40 research outputs found


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    Objective: Study physicochemical properties and activity of biotechnological drugs coating lactose particles in fluidized beds for the development of a prospective approach of their identification. Methods: Lactose monohydrate as pharmaceutical excipient; affinity-purified polyclonal rabbit antibodies to recombinant human interferon-gamma as a drug substance; Pilotlab fluid bed apparatus was used for lactose powder saturation with solutions of pharmaceutical substances to the point of granulation (pelletizing); inverse light scattering method (2D-LS) for analysis of micron vibrations frequency spectra of samples surfaces for light intensity distribution in time by values of d1, d2, d3 primary descriptors; low angel and dynamic laser light scattering (LALLS, DLS) methods for distribution of lactose-water (LW) supramolecular complexes into volume fractions (micron "size spectra"), using the Master Sizer 2000 instrument and Zeta Sizer Nano ZS instrument in the nanoscale; Spirotox method for research of biological activity to determine the activation energy (Ea) values of cell death in solutions of tested samples. Results: Changes in 2D-LS scattering time on sample surfaces, described by topological descriptors, made it possible to clearly differentiate the intact lactose from fluidized samples by specific corridors in coordinates di=F(t). The calculated activation energy (Ea) values of cell biosensor death process in solutions of drugs coating lactose allow to characterize the biological activity of it in the initial (by Ea increase) and activated state (by Ea decrease) after the creation of intra-laboratory transmucosal conditions. A unique dimensional spectrum of LW complexes in the nanoscale range was obtained by DLS. The differences between samples in the distribution of LW complexes in the size range from 1 µm to 125 µm was showed by LALLS. Conclusion: The developed approach, including Сhemometrics, laser and biotesting methods can be used for qualitative the analysis tasks as well as for analytical control of the fluidization process in cases where identifiable pharmaceutical substances are not distinguishable by traditional analytical methods


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    Objective: To evaluate the biological activity of chemical peeling substances based on enzymatic and Arrhenius kinetics using Spirostomum ambiguum as an alternative approach to animal experiments. Methods: The Spirotox method was used to analyze the mechanism of «xenobiotic-cell» interaction, similar to the Michaelis-Menten enzymatic kinetics. The Hill-Langmuir equation was used to determine the degree of cooperativity in the binding of xenobiotics to cellular receptors. Using the Arrhenius kinetics, the observed activation energy obsEa of cell death in the model solutions of glycolic and carbolic acids was determed, which will allow predicting the toxicity parameters of any peeling substances. Results: The relationship Spirostomum ambiguum lifetime tL-lgC concentration of peeling compound solution made it possible to characterize the moment of cellular transition from the intermediate state C•Ln to the dead state DC, characterized by irreversible structural and functional changes in the cell/death. The values were 5.3 mmol•l-1 for glycolic acid solutions and 2.8 mmol•l-1 for carbolic acid solutions. Equilibrium constants Keq of complexation, the rate of infusoria death fm, and the degree of ligand cooperativity n were calculated. The activation energy °bsEa of cell death was determined in Arrhenius coordinates, which were 210±0.39 kJ·mol-1 and 108±0.09 kJ·mol-1 for glycolic and carbolic acids respectively. The correlation between the values ​​of activation energy and DL50 of mammals (rats) was discovered. Conclusion: The obtained kinetic parameters made it possible, without animals and humans testing, to characterize the mechanisms of interaction of peeling substances with the living cell


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    Objective: Development of a methodology for measuring the deuterium content in water for pharmaceutical purposes by laser light scattering based on ideas about the cluster structure of water. Methods: Samples of industrially manufactured drinking water from different manufacturers with varying deuterium content from 10 ppm to 115 ppm. For the titration of laboratory samples of deuterium depleted water in increments of 5 ppm the following reagents were used: Water, deuterium-depleted (≤1 ppm (D2O, Aldrich, USA); Deuterium oxide/Heavy water/Water-d2 (99.9 atom % D, Aldrich, USA); water Milli-Q (specific resistance 18.2 µS·sm at 25 оС, ТОС ≤ 5 ppb, Merck Millipore). The determination of deuterium content in samples of industrially manufactured water and water obtained in a laboratory manner was carried out by the method of low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS) at the Mastersizer (Malvern Instruments) analyzer and using a working measuring tool–laser dispersion meter/MDL («Cluster-1», Russia/Ukraine). The statistical methods–packages OriginPro®9. Results: It was found that the content of isotopologies in water leads to physicochemical water’s properties changes and morphology changes of giant heterogeneous clusters (GHC). The results of low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS) in the water samples under investigation showed the dependence of the water GHC "dispersibility" expressed in the differentiation of curves of the volume size distribution ("size spectra"), the volume concentration, w%, the laser obscuration values (I ‒I0) as the function of the water isotopic composition variations. The laser diffraction method results correlate with two-dimensional (2D) multi-descriptor mathematical analysis. Conclusion: When identifying deuterium depleted water, it should be considered not only the indicators that determine its pharmacopoeial quality, but also the D/H ratio, because even small changes in the natural isotopic composition of water lead to significant biological effects. Our proposed approach using laser diffraction in combination with mathematical apparatus of (2D) multi-descriptor laser scattering analysis makes possible the exact calculation of individual signs of deuterium depleted water as the pharmaceutical object of study


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    Objective: To develop a set of quality control procedures for the promising antiviral pharmaceutical substance L-histidyl-1-adamantylethylamine dihydrochloride monohydrate, a derivative of rimantadine. Methods: Substances and solvents: synthesized in laboratory L-histidyl-1-adamantylethylamine dihydrochloride monohydrate (H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O), rimantadine hydrochloride (Rim•HCl), 99%, ethanol 96%, N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF) anhydrous, 99.8% and n-hexane anhydrous, 95%, deionized high-resistance water (18.2 MΩ•cm at 25 °C, Milli-Q system), silver nitrate. Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy–Cary 630 Fourier Transform IR Spectrometer, elemental analysis–elemental composition analyzer CHNS-O EuroEA3000, ultraviolet (UV) spectrometry–Cary-60 spectrophotometer, polarimetry–POL-1/2 polarimeter with an external Peltier module, granulometric analysis by optical microscopy (Altami BIO 2 microscope) and low-angle laser light scattering (LALLS)–Master Sizer 3600, measurement of potential for hydrogen–potentiometer PB-11, Spirotox method–the study of temperature dependences of Spirostomum ambiguum lifetime to characterize the biological activity of the studied compounds. Results: The substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O is an amorphous yellowish powder, slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, freely soluble in N, N-dimethylformamide, and practically insoluble in n-hexane. A study of the elemental composition has confirmed the authenticity of H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O. Comparison of the spectral characteristics of H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O and Rim•HCl by IR spectroscopy and UV spectrometry confirmed the authenticity of the substance. The racemic form of the substance Rim•HCl with an insignificant amount of impurity of the levorotatory enantiomer was proved polarimetrically: α =-0.0126±0.0003 (1% aqueous solution, 20±0.5 °С). The specific optical rotation of 1% aqueous solution H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O . In 1% ethanol solution -10.32±0.12. Using the method of laser light diffraction for a substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O, the dimensional spectra «fraction of particles, %-d, μm» were characterized, the maximum of which in hexane is in the region of 40–50 μm. Arrhenius’s kinetics on the Spirotox model established statistically significant differences in ligand-receptor interactions, which are characterized by values of observed apparent activation energy °bsEa, kJ/mol: 132.36±1.55 for H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O and 176.15±0.48 for Rim•HCl. Conclusion: The developed set of methods for assessment of physical and chemical properties and biological activity of a new antiviral substance H-His-Rim•2HCl•H2O is the basis for establish of regulatory documentation


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    Objective: Investigate the mechanisms of L-ascorbic acid transforтmation and formation of coloured enamines in N, N-dimethyl-formamide solutions. Methods: An automatic polarimeter Atago POL-1/2 was used for polarimetric investigation. Electronic spectra were recorded by UV-spectrometer Cary 60 (Agilent). The statistical analysis was carried out using the OriginPro 9.1 packages. Results: The Biot’s law violation was found in below 0.1% solutions of L-ascorbic acid (AA) in N, N-dimethylformamide (DMF). During the day, the specific rotation   of 1% AA solution varied from+37 to-1.0. Gradually, the solution acquired the red colour, and its intensity depended on the AA concentration. Spectrophotometrically, it was shown that after 15 min AA was absent in the n·10-3% solutions. The decomposition followed the first-order kinetics (k1=1.83·10-2с-1). At the same time, new absorption bands appeared at 273, 390, 533 nm. Model solutions containing dimethylamine (DMA) had a similar spectrum, and the intensity of the absorption bands increased in proportion to the concentration of DMA. Conclusion: The results show that the first step in the decomposition of ascorbic acid AA in DMF follows first-order kinetics. Numerous decomposition products are optically active compounds and reverse the sign of the optical rotation of the solution. The water resulting from the decomposition of AA is involved in the hydrolysis of the solvent. The hydrolysis product, the secondary amine DMA, interacts with the carbonyl groups of the AA decomposition products to form coloured enamines. Magnesium (II) accelerates the formation of coloured products


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    Objective: Methodology development for quality control of optically active pharmaceutical substances based on water isotopologues. Methods: Solutions of L-ascorbic acid, glucose, galactose and valine stereoisomers were prepared using deuterium depleted water (DDW-«light» water, D/H=4 ppm), natural deionized high-ohmic water (BD, D/H=140 ppm), heavy water (99.9% D2O). The optical rotation was observed using an automatic polarimeter Atago POL-1/2. The size distribution of giant heterogeneous clusters (GHC) of water was recorded by low angle laser light scattering (LALLS) method. Results: The infringement of Biot's Law was found for solutions of ascorbic acid, expressed in the absence of a constant value of the specific optical rotation  at a concentration of below 0.1%, depends on the D/H ratio. The inequality was established in absolute values of optical rotation for L-and D-isomers of valine in solutions with different ratios of hydrogen isotopologues. The mutarotation of glucose confirmed the first-order kinetics, and the activation energies were statistically distinguishable for BD and DDW. The mutarotation of the natural galactose D-isomer proceeded with a lower energy consumption compared to the L-isomer. In heavy water, the mutarotation of monosaccharides had different kinetic mechanisms. Polarimetric results correlated with the number and size of GHC, which confirmed the possibility of chiral solvent structures induction by optically active pharmaceutical substances. Conclusion: In the optically active pharmaceutical substances quality control there should be considered the contribution of induced chiral GHC of water to the optical rotation value that depends on the isotopic D/H ratio, the substance nature and the form of its existence at a given pH

    Change in time of spectral characteristics of drug substances (nir region)

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    The changes in NIR spectra of substances resulting from the processes of natural aging were investigated. The method of discriminant analysis was used for statistical evaluation of differences between two groups of spectra - for initial and aged substances. The values obtained for the spectral range of each substance can limit the possible dispersion of the samples arisen during their aging

    Deuterium-depletedwater as adjuvant therapeutic agent for treatment of diet-induced obesity in rats

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    In this study, we present the potential application of deuterium-depleted water (DDW) for the prevention and adjuvant treatment of obesity in rats. We tested the hypothesis that DDW can alleviate diet-induced obesity (DIO) and its associated metabolic impairments. Rats fed a high-fat diet had an increased body weight index (BWI), glucose concentration, and level of certain proinflammatory cytokines; decreased levels of insulin in the serum; decreased tryptophan and serotonin in the brain, and a decreased concentration of some heavy metals in the liver. Drinking DDW at a concentration of 10 ppm deuterium/protium (D/H) ad libitum for 3 weeks restored the BWI, glucose (serum), tryptophan (brain), and serotonin (brain) levels and concentration of Zn in the liver in the DIO animals to those of the controls. The levels of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IFNγ) and anti-inflammatory TNFff were decreased in DIO rats, while anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-4, IL-10) levels remained at the control levels, which is indicative of a pathophysiological syndrome. In contrast, in groups of rats treated with DDW, a significant increase in anti-inflammatory (IL-4, IL-10) and proinflammatory cytokines (IFN) was observed. This finding indicates a reduction in systemic inflammation in obese animals treated with DDW. Similarly, the high-fat diet caused an increased level of oxidative stress products, which was accompanied by decreased activity of both superoxide dismutase and catalase, whereas the administration of DDW decreased the level of oxidative stress and enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities. © 2019 by the author

    Prospects for specific influenza treatment

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    Influenza is an acute respiratory disease caused by the flu virus. The influenza virus is a RNA-containing virus that causes mass epidemics and pandemics. There are currently many ways in which influenza can be specifically prevented and treated. Specific influenza prevention includes vaccination. However, the antigenic variability of the virus reduces the effectiveness of the vaccine. Specific therapy for influenza infection includes several classes of drugs, among them neuraminidase (NA) inhibitors - oseltamivir, zanamivir, and M2-protein inhibitors - amantadine, rimantadine. The widespread use of these drugs and the high variability of the influenza virus lead to a gradual loss of their pharmacological effect. Among the new developments of antiviral drugs, we should mention histidyl-1-adamantyl ethylamine, which is a modification of the molecule of Rimantadine and at the stage of preclinical studies showed sufficient antiviral activity. A representative of another class of drugs - arbidol, hemagglutinin (HA) inhibitor of the influenza virus. According to research data, this drug has high efficacy and safety profiles, but the World Health Organization's recommendation is to continue clinical trials. Clinical trials of new classes of drugs - baloxavir marboxyl and favipiravir - are currently underway. Baloxavir marboxyl is an inhibitor of the cap-dependent endonuclease. Favipiravir is an inhibitor of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Preclinical studies have shown high efficacy of these drugs. The rapid evolution of the influenza virus leads to a gradual decrease in the effectiveness of modern antiviral drugs. In this regard, the improvement and development of antiviral drugs is an urgent task. © Advanced Scientific Research. All rights reserved

    Development of zinc-enriched medicinal and food plants

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    The decrease in the content of heavy isotopes of hydrogen (D) and oxygen (17O, 18O) in water is accompanied by a change in metabolic processes in plant and animal organisms, which is explained by the isotopic kinetic effect. This phenomenon underlies the technology of accumulation of microelements in medicinal and non-medicinal plants used for soft correction of hypoelementoses. The new technology includes isotope management of plant development; new laser methods for end-to-end quality control of aqueous solutions for irrigation and hydroponics of plants; a set of methods for end-to-end control of plant raw material enrichment in a microelement; online control of biotoxicity of plant raw materials and medicines made from them. Thus, in our work, the possibility of the development of metal-modified plants with zinc content of 1.4 mg/g dry basis is shown. © 2020 EManuscript Technologies. All rights reserved