13,911 research outputs found

    Theoretical Raman fingerprints of α\alpha-, β\beta-, and γ\gamma-graphyne

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    The novel graphene allotropes α\alpha-, β\beta-, and γ\gamma-graphyne derive from graphene by insertion of acetylenic groups. The three graphynes are the only members of the graphyne family with the same hexagonal symmetry as graphene itself, which has as a consequence similarity in their electronic and vibrational properties. Here, we study the electronic band structure, phonon dispersion, and Raman spectra of these graphynes within an \textit{ab-initio}-based non-orthogonal tight-binding model. In particular, the predicted Raman spectra exhibit a few intense resonant Raman lines, which can be used for identification of the three graphynes by their Raman spectra for future applications in nanoelectronics

    Comparative study of the two-phonon Raman bands of silicene and graphene

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    We present a computational study of the two-phonon Raman spectra of silicene and graphene within a density-functional non-orthogonal tight-binding model. Due to the presence of linear bands close to the Fermi energy in the electronic structure of both structures, the Raman scattering by phonons is resonant. We find that the Raman spectra exhibit a crossover behavior for laser excitation close to the \pi-plasmon energy. This phenomenon is explained by the disappearance of certain paths for resonant Raman scattering and the appearance of other paths beyond this energy. Besides that, the electronic joint density of states is divergent at this energy, which is reflected on the behavior of the Raman bands of the two structures in a qualitatively different way. Additionally, a number of Raman bands, originating from divergent phonon density of states at the M point and at points, inside the Brillouin zone, is also predicted. The calculated spectra for graphene are in excellent agreement with available experimental data. The obtained Raman bands can be used for structural characterization of silicene and graphene samples by Raman spectroscopy

    On the Gap and Time Interval between the First Two Maxima of Long Continuous Time Random Walks

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    We consider a one-dimensional continuous time random walk (CTRW) on a fixed time interval TT where at each time step the walker waits a random time τ\tau, before performing a jump drawn from a symmetric continuous probability distribution function (PDF) f(η)f(\eta), of L\'evy index 0<μ20 < \mu \leq 2. Our study includes the case where the waiting time PDF Ψ(τ)\Psi(\tau) has a power law tail, Ψ(τ)τ1γ\Psi(\tau) \propto \tau^{-1 - \gamma}, with 0<γ<10< \gamma < 1, such that the average time between two consecutive jumps is infinite. The random motion is sub-diffusive if γμ/2\gamma \mu/2). We investigate the joint PDF of the gap gg between the first two highest positions of the CTRW and the time tt separating these two maxima. We show that this PDF reaches a stationary limiting joint distribution p(g,t)p(g,t) in the limit of long CTRW, TT \to \infty. Our exact analytical results show a very rich behavior of this joint PDF in the (γ,μ)(\gamma, \mu) plane, which we study in great detail. Our main results are verified by numerical simulations. This work provides a non trivial extension to CTRWs of the recent study in the discrete time setting by Majumdar et al. (J. Stat. Mech. P09013, 2014).Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1405.122

    Survival Probability of Random Walks and L\'evy Flights on a Semi-Infinite Line

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    We consider a one-dimensional random walk (RW) with a continuous and symmetric jump distribution, f(η)f(\eta), characterized by a L\'evy index μ(0,2]\mu \in (0,2], which includes standard random walks (μ=2\mu=2) and L\'evy flights (0<μ<20<\mu<2). We study the survival probability, q(x0,n)q(x_0,n), representing the probability that the RW stays non-negative up to step nn, starting initially at x00x_0 \geq 0. Our main focus is on the x0x_0-dependence of q(x0,n)q(x_0,n) for large nn. We show that q(x0,n)q(x_0,n) displays two distinct regimes as x0x_0 varies: (i) for x0=O(1)x_0= O(1) ("quantum regime"), the discreteness of the jump process significantly alters the standard scaling behavior of q(x0,n)q(x_0,n) and (ii) for x0=O(n1/μ)x_0 = O(n^{1/\mu}) ("classical regime") the discrete-time nature of the process is irrelevant and one recovers the standard scaling behavior (for μ=2\mu =2 this corresponds to the standard Brownian scaling limit). The purpose of this paper is to study how precisely the crossover in q(x0,n)q(x_0,n) occurs between the quantum and the classical regime as one increases x0x_0.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, revised and accepted versio

    On the Gap and Time Interval between the First Two Maxima of Long Random Walks

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    In the context of order statistics of discrete time random walks (RW), we investigate the statistics of the gap, GnG_n, and the number of time steps, LnL_n, between the two highest positions of a Markovian one-dimensional random walker, starting from x0=0x_0 = 0, after nn time steps (taking the xx-axis vertical). The jumps ηi=xixi1\eta_i = x_i - x_{i-1} are independent and identically distributed random variables drawn from a symmetric probability distribution function (PDF), f(η)f(\eta), the Fourier transform of which has the small kk behavior 1f^(k)kμ1 - \hat f(k) \propto |k|^\mu, with 0<μ20 < \mu \leq 2. For μ=2\mu=2, the variance of the jump distribution is finite and the RW (properly scaled) converges to a Brownian motion. For 0<μ<20<\mu<2, the RW is a L\'evy flight of index μ\mu. We show that the joint PDF of GnG_n and LnL_n converges to a well defined stationary bi-variate distribution p(g,l)p(g,l) as the RW duration nn goes to infinity. We present a thorough analytical study of the limiting joint distribution p(g,l)p(g,l), as well as of its associated marginals pgap(g)p_{\rm gap}(g) and ptime(l)p_{\rm time}(l), revealing a rich variety of behaviors depending on the tail of f(η)f(\eta) (from slow decreasing algebraic tail to fast decreasing super-exponential tail). We also address the problem for a random bridge where the RW starts and ends at the origin after nn time steps. We show that in the large nn limit, the PDF of GnG_n and LnL_n converges to the {\it same} stationary distribution p(g,l)p(g,l) as in the case of the free-end RW. Finally, we present a numerical check of our analytical predictions. Some of these results were announced in a recent letter [S. N. Majumdar, Ph. Mounaix, G. Schehr, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 111}, 070601 (2013)].Comment: 52 pages, 8 figures. Published version (typos corrected). Accepted for publication in J. Stat. Mec

    Principles and applications of CVD powder technology

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    Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is an important technique for surface modification of powders through either grafting or deposition of films and coatings. The efficiency of this complex process primarily depends on appropriate contact between the reactive gas phase and the solid particles to be treated. Based on this requirement, the first part of this review focuses on the ways to ensure such contact and particularly on the formation of fluidized beds. Combination of constraints due to both fluidization and chemical vapor deposition leads to the definition of different types of reactors as an alternative to classical fluidized beds, such as spouted beds, circulating beds operating in turbulent and fast-transport regimes or vibro-fluidized beds. They operate under thermal but also plasma activation of the reactive gas and their design mainly depends on the type of powders to be treated. Modeling of both reactors and operating conditions is a valuable tool for understanding and optimizing these complex processes and materials. In the second part of the review, the state of the art on materials produced by fluidized bed chemical vapor deposition is presented. Beyond pioneering applications in the nuclear power industry, application domains, such as heterogeneous catalysis, microelectronics, photovoltaics and protection against wear, oxidation and heat are potentially concerned by processes involving chemical vapor deposition on powders. Moreover, simple and reduced cost FBCVD processes where the material to coat is immersed in the FB, allow the production of coatings for metals with different wear, oxidation and corrosion resistance. Finally, large-scale production of advanced nanomaterials is a promising area for the future extension and development of this technique

    Gravitational sensing with weak value based optical sensors

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    Using weak values amplification angular resolution limits, we theoretically investigate the gravitational sensing of objects. By inserting a force-sensing pendulum into a weak values interferometer, the optical response can sense accelerations to a few 10's of zepto-g/Hz\mathrm{zepto}\text{-}\mathrm{g}/\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}}, with optical powers of 1 mW1~\mathrm{mW}. We convert this precision into range and mass sensitivity, focusing in detail on simple and torsion pendula. Various noise sources present are discussed, as well as the necessary cooling that should be applied to reach the desired levels of precision.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Quantum Stud.: Math. Found. (2018