413 research outputs found

    Methodology to identify lowest cost technology mix to cover the residual load - case study: Germany

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    In traditional electricity systems the supply of energy follows the fluctuating demand. Power systems with high shares of fluctuating energy sources like wind and solar power face new challenges: in addition to fluctuating loads, fluctuating generation has to be balanced [1]. This is achieved by the use of flexible generation, storage and power-to-X-technologies. The developed tool uses a simplified method is able to identify the cost-optimal mix of technologies which are able to supply this flexibility to the electricity system. IConcentrated solar power (CSP) is a valuable source of flexibility as it can be easily combined with thermal storage and a co-firing unit guaranteeing electricity production independent of solar irradiation [2]. With the developed method a first estimate on the we are able to identify the value of CSP electricity generation in a system context in comparison to alternative technologies can be given.

    Advanced Measurement Systems �to evaluate CSP Plants

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    CSP Systems can be considered as a technology that - other than PV -cannot be evaluated just by testing its subcomponents in the laboratories in order to characterize the system performance. Instead, it requires measurement systems that are capable to be used on site, covering a large collector area or can be used on top of a tower with limited access. The presentation will give an overview on a set of different advances measurements systems that are specifically developed for this purpose. This includes the use advanced of UAVs that can monitor the parabolic trough collector optical quality by flying over it, in situ measurements of heat losses of parabolic trough receivers in the collector loops, optical quality of heliostat fields or solar flux distribution on large central receiver systems. Particular measurement technology to characterize hot air flow in volumetric receives is also presented. The measurement systems have been developed and validated and characterized under lab conditions or in prototypes before they were applied in larger scale facilities or in some cases already in commercial CSP plant. The target is to help the operator of the plant to identify inefficiencies or degradations and find the physical reasons for them. They systems also help to validate computer models that predict the systems performance on the basis of component characteristics that have been evaluated in the laboratory

    Solarthermische Kraftwerke

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    Solarthermische Kraftwerke können heute kommerziell Solarstrom nach Bedarf produzieren. Zu dieser Technologie formulierten zwei Astronomen von der University of Arizona bereits 1971 eine Vision, die inzwischen recht genau eingetroffen ist. Allerdings waren dafür mehrere Anläufe nötig

    SMART CSP - How artificial intelligence can support concentrating solar technologies

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    Concentrating solar technologies are relatively complex systems that combine a large number of tracked concentration collectors, high temperature receivers and heat exchangers, a thermal storage system, and a power cycle. To optimize operation and lifetime of such systems, artificial intelligence (AI) approaches provide numerous benefits over physical model-based simulations. The talk will introduce state of the art technologies and their current market status before highlighting a number of AI approaches that have been developed at DLR. They comprise the tracking calibration of heliostats, soiling prediction of mirrors, degradation detection of solar collectors, cloud recognition, life time monitoring of receivers, and others

    Entwicklungsstand und Perspektiven der Solarforschung

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    Der Vortrag gibt eien Übersicht zum Entwicklungstand und en Perspektiven solarthermischer Stromerzeugung und erläutert die aktuelle Markt- und Kostensituatio

    Grüner Wasserstoff: Erzeugung und Import

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    Um den Bedarf an nachhaltig erzeugtem „Grünem Wasserstoff“ für die Energiewende zu decken, wird Deutschland auf Importe angewiesen sein. Die Kosten von importiertem Wasserstoff sind im Vergleich zu einer heimischen Erzeugung niedriger, wenn der Wasserstoff an Wüstenstandorten produziert wird und wenn die genutzten Technologien die für die Produktion benötigte Energie rund-um-die-Uhr bereitstellen. Die dadurch mögliche kontinuierliche Auslastung der Erzeugungs- und Transportinfrastruktur senkt die Kosten pro produziertem Kilogramm Wasserstoff. Solarthermische Kraftwerke können in Kombination mit anderen erneuerbaren Energien einen erheblichen Beitrag zur Kostensenkung leiste

    Status and Perspectives of Concentrating Solar Power Technologies

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    In CSP technology concentrating collectors are used to generate high temperature heat that drives a conventional power cycle. As heat can be stored simpler and cheaper than electricity the concept is very suitable to provide electricity according to the demand in particular covering the load peak after sunset typical in many Sunbelt countries. CSP electricity costs have dropped approx. by half since the beginning of the commercial implementation phase in 2007 along with the implementation of 6,2 GW of CSP plants worldwide. They range today from 12 €cents/kWh down to 6 €cents/kwh depending on size of the power plant, solar resource and financing conditions. Further cost reduction is driven by mass production effects but also through technical innovations that lead to higher system efficiencies, resulting in more electricity output per sqm of concentrator surface. The talk will provide background information on the current market and cost situation. It will highlight new technology concepts and report on the progress of research projects that target to increase system efficiency through higher operation temperature in the heat transfer fluid of the system

    Concentrating solar technologies to reduce gas consumption in industrial processes in Central Europe

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    The paper discusses options on how to decarbonize the heat demand of the domestic industry. Among other option, concentration solar collectors are a suitable option in Germany, which has not been expected by many experts. The paper derives requirements that are needed to ensure a quick and sustainable way to decarbonize industrial heat demand. They are considered to also be relevant for many other countries that follow the same ambition to become climate neutral in the next decades

    CSP-PV Hybrid Solutions: Base-load – low-cost solar for grids, industry and hydrogen

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    CSP within a power plant can be combined with additional steam generation based on other renewable or even fossil fuels. In combination with a heat storage system and by adding biomass or PV, CSP power plants can continuously provide energy in the base load range similar to a conventional power plant