25 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Regimes and Poland's Participation in ERM II

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    In this paper we address some of the issues resulting from Poland's will to join the Economic and Monetary Union. Our attention focuses on topics related to the possibly soon entry into the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM II). We consider the possible paths of entering the system, providing a detailed analysis of the choice of fluctuation margins and the central parity. Further, we analyze the possible monetary policy strategies within the system. We describe the benefits and drawbacks of ERM II participation and consider the eventuality of parity revaluation. In this part estimates of the Balassa-Samuelson effect for Poland are provided.Transition economies, Poland, ERM II, Balassa-Samuelson effect, equilibrium exchange rate

    Homegrown terrorist, networked citizen, double: Identity, belonging and citizenship in an age of limitless conflict

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    This dissertation traces and analyzes a phenomenon that has, in recent years, increasingly captured both the attention of security and political officials as well as the American popular imagination more generally: homegrown terrorism. Most simply defined as Americans—both residents and citizens—taking up arms against their own country, it brings into focus how the global war on terror plays out in the American homeland. It is a phenomenon in which the face of one\u27s foe is said to be not only similar to one\u27s own, but is its mirror reflection, its double. In the figure of the Double the boundary between us and Other, friend and foe is blurred. This dissertation disentanglements homegrown terrorism from debates centered on radicalization and situates it in broader political, cultural and historical contexts in order to better understand the intimate relationship between enmity, identity, citizenship and technology in the contemporary moment. This dissertation develops a theory of the Double and argues that the blurring of the boundary between us and Other, facilitated by new media, in official and mediated discourses on homegrown terrorism highlights that contemporary enmity is played out in a space in which boundaries are not clearly delineated. It is the blurring of these boundaries that facilitates new forms of surveillance, anticipatory politics and preventative policing. This dissertation examines three interconnected dimensions of homegrown terrorism: definitional (how threat is constructed and how individuals are placed within it); historical (how terrorism has, over time, come to take its current form as well as a comparative analysis of contemporary anxieties to those of the Red Scare); and spatial (the territories and spaces in which threat circulates and materializes). Across these dimensions, this dissertation analyzes eight case studies—one historical from the Red Scare and seven cases of homegrown terrorism (2005-2013)—through a wide array of contemporary, archival and historical materials such as government hearings, reports, news coverage, legislation, terrorist produced digital media, online media postings, and court transcripts. This analysis provides insight into how efforts to anticipate and prevent terror differentially shape experiences of citizenship, identity and belonging in contemporary America

    Homegrown terrorist, networked citizen, double: Identity, belonging and citizenship in an age of limitless conflict

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    This dissertation traces and analyzes a phenomenon that has, in recent years, increasingly captured both the attention of security and political officials as well as the American popular imagination more generally: homegrown terrorism. Most simply defined as Americans—both residents and citizens—taking up arms against their own country, it brings into focus how the global war on terror plays out in the American homeland. It is a phenomenon in which the face of one\u27s foe is said to be not only similar to one\u27s own, but is its mirror reflection, its double. In the figure of the Double the boundary between us and Other, friend and foe is blurred. This dissertation disentanglements homegrown terrorism from debates centered on radicalization and situates it in broader political, cultural and historical contexts in order to better understand the intimate relationship between enmity, identity, citizenship and technology in the contemporary moment. This dissertation develops a theory of the Double and argues that the blurring of the boundary between us and Other, facilitated by new media, in official and mediated discourses on homegrown terrorism highlights that contemporary enmity is played out in a space in which boundaries are not clearly delineated. It is the blurring of these boundaries that facilitates new forms of surveillance, anticipatory politics and preventative policing. This dissertation examines three interconnected dimensions of homegrown terrorism: definitional (how threat is constructed and how individuals are placed within it); historical (how terrorism has, over time, come to take its current form as well as a comparative analysis of contemporary anxieties to those of the Red Scare); and spatial (the territories and spaces in which threat circulates and materializes). Across these dimensions, this dissertation analyzes eight case studies—one historical from the Red Scare and seven cases of homegrown terrorism (2005-2013)—through a wide array of contemporary, archival and historical materials such as government hearings, reports, news coverage, legislation, terrorist produced digital media, online media postings, and court transcripts. This analysis provides insight into how efforts to anticipate and prevent terror differentially shape experiences of citizenship, identity and belonging in contemporary America


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    The last global financial crisis exposed a number of structural weaknesses of the eurozone which generated a great deal of additional costs as well as risks leading almost to its collapse. The creation of the Banking Union is hoped to strengthen the eurozone, however, it may not be enough, even when complemented with other reforms, to fully restore its effectiveness. Implementation of a common budget is necessary to enhance further integration of the euro area and to assure its financial stability. However, it seems that application of much less demanding tools of fiscal integration should be sufficient. A relatively small "insurance budget" would provide the definitive guarantee of bank deposits what would significantly reduce the risks for Poland when it joins the eurozone

    Konflikt rzepkowo-udowy – uwarunkowania patobiomechaniczne i ich konsekwencje dla terapii

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    Paellofemoral pain syndrome is one of the most widespread muscular-skeletal disorders. The pain results from an overloading of thepaellofemoral joint. Amongst the causes of overloading are changes in the articular cartilage, in the bone, alterations around and outside the joint as well as systematic changes. The ease with which the knee joint may be subjected to overloading is a result of its construction, mobility, and lack of stability. The knee joint as the biggest joint of the human organism is comprised of two joints: the tibiofemoral and the paellofemoral. Both of these joints are not mutually matched by their curvature. Their compactness depends chiefly on the ligament system. The muscle system equally stabilises the knee joint, while guaranteeing to a lesser degree the safety of the joint surfaces. On the other hand, muscles operating in conditions of equilibrium and dynamics, can, sometimes, overload the joint surface, even given conditions of totally healthy joint workings, this leading to earlier degenerative-disfiguring changes. The essence of this detrimental effect of muscle action on the paellofemoral joint is interactive disturbance in the development of the force and speed of contraction for the individual heads of the quadriceps (particularly the medial and lateral), as equally disruption in the size proportions of shin extensor and flexor participation within the knee joint, of adductors and abductors as well as of the thigh external and internal rotators in the hip joint. Paellofemoral pain syndrome is also subject to significant strain in daily conditions e.g. walking up stairs, wearing high heels, a lot of physical activity particularly when running. In individuals with a painful paellofemoral joint uncritically are employed exercises strengthening the quadriceps thigh muscle, additionally jeopardising the joint in question to being over burdened and consequent damage. On the basis of an analysis of the magnitude of burden of the surface of the paellofemoral and tibiofemoral joint as well as the mechanical conditions for the muscles acting on these joints, taking into consideration the magnitude of the arm forces employed in the functioning of the joint angle, as well as the hypomochlion role that is the knee cap, the degree of threat for the knee joint was evaluated. The means of conducting oneself within daily activities are presented, the use of orthopaedic insoles, the choice of appropriate footwear. Examples of suitable exercises for the strengthening of individual muscles in conditions ensuring the safeguarding of the paellofemoral joint are given with the activating in this aim of elements of external compensation, within the open or closed system of the biokinematic chain of the lower limb.Zespół bólowy rzepkowo-udowy jest jedną z najbardziej powszechnych dolegliwości mięśniowo-szkieletowych. Ból wynika z przeciążenia stawu rzepkowo-udowego. Wśród przyczyn przeciążenia wyróżnia się zmiany w chrząstce stawowej, w kości, zmiany okołostawowe, pozastawowe i ogólnoustrojowe. Łatwość, z jaką ulega przeciążeniom staw kolanowy wynika z jego budowy, ruchomości i braku stabilności. Staw kolanowy jako największy staw ustroju ludzkiego, jest zbudowany z dwóch stawów: udowo-piszczelowego i rzepkowo-udowego. Oba te stawy nie są dopasowane wzajemnie swoimi krzywiznami. Ich zwartość zależy głównie od systemu więzadłowego. Układ mięśniowy również stabilizuje staw kolanowy, chociaż w mniejszym stopniu zapewnia bezpieczeństwo powierzchniom stawowym. Z drugiej strony, mięśnie działając w warunkach statyki i dynamiki, mogą czasem przeciążać powierzchnie stawowe, nawet w warunkach pełnej wydolności zdrowego stawu, doprowadzając do wczesnych zmian zwyrodnieniowo-zniekształcających. Istotą niekorzystnego działania mięśni na staw rzepkowo-udowy jest zaburzenie współdziałania w rozwijaniu siły i szybkości skurczu poszczególnych głów mięśnia czworogłowego (zwłaszcza przyśrodkowej i bocznej), jak równieŜ zakłócenia proporcji wielkości udziału prostowników i zginaczy goleni w stawie kolanowym, przywodzicieli i odwodzicieli oraz rotatorów zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych uda w stawie biodrowym. Zespół rzepkowo-udowy jest poddawany także znacznym obciążeniom w codziennych warunkach, np.: schodzenie schodami, używanie obuwia z wysokimi obcasami, duża aktywność ruchowa, szczególnie podczas biegania. U osób chorych z bolesnym stawem rzepkowo-udowym często bezkrytycznie stosowane są ćwiczenia wzmacniające mięsień czworogłowy uda, dodatkowo naraŜając wspomniany staw na jego przeciążenie i uszkodzenie. Na podstawie analizy wielkości obciążenia powierzchni stawu rzepkowo-udowego i udowo-piszczelowego oraz warunków mechanicznych dla mięśni działających na te stawy, z uwzględnieniem wielkości ramion siły w funkcji kąta stawowego, oraz roli hypomochlionu jakim jest rzepka, oceniono stopień zagrożenia stawu kolanowego. Przedstawiono sposoby postępowania w codziennych czynnościach, używania wkładek ortopedycznych, wyboru właściwego obuwia. Podano przykłady właściwych ćwiczeń wzmacniających poszczególne mięśnie w warunkach zachowania bezpieczeństwa dla stawu rzepkowo-udowego i uczynnienia w tym celu elementów kompensacji wewnętrznej, w układzie otwartego lub zamkniętego łańcucha biokinematycznego kończyny dolnej

    The effctiveness of phototherapy and classic massage in reducing the symptoms of muscle fatigue after physical training

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    Wprowadzenie i cel badania: Trening fiyczny jest często przyczyną dyskomfortu, który występuje pomiędzy 12 a 48 godziną po aktywności jako opóźniona bolesność mięśni. Czynniki stosowane w celu łagodzenia zmęczenia mięśnia, redukują jedynie jeden z kilku objawów, jakimi są: ból, obrzęk, ograniczenie funkcji sztywność i tkliwość mięśni. celem pracy była ocena skuteczności zabiegów fototerapii i masażu w łagodzeniu zmęczenia mięśni po wysiłku fiycznym. Materiał i metoda: W badaniu wzięło udział 40 zdrowych ochotników, którzy zostali podzieleni na cztery grupy. W grupie I zastosowano naświetlania mięśnia brzuchatego łydki wiązką niskoenergetyczną (LLLT), w grupie II naświetlania wiązką wysokoenergetyczną (HILT), w grupie III zastosowano naświetlania placebo, a w grupie IV masaż klasyczny podudzia. Zabiegi wykonywano przez 3 kolejne dni, a następnie przeprowadzono trening fiyczny mięśnia brzuchatego łydki. Badanie mięśnia obejmowało: tradycyjne badanie elektrodiagnostyczne, ocenę progu czucia i bólu przy aplikacji prądów diadynamicznych (MF). Oceniano poziom bólu wysiłkowego w skali VAS. Badanie wykonywano 3- krotnie: przed zabiegami (badanie 1), po zabiegach (badanie 2), 48 godzin po treningu (badanie 3).Wyniki: Po wykonaniu zabiegów (badanie1–2) największy wzrost wartości reobazy oraz największy wzrost poziomu bólu ocenianego przy aplikacji prądu MF odnotowano w grupie masażu. W całym okresie badawczym (badanie 1–3) w grupie LLLT nastąpił istotny statystycznie wzrost wartości progowej akomodacji. W drugiej dobie po treningu (badanie 2–3) we wszystkich grupach odnotowano obniżenie wartości chronaksji z wyjątkiem grupy placebo, a różnice pomiędzy grupami były istotne statystycznie. Wnioski: Masaż klasyczny poprzez wzrost wartości reobazy i podwyższenie progu bólu może podnosić odporność zdrowego mięśnia na działanie czynników zewnętrznych i redukować objawy opóźnionej bolesności mięśni szkieletowych. Laseroterapia niskoenergetycznna (LLLT) zastosowana przed treningiem mięśnia pozwala na utrzymanie jego odporności na czynniki zewnętrzne i może być przydatna w ograniczaniu objawów opóźnionej bolesności mięśni szkieletowych.introduction and the aim of the study: Physical training is often the cause of discomfort that occurs between 12 and 48 hours after the activity has delayed muscle soreness. The factors used to relieve muscle fatigue reduce only one of several symptoms which are pain, swelling, stiffess, functional limitation and muscle tenderness. The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficy of phototherapy treatments and massage to alleviate muscle fatigue after physical exertion. Material and Methods: The study involved 40 healthy volunteers who were divided into four groups. Group I had gastrocnemius exposed to a low level laser therapy (LLLT), group II had high intensity laser therapy (HILT), group III had placebo radiation therapy, group IV had classical massage of the lower leg. All procedures were performed for three consecutive days, followed by a physical training of gastrocnemius. The muscle tests included: traditional electrodiagnostic testing, assessment of sensory and pain threshold for application of diadynamic currents (MF). The level of exertion-induced pain was assessed in VAS. The tests were performed 3 times: before the treatment (test 1), after the treatment (test 2), 48 hours after training (test 3). results: After treatment (tests 1–2) the most signifiant increase in the value of rheobase and the largest increase in the level of pain assessed at MF current application were reported in the group who had massage. In the entire test period (test 1–3) in the group who had LLLT there was a statistically signifiant increase in the threshold value of accommodation. In the second day after the training (test 2–3) all groups had a decrease in the value of chronaxie with the exception of the placebo group and the diffrences between the groups were statistically signifiant. conclusions: Classic massage by increasing the value of rheobase and increasing the pain threshold can raise resistance of a healthy muscle to external factors and reduce the symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness. Low level laser therapy (LLLT) applied before muscle workout helps to keep its resistance to external factors and may be useful in reducing the symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness