32 research outputs found

    Combinazioni di parole parzialmente riempite. Formati e rappresentazione lessicografica

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    Questo contributo intende analizzare le proprietà di alcune combinazioni di parole della lingua italiana, rappresentate da strutture riempite solo parzialmente da unità lessicali. Attraverso l’analisi di dati estratti da corpora, il contributo si propone di a) identificare e analizzare alcuni formati parzialmente riempiti dell’italiano emersi durante la stesura del dizionario combinatorio CombiNet, b) classificare tali unità sulla base di specifiche proprietà sintattiche o semantiche, c) mostrare una possibile rappresentazione lessicografica di tali formati di parola

    CombiNet. A Corpus-based Online Database of Italian Word Combinations

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    This paper introduces CombiNet dictionary, an on line corpus-based lexicographic tool representing combinatorial properties of Italian lexemes, developed by Roma Tre University, University of Pisa and University of Bologna. The lexicographic layout of CombiNet is designed to include different sets of information, such as i) syntactic configurations and ii) syntactic function of word combinations, iii) degree of lexical variation associated with specific types of multiword units. In fact, CombiNet records word combinations showing different degrees of lexicalizations and paradigmatic variability, which is a novelty in lexicography. This investigation intends to tackle several issues associated with CombiNet, and in particular it aims at a) showing procedures and methods used to create and compile CombiNet's entries, b) describing particular types of combinatorial phenomena emerged from the analysis of corpus-based data, c) illustrating the lexicographic layout that has been elaborated for word combinations representation, d) describing the advanced research tool CombiNet is equipped with, a useful device for lexicographic investigations as well as for lexicological analysis

    Sintagmi Preposizionali come Costruzioni Aggettivali

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    Despite the growing interest of lexicological and lexicographical studies in frozen word combinations, some multiword lexemes are still partially unexplored. This paper focuses on a specific type of multiword lexical units: prepositional phrases functioning as noun modifiers (Multiword Adjectives – e.g. macchina a benzina, medico di turno, uomo in divisa, lavoro su commissione). Multiword Adjectives are extensively used in Italian and remarkably spread across Romance languages. The analysis is based on two main assumptions: i. this kind of lexemes can be analyzed only considering the simultaneous interaction of multiple levels of analysis; ii. the notion of multiword has a scalar nature and has to be modulated along a continuum of frozenness. On the one hand this study aims at showing that these sequences represent a large and very productive class of multiword lexemes, sharing the same functions of adjectives. On the other hand, this paper intends to show the morpho-syntactic, semantic and distributional properties of different classes of Multiword Adjectives, using data extracted from a corpus of written Italian language

    Multiword Modifiers in some Romance languages. Semantic formats and syntactic templates

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    This paper focuses on a specific type of Multiword Expressions, particularly widespread in Italian as well as in other Romance languages: Multiword Modifiers, i.e. prepositional phrases functioning as modifiers of a noun (Multiword Adjectives) and of a verb (Multiword Adverbs). Exploiting both syntactic and semantic analysis, this paper explores the hypothesis that Multiword Modifiers are formed on the basis of regular syntactic templates, which can structure and organize the semantic information associated with words. In this perspective, after a brief presentation of Multiword Lexical Units and the class of Multiword Modifiers, the methodology and the general theoretical framework of this study will be explained. The last section is devoted to the analysis of some semantic relations frequently fulfilled by Multiword Modifiers of Italian, French and Spanish. This investigation aims at demonstrating that all Romance languages considered make a regular use of this kind of analytical resource in adjectival or adverbial function, showing similar patterns and syntactic templates

    Negated Multiword Expressions. Types, properties and degrees of lexicalization

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    This investigation proposes an empirically-based description of a particular type of multiword units which have been observed during the lexicographic design of a database of Italian word combinations (CombiNet dictionary): obligatorily negated multiword expressions. The work here proposed offers a new view on this multiword format, still underestimated within the literature devoted to the topic. On the one hand, the quantitative analysis will reveal different patterns of Italian negated multiwords and their productivity features. On the other hand, the contribution aims at exploring the relation between the “falseness” of negation and the lexicalization degree of negated multiword expressions. Furthermore, the corpus-driven compilation of lexicographic records will put forward interesting reflections on the notion of Multiword Lexical Unit, shedding light to a new word format (Simone 2007)

    Combinazioni di parole parzialmente riempite. Formati e rappresentazione lessicografica

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    The work here proposed is intended as a description of word combinations which are partially filled by lexical units. The analysis of real corpus data, the investigation aims at a) identifying and analysing some Italian partially filled word combination emerged during the development of CombiNet combinatory dictionary, b) classifying partially filled units on the basis of their syntactic and semantic properties, c) showing a specific lexicographical representation of such word formats

    Italian Multiword Adverbs: distributional features and functional properties. A corpus based analysis

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    This research proposes a theoretical and descriptive study of a set of Italian Multiword Adverbs extracted from a corpus; the corpus-based investigation has been driven simultaneously considering the interaction of distributional and functional properties of selected Multiword Adverbs. In particular, the research deals with prepositional phrases covering an adverbial function and showing a particularly high degree of cohesion between their constituents (Multiword Adverbs-PP), such as: di solito 'usually', a occhio e croce 'more or less', per filo e per segno 'chapter and verse'. The quantitative corpus analysis reveals that this analytical resource is particularly exploited in Italian. The investigation aims at achieving two main objectives. Firstly, the computational analysis reveals to which extent the distribution of Multiword Adverbs-PP may vary depending on their functional properties. Thirdly, the corpus-based investigation gives evidence of subcategories, according to the distributional properties as well as to the functional values of sets of Multiword Adverbs-PP

    Coordinated constructional intensifiers. Patterns, function and productivity

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    This investigation proposes a corpus-based description of a particular type of Italian phraseological construction, having a coordinated syntactic structure and playing the role of an intensifier. Through the analysis of data extracted from a corpus of Italian, the contribution aims at i) identifying and analysing different types of coordinated constructional intensifiers, ii) showing a formal representation of their syntactic-semantic schemas, iii) classifying them into different types on the basis of their functional, syntactic and semantic properties. The paper is structured as follows: the first section contains a brief description of the main types of intensifying strategies identified in the literature, deserving a special attention to Italian lexical strategies. The second section is devoted to the description of the general theoretical framework of this contribution, and to the analysis and definition of constructional intensifiers. The third section briefly describes the methods of data extraction and analysis. The fourth section is devoted to the analysis of Italian coordinated intensifying constructions, which are classified into completely and partially filled units, according to a set of parameters (i.e. lexical variation, syntactic cohesion, idiomaticity and lexicalisation). Then, the set of coordinated constructional intensifiers is evaluated against the presence of an abstract scheme, semantic and syntactic analysability, semantic predictability, productivity, and schematicity

    Kombinacje słów częściowo wypełnione. Formacje oraz reprezentacja leksykograficzna

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    Questo contributo intende analizzare le proprietà di alcune combinazioni di parole della lingua italiana, rappresentate da strutture riempite solo parzialmente da unità lessicali. Attraverso l’analisi di dati estratti da corpora, il contributo si propone di a) identificare e analizzare alcuni formati parzialmente riempiti dell’italiano emersi durante la stesura del dizionario combinatorio CombiNet, b) classificare tali unità sulla base di specifiche proprietà sintattiche o semantiche, c) mostrare una possibile rappresentazione lessicografica di tali formati di parola.Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu przeprowadzenie analizy właściwości niektórych kombinacji słów w języku włoskim przedstawionych za pomocą struktur, które zostały „wypełnione” jedynie w sposób częściowy przez jednostki leksykalne. Artykuł, poprzez analizę danych uzyskanych z korpusów, proponuje: a) identyfikację oraz analizę niektórych formacji częściowo wypełnionych w języku włoskim, które zostały zidentyfikowane podczas sporządzania słownika kombinatorycznego CombiNet; b) klasyfikację danych jednostek na podstawie określonych właściwości syntaktycznych bądź semantycznych; c) przedstawienie możliwej reprezentacji leksykograficznej danych formacji słów

    Sintagmi preposizionali con funzione aggettivale e avverbiale

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    Questo libro mira a fornire un'analisi teorico-descrittiva dei modificatori sintagmatici dell'italiano, un tipo specifico di parole costruzionali (elementi lessicali complessi composti da due o più parole, unite nella forma e nel significato). In particolare, il manoscritto si concentra sui modificatori sintagmatici costituiti da un sintagma preposizionale, i quali, in base alla distribuzione sintattica, possono svolgere la funzione di modificatore di nome (es. automobile a benzina), di verbo (ridere di gusto) o di entrambi (es. film in bianco e nero, trasmettere in bianco e nero). In primo luogo, lo studio intende mostrare l'elevata produttività di questo fenomeno linguistico e la sua importanza quantitativa nel lessico italiano. In secondo luogo, attraverso l'analisi delle proprietà morfo-sintattiche e semantiche di tali lessemi, l'indagine si propone di dimostrare che alcuni gruppi di modificatori sintagmatici sono creati attraverso schemi sintattici regolari e sono governati da un ristretto gruppo di co-selezioni. Mediante l'analisi di dati estratti da corpora di italiano e di altre lingue romanze (spagnolo e francese), viene infine illustrata l'ipotesi secondo la quale l'emergere di una tale risorsa analitica per la formazione di lessemi non rappresenti una peculiarità interna alla lingua italiana, ma costituisca un fenomeno dalla portata tipologica più ampia