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    An谩lisis multitemporal de la cobertura vegetal en la subcuenca del r铆o Chambo.

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo realizar el an谩lisis multitemporal de la cobertura vegetal en la subcuenca del r铆o Chambo, un estudio de cambio de cobertura del a帽o 2015 al 2020. Dentro del 谩rea estudiada se cuantific贸 la cobertura utilizando la informaci贸n de Google Eart Engine, para lo cual se calcul贸 el 铆ndice espectral (NDVI) de las im谩genes satelitales landsat dentro de la plataforma de descarga. Adem谩s mediante el software Arcgis se realiz贸 la clasificaci贸n supervisada para la identificaci贸n de coberturas, tambi茅n se realiz贸 la matriz de transici贸n entre el a帽o 2015 y 2020, a fin de analizar el cambio presentado. Los resultados indican que para el a帽o 2016 mostr贸 0,873 de NDVI aproxim谩ndose a +1 en comparaci贸n a los dem谩s a帽os que se mostraron valores bajos. En cambio para el 2020 un valor de -0,527 acerc谩ndose a -1. Mediante la clasificaci贸n supervisada se evidenci贸 cambios en todos los tipos de cobertura, siendo la vegetaci贸n dispersa con ganancia de superficie que para el a帽o 2015 tuvo 129.080,48 ha (35,96%) y al 2020 con 152.619,419 ha (42,52%). Por medio de la matriz se pudo identificar la transici贸n de vegetaci贸n media a vegetaci贸n dispersa con un cambio de 32.211,4 ha. Se concluye que en la zona estudiada existi贸 un cambio de 139.397 ha equivalente a 39% y un 61% de la cobertura vegetal sin cambios, equivalente a una superficie de 219.525,3 ha de la subcuenca. Se recomienda realizar diagn贸sticos en zonas de inter茅s h铆drico para proponer acciones que involucre la protecci贸n de los recursos naturales.The aim of this study was to conduct a multitemporal analysis of vegetation cover in the Chambo River sub-basin, a study of cover change from 2015 to 2020. Within the studied area, cover was quantified using information from Google Eart Engine, for which the spectral index (NDVI) of the satellite images was calculated. spectral index (NDVI) of the downloaded landsat satellite images. In addition, using Arcgis software, a supervised classification was performed for the identification of coverages, and the transition matrix was also made between 2015 and 2020, in order to analyze the change presented. The results indicate that for the year 2016 showed 0.873 NDVI approaching +1 compared to the other years that showed low values. On the other hand, for 2020 a value of -0.527 approaching -1. Through the supervised classification, changes were evidenced in all types of cover, being the dispersed vegetation with a gain in surface area that for 2015 had 129,080.48 ha (35.96%) and in 2020 with 152,619.419 ha (42.52%). Through the matrix, it was possible to identify the transition from medium vegetation to sparse vegetation with a change of 32,211.4 ha. It is concluded that in the studied area there was a change of 139,397 ha equivalent to 39% and 61% of the vegetation cover remained unchanged 61% of the vegetation cover remained unchanged, equivalent to an area of 219,525.3 ha of the sub-basin. It is recommended to carry out diagnoses in areas of water interest in order to propose actions which involve the protection of natural resources