21 research outputs found

    Food Cycles and Hydrogeological Risk Mitigation. The Kezersrande Natural Farm Project

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    Being at the base of the development of all societies, in so many different levels: food - its culture, production, diffusion, and consumption have a central role in shaping more resilient societies and habitats. This contribution, presenting the Dutch case study of the Nature Farm of Kezersrande, aims to highlight the possibility and the opportunity of exchange between different systems. The design of resilient food cycles is not limited to influencing our society and behaviour, but it also can shape our territories and our cities, in order to achieve both positive ecological results and a wider social integration. The presented project shows the possibility of exchange and integration between a resilient management of hydrogeological risk and a circular and sustainable food production system


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    o studio territoriale di reti socio/infra/intra-strutturali ambisce non solo ad integrare differenti sistemi, quanto, e soprattutto, a creare fra questi sinergia e risonanza; focalizzandosi non unicamente sulla mobilit\ue0 urbana infrastrutturale, ma anche, sull\u2019interconnessione fra realt\ue0 geografiche e sociali oggi interrotte: territori oggi frammentati e complessi (come quello della val Polcevera) hanno la necessit\ue0 e l\u2019opportunit\ue0 di essere riattivati e rintrecciati in nuove trame geourbane, in cui connessioni ed interconnessioni assumono un ruolo fondamentale. L\u2019analisi strategica di questi casi di studio vuole illustrare un nuovo approccio contemporaneo ad una pianificazione pi\uf9 multi-sistemica (e multilivello) che invita all\u2019 esplorazione di nuovi tipi di cartografia, mappatura, analisi grafica (diagrammi, ideogrammi, schemi, masterizzazioni) associati ad una rappresentazione pi\uf9 espressiva, comunicativa, plastica e concettualmente esplicita del Disegno Urba

    Advanced Urbanism / UNIGE Approaches

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    Abbordaggio critico sulla condizione contemporanea del progetto architettonico e lo spazio urbano in relazione alle nuove tecnologie e la societ\ue0 della informazione. Progetto KAAU, Konsortium For Advanced Architecture and Urbanism, collegato con un Erasmus Grant. Report del Symposium International Meeting KA-AU ADVANCED URBANISM, NEW WAYS FOR DESIGN 2018, Ordine degli Architetti Genova 24/09/201

    Versus river. La riscoperta dei corsi d\u2019acqua periferici nelle aree metropolitane dell\u2019Arco Latino

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    All cities have a relationship, more or less explicit, with water. Water resources, and rivers in particular, have always played a crucial role in the development of society and the process of human settlement, as essential sources of resources and important communication routes. The relationship between urban and river systems has changed several times throughout history, going through phases of profound rupture and alternating processes of recovery. The number of projects constantly involving watercourses in metropolitan areas shows how the theme is still at the centre of urban discourse and how the river still plays an active role in cities. Urban expansion, often within areas that historically belonged to the river system, and the alteration of climatic conditions, are showing a change in the balance of river ecosystems and their relationship with built-up areas. This highlights the growing fragility of urban settlements built near watercourses, and the need, or opportunity, to rethink this relationship, in terms of protecting the watercourse, the built-up area from the risks of flooding, but also of rediscovering the urban values of the riverside as a civic and human infrastructure. The thesis explores the theme of the project between large metropolitan areas and the river, first in the European context, and then focuses on the Latin Arc of the Mediterranean, a macro-region with cultural, historical, socio-economic and geo-climatic characteristics that define a clear identity different from the European continental context. The big coastal metropolitan cities of the Latin Arc, analysed in their relationship with the hydrographic system, are identified as Cities versus Rivers. This is recognised as a specific category of cities which, due to their morphological, geographical and historical characteristics, have developed a complex and often conflicting relationship with the watercourses that cross their dense urbanised area. Due to these morphological and identity characteristics, Cities versus Rivers differ from River-Cities, which have been widely studied in the literature and already recognised as a specific category of study. The thesis argues, first of all, that the recognition of the coastal metropolitan areas of the Latin Arc as Cities versus Rivers, and therefore as a specific group, makes it possible to lay the foundations for the development of a common strategic-operational approach. The thesis also argues that riverine, marginal and peripheral areas, incorporated into metropolitan development, have the opportunity to reinvent themselves as new polarities, focusing not only on the essential renaturation and restoration of the river system, but also on the urban values of the riverfront. Traditional urban water management through grey infrastructure has proven to be unable to adapt to continuous climate changes. On a European scale, the use of green and blue infrastructures is being consolidated, involving the use of natural systems to improve ecosystem services and increase resilience and adaptation. In many cases the hybrid combination of traditional grey infrastructure with green and blue infrastructure can provide solutions to hydrogeological risk that integrate ecological values with the definition of a high quality of public space. The thesis therefore identifies resilient and hybrid strategies, which use mitigation and adaptation criteria to respond to defence, social reactivation and renaturalization issues, as the approach with which to address the theme of the relationship between city and river; the Cities versus River of the Latin Arc are then identified as the specific field of exploration. The research explores, in a first phase, the application of the above mentioned strategies in the European scenario of the last thirty years and it identifies, through inductive method, Key Actions and Constants (general characters). In a second phase, it proceeds with the study of Cities versus River in the Latin Arc. From the analysis of these cases, specific approaches of the cities and common criteria for the design of urban-river spaces in the Cities versus River (specific characters) are extrapolated

    L\u2019agricoltura come strategia operativa resiliente

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    Lo sviluppo di processi agricoli resilienti \ue8 divenuto in anni recenti un argomento di interesse condiviso a livello globale, dal momento che l\u2019agricoltura \ue8 essa stessa vittima e responsabile dei cambiamenti climatici - con il 14% di emissione globale di gas serra \u2013 e rappresenta il fulcro di sperimentazione delle nuove pratiche resilienti per il sistema ambientale. Il concetto di agricoltura resiliente richiede di riformulare la discussione in merito allo sviluppo dell\u2019agricoltura sostenibile a partire dall\u2019odierno punto centrale, ovvero l\u2019ottimizzazione della produzione rispetto ai suoi costi economici, sociali e soprattutto ambientali. La questione primaria dovrebbe focalizzarsi nel fornire risposte su come costruire un nuovo sistema di produzione agricola in grado di affrontare le sfide attuali e future, molte delle quali ancora a noi sconosciute. Il contributo si propone come approfondimento di tale tematica, contestualizzando la resilienza in ambito agricolo e studiandone il ruolo nella gestione dell\u2019emergenza climatica ed economica contemporanea. In particolare, si presenta una riflessione sui possibili impatti sociali, territoriali ed idrogeologici, tramite un\u2019analisi di casi studio e pratiche a livello globale

    Trasformare la citt\ue0 attraverso nuovi epicentri di sviluppo: il caso del Parco del Ponte tra nuove funzioni e risposta all\u2019emergenza

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    Incorporate in dinamiche economiche ormai globali e segnate dalla genesi di nuove economie urbane, alimentate dall\u2019affermarsi di nuovi settori economici e dall\u2019evoluzione dei modelli insediativi, le citt\ue0 contemporanee affrontano la trasformazione delle loro porzioni pi\uf9 dinamiche (perch\ue9 abbandonate, dismesse, fragili, accidentate o disponibili al cambiamento e a ingenti investimenti, ecc.) individuando nuovi epicentri di sviluppo urbano. Nelle citt\ue0 che, come Genova, hanno affrontato ripetute emergenze ad alto impatto urbano, le strategie di rinnovamento sono state la risposta al trauma improvviso e, il pi\uf9 delle volte, distruttivo. Sebbene motivate dallo stato di emergenza e dalla necessit\ue0 impellente di intervento, queste sperimentazioni hanno contribuito a ridefinire la strategia di marketing urbano a partire dalla rigenerazione urbana. In questo quadro, la catena di eventi innescata dal drammatico crollo del Viadotto Morandi il 14 agosto 2018, ha aperto per Genova uno scenario di sperimentazione inedito, in cui il progetto de Il Parco del Ponte si inquadra quale elemento significativo, soprattutto in termini di mixit\ue8 funzionale e di procedura attraverso il progetto-concorso

    All you can live! Touristic Perspectives within Contemporary Liguria

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    The term \u201clandscape\u201d is meaningless to extend a broad conceptual framework. \u201cLandscape\u201d is also, however, the perfect synthesis of the many possible variations, since it refers to the idea \u2013 at the same time fascinating and insidious \u2013 of the coexistence between man and nature. However, the landscape forms a dialectical relationship with the viewer, helping to produce a strong sense of community identity. A typical case that reflects this circumstance is undoubtedly the Ligurian coastal landscape. The balance between the different souls of the landscape is not an ordinary condition, and Liguria is an example of this complexity. Among the exogenous dynamics that condition this delicate context, there is tourism. The effects of this activity are readable in the body of the territory and in the Ligurian one more than in others. All of these factors can be a prelude to the emergence of conflicts. Liguria \u2013 aware of the evolutionary process from the Second World War to today \u2013 has been interpreted as natural, urban and rural landscapes. The overall awareness of the principal territorial characteristics was then specified with a focus on urban fabrics extended in very dense linear systems along the coast. However, if this is the centre of tourism activity in this region, the future of tourism will involve the whole territory. This necessitates a study that takes into account all the factors and conditions in the field at the same time. The urban saturation, the building excesses of second homes and the delicate coexistence between the local population and the tourist-seaside invasion, have fuelled the fame of the Ligurian citizen as unfriendly and hostile towards tourists. The \u201cera of mass tourism\u201d, has shaped the landscape and the cities to accommodate the ever-increasing need of the tourism sector. Today, the economic and tourist scenario has profoundly changed, and other transformations are expected in the future. This puts the Ligurians in front of their ability to prove themselves a resilient community and to develop a new tourism and territorial model that is up to the challenges

    Possedere e trasformare: il ruolo della propriet\ue0 pubblica nelle grandi operazioni di trasformazione urbana a Genova

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    Attraverso un\u2019indagine comparata di progetti attestati sulla delicata linea di demarcazione tra la citt\ue0 e il porto di Genova, si rilevano episodi di trasformazione con una problematica alternanza di funzioni (produttive, terziarie, abitative, turistiche, commerciali), modalit\ue0 di attuazione (ruolo pubblico-privato), strumenti attuativi (rapporto con la pianificazione), soggetti (imprenditori, developer, PA). In questi episodi, emerge la figura del grande proprietario pubblico, sia esso il Comune o l\u2019Autorit\ue0 di Sistema Portuale, vero attore strategico sulla scena genovese. Obiettivo del contributo \ue8 quello di approfondire le tre dimensioni del ruolo dell\u2019amministrazione pubblica, osservando il progressivo passaggio dalla sola dimensione del regolatore/pianificatore, a quello di investitore per finire a quello sempre pi\uf9 rilevante di proprietario/ possessore. La questione rimanda a quella pi\uf9 ampia relativa alle strategie di competizione urbana dove la trasformazione di ambiti nodali \ue8 utilizzata per attrarre capitali finanziari sovralocali (internazionali e non, comunque per lo pi\uf9 non locali). L\u2019attenzione si focalizza su due progetti di media-grande scala attualmente in corso di realizzazione, mettendo in relazione il ciclo edilizio urbano (assetti proprietari, mercato immobiliare, valori immobiliari) e le dinamiche dell\u2019economia urbana

    The Role of the Public Municipality in Urban Regeneration: the Case of Genoa

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    The conditions why processes of urban regeneration can be developed in modern-day cities have changed enormously over the last decade. Unlike the recent past, where the reuse for urban uses of former industrial areas was only based on maximising the amount of space, after the housing bubble began in 2008 and the pandemic crisis, the profit margins for operators were reduced, and today, they faced to a sharp contraction in demand and a surplus of supply. Consequently, the framework within which we carry out the investment decisions is increasingly complex and is characterised by the opposition of a potential conflict between two forces. On the one hand, the public administration which seeks to take full advantage of the urban transformation processes to improve the quality of life for citizens; on the other, the private entity that has the aim of maximising the profits obtainable from the intervention and to minimise business risk. Therefore, to ensure the overall feasibility of an intervention, urban viability must correspond to economic and financial sustainability. The paper analyses the role of public strategies in urban regeneration interventions through the analysis of a case study in the city of Genoa. Currently, in the city some urban transformation interventions are being implemented; most of them (and the most relevant) are all aligned along the border between the city and the port. The role of the public administration is not limited to that of regulation, but the local municipality also acts as a financier (of public works) and as owner of the areas (which it makes available in concession). In this way, an attempt is made to make the city more competitive in the international real estate market. It is essential to reduce risk and cost factors compared to the private investor. The question then arises of how to evaluate the potential public benefits of these transformation operations