comparative cultures of contest) Onix variety presented the greatest adaptability to the pedoclimatic conditions from the Central Moldavian Plateau, achieving the highest yields

    Partial results on the influence of fertilization on grain production of Sorghum bicolor L., in the climatic conditions of Central Moldavia

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    Sorghum is the species that has the same uses varied as the corn. Hundreds of millions of people in Africa, China and India consume sorghum bread. Also used as the feed for poultry and focused mainly raw material for spirits and beer. Climate evolution for heating and aridity of Romania, forcing a reconsideration of sorghum as: food grains, fodder plants and Technical plant. Improvement of technological sequences cultivation of sorghum, is a thing of great importance to our country the purpose of obtaining high yields, to ensure the necessary human food, animal feed raw material in the production of bioethanol - considered a fuel of the future. For this purpose, in the specific conditions of ARDS Secuieni (Center of Moldova) has placed a bifactorial experience in which followed the influence of the fertilization on grain production at Sorghum bicolor L. The biological material used were the hybrids F32, Armida, Alize, Quebec and KSH2G06. The results showed that the applied mineral fertilization has positively influenced sorghum crop production. Variation of the production obtained at sorghum hybrid varied depending on the dose of mineral fertilizers applied (N0P0, N40P40, N80P80, N120P120) and ranged from 2910 kg / ha (KSH 2G06 - unfertilized) of the 10279 kg / ha (Armida - N120P120 ). At the interaction genotype x fertilizer, the highest level of production was recorded in variants fertilized with N120P120 dose variation yields being from 7043 kg / ha (KSH 2G06) of the 10279 kg / ha (Armida)