262 research outputs found

    Movements and activity patterns of luderick (Girella tricuspidata) : drivers and spatial scales

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Science.A thorough knowledge of fish movements and the factors influencing them is essential to understanding the ecology of a species, and underpins effective management actions and planning. This thesis aims to understand the movement patterns of the temperate fish species luderick (Girella tricuspidata), which inhabits estuaries and near coastal shallow rocky reefs of New South Wales (NSW; SE Australia) and is of high commercial and recreational fishing interest. Although the biology and ecology of this primarily herbivorous teleost fish are already documented, movements and their drivers are poorly known. I used acoustic telemetry to address different aspects of the movements of mature luderick at various spatio-temporal scales. Using an extensive collaborative network of acoustic receivers spread along the NSW coast and in selected estuaries, I identified that large freshwater inflows resulting from heavy rainfalls were the main drivers of luderick estuarine movements: (i) they triggered fish departure from the systems and coastal migrations; (i) these events and associated changes in conductivity drove movements along estuaries; (i) and luderick decreased swimming activity and shifted in depth during high flow events. Tagged luderick detected outside their tagging estuary (13 out 61 individuals) migrated predominantly in a northward direction, suggesting spawning migrations. Luderick travelled up to 492 km, and at speeds exceeding 57 km d-1. This swimming velocity corresponds to the optimal metabolic speed estimated in laboratory experiments. Migrating luderick could visit multiple estuaries, and individuals from different estuaries converged to similar coastal areas, providing further understanding of luderick estuarine connectivity. Partial population migration may explain the inter-individual variability in estuarine residency and large-scale movements of luderick. This behaviour may provide further resilience to harvesting and changing environments. Strong diel and sub-diel rhythms in activity were found, with luderick being more active during the day compared to the night. Luderick field metabolic rates increased from dawn and throughout the day, until they declined after dusk, which could be related to diurnal foraging activity and nocturnal sheltering behaviour. Swimming activity decreased with temperature, and while effects of seasonality could not be fully addressed in this study, it is predicted that movement patterns of luderick would vary across seasons and years, driven by fluctuations in temperatures and rainfall regimes. This thesis provides an understanding of luderick movement patterns and their drivers, and shows that luderick respond to changing environment by adopting a range of behavioural responses. These findings will improve the management of this species and its fishery

    Archaeomagnetic results on three Early Iron Age salt-kilns from Moyenvic (France)

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    International audienceVariations of the Earthfs magnetic field during the first millennium BC in western Europe remain poorly constrained, especially archaeointensity changes. Three salt-kilns (MOA, MOB and MOC) sampled in Moyenvic (Lorraine, eastern France) have been studied to provide new reference data. Each kiln has been dated by radiocarbon to originate from the Early Iron Age or Hallstatt period (between VIII and Vth Century BC). Rock magnetic experiments and hysteresis results suggest the predominance of pseudo-single domain (PSD) Ti-poor magnetite. Archaeomagnetic directions obtained by thermal and alternating field demagnetizations have high mean inclination (close to 70.) and declination (between 19 and 31.). A first set of classical Thellier.Thellier experiments was conducted on 46 samples with a laboratory field almost parallel to the direction of the characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM). Only 24 of these specimens present a linear NRM.TRM plot. For other specimens, NRM.TRM plots are concave-up with positive pTRM checks. The very large dispersion observed between the determined palaeointensity values suggests some artefacts have not been fully recognized. A second set of Thellier experiments was conducted on 34 sister specimens with the laboratory field applied quasi-perpendicular to the ChRM. In these cases,mineralogical evolutions during heating and chemical remanent magnetization acquisitions have been clearly recognized, despite positive pTRM checks. The concave-up shapes of NRM.TRM plots appear mainly due to mineralogical alteration rather than to the presence of PSD.MD grains. For the entire set of samples the success rate of the palaeointensity determinations is very low with 80 per cent of the samples rejected. Nevertheless, reliable mean archaeointensities have been obtained for two of the three kilns (MOA, 80.1 } 14.5 Æ’ĂŠT and MOB, 86.6 } 6.9 Æ’ĂŠT at the latitude of Paris). The high field strength and the archaeomagnetic directions determined, combined with previous published data, provide further evidence for important changes of the Earth magnetic field in Europe during the first half of the first millennium BC. These large variations of the geomagnetic field during the Iron Ages indicate that archaeomagnetism is highly suitable for dating of structures from this period

    Datation par archéomagnétisme des terres cuites archéologiques en France au premier millénaire av. J.-C. (étalonnage des variations du champ géomagnétique en direction et intensité)

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    L objectif de ce travail est l amélioration des courbes de variation séculaire de la direction (inclinaison I et déclinaison D) et de l intensité (F) du champ magnétique terrestre en Europe occidentale durant le premier millénaire av. J.-C. 47 fours, foyers et lots de tessons céramiques ont été étudiés pour constituer de nouvelles structures de référence. La datation du moment d acquisition de l aimantation a été définie en analysant l ensemble des informations archéologiques et chronométriques disponibles sur les sites. 39 nouvelles archéodirections ont été obtenues aprÚs désaimantations thermique et par champ alternatif. Les 18 archéointensités ont été déterminées par le protocole de Thellier-Thellier et généralement corrigées des effets de l anisotropie et de la vitesse de refroidissement. Les courbes de variation séculaire françaises, construites par moyenne mobile et par la statistique hiérarchique bayésienne, ont été étendues jusqu en 1500 av. J.-C. pour la direction et jusqu en 800 av. J.-C. pour l intensité. L inclinaison a une variation non monotone entre 65 et 75 entre 1500 et 0 av. J.-C. Les variations de la déclinaison et de l intensité sont trÚs fortes avec un maximum en 800 av. J.-C. (30 pour D et 90 T pour F) et un minimum (-5 pour D et 60 T pour F) en 250 av. J.-C. L interprétation géomagnétique de la variation séculaire est difficile en raison des lacunes des jeux de données de référence hors Europe. Ces nouvelles courbes plus fiables améliorent la datation archéomagnétique au premier millénaire av. J.-C. et étendent son application à l ùge du Bronze final. Du fait de la forte variation séculaire, le premier ùge du Fer est la période la plus propice.This study aims to improve the Western Europe secular variation curve of the direction (inclination I and declination D) and the intensity (F) of the Earth s magnetic field during the first millennium BC. New archaeomagnetic reference data were obtained from 47 kilns, hearths and sets of pottery sherds with precise magnetization acquisition ages determined through a comprehensive review of available archaeological and chronometric informations. 39 new archaeodirections were computed after thermal and alternating field demagnetizations and 18 new archaeointensities were determined by the Thellier-Thellier protocol with anisotropy and cooling rate corrections. The new French secular variation curves, built using hierarchical bayesian statistics, were extended to 1500BC for the direction and to 800BC for the intensity. Inclination vary non-monotonously (between 65 and 75) between 1500BC and 0AD. Variations in declination and intensity are very strong with a maximum at 800BC (30 for D and 90 T for F) and a minimum at 250BC (-5 for D and 60 T for F). Interpreting the geomagnetic significance of this strong variation is hindered by the scarcity of data outside Europe. However it provides a useful marker for reliable archaeomagnetic dating in Western Europe during the Iron Age, especially during the Early Iron Age thanks to the strong secular variation. The new directional curve also allows the extension of archaeomagnetic dating to the Final Bronze Age.BORDEAUX3-Bib. électronique (335229906) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Tests for the Use of La2Mo2O9-based Oxides as Multipurpose SOFC Core Materials

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    International audienceThe mixed ionic-electronic conductivity under dilute hydrogen, the stability and the catalytic activity under propane:air type mixtures of a series of LAMOX oxide-ion conductors have been studied. The effect of exposure to dilute hydrogen on the conductivity of the -La2(Mo2 - yWy)O9 series at 600 °C depends on tungsten content: almost negligible for the highest (y = 1.4), it is important for La2Mo2O9 (y = 0). In propane:air, all tested LAMOX electrolytes are stable at 600-700 °C, but get reduced when water vapour is present. La2Mo2O9 is the best oxidation catalyst of the series, with an activity comparable to that of nickel.The catalytic activity of other tested LAMOX compounds is much lower, (La1.9Y0.1)Mo2O9 showing a deactivation phenomenon. These results suggest that depending on composition, La2(Mo2 - yWy)O9 compounds could be either electrolytes in single-chamber SOFC and dual-chamber micro-SOFC (y = 1.4) or anode materials in dual-chamber SOFC (low y) or oxidation catalysts in SOFCs operating with propane (y = 0)

    Use by small and medium mammals of wildlife crossing structures on two motorways in south-western France. Results of the first two years of camera-trap surveys

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    Depuis 2012, 9 passages Ă  petite et moyenne faune (8 buses sĂšches au droit d’ouvrages hydrauliques et une buse sĂšche en milieu boisĂ©) nouvellement installĂ©s sous deux autoroutes du centre-ouest de la France ont Ă©tĂ© suivis par piĂšges photographiques sur des pĂ©riodes variant de 9 Ă  24 mois selon les sites. Au total 5338 passages concernant 16 espĂšces de petits, moyens et grands MammifĂšres (MicromammifĂšres exclus), comptant parmi celles les plus soumises aux collisions routiĂšres, ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©s. Le nombre moyen de passages par jour et par ouvrage observĂ© de 1,20 ± 0,70 ET est similaire Ă  d’autres suivis menĂ©s en Europe de l’Ouest sur des ouvrages semblables. PrĂšs de 91 % de ces passages sont attribuables Ă  5 espĂšces : le Blaireau Meles meles (45 %), le Renard roux Vulpes vulpes (19 %), le Lapin de garenne Oryctolagus cuniculus (9 %), la Genette commune Genetta genetta (9 %) et la Fouine Martes foina (9 %). Le nombre de jours de suivi et la saison influencent tout deux significativement les nombres de passages journaliers dĂ©tectĂ©s de ces cinq espĂšces. Une augmentation du nombre de leurs passages d’un facteur 8 est observĂ©e sur les deux premiĂšres annĂ©es de l’étude. Les suivis ayant dĂ©marrĂ© juste aprĂšs la mise en service des ouvrages, cette augmentation peut s’expliquer au regard du temps nĂ©cessaire aux animaux pour trouver les dispositifs de franchissement et les incorporer dans leurs patrons de dĂ©placements via une pĂ©riode d’adaptation et de processus d’apprentissage. Les diminutions significatives des taux de refus observĂ©es chez les Blaireau et Renard au cours du suivi corroborent l’hypothĂšse d’une accoutumance de la faune aux ouvrages. IndĂ©pendamment de la durĂ©e du suivi, les nombres de passages dĂ©tectĂ©s de Blaireau, Renard, Lapin et Fouine montrent des saisonnalitĂ©s spĂ©cifiques marquĂ©es ; celles-ci pouvant coĂŻncider avec le rythme d’activitĂ© des espĂšces au cours de l’annĂ©e. Ces premiers rĂ©sultats sont encourageants et incitent Ă  poursuivre le suivi pour mesurer l’efficacitĂ© des ouvrages une fois la pĂ©riode d’adaptation de la faune passĂ©e. Pour ce faire, le suivi par piĂšges photographiques devra ĂȘtre couplĂ© d’échantillonnages additionnels pour Ă©valuer les bĂ©nĂ©fices individuels et populationnels de ces ouvrages pour la faune sauvageSince 2012, camera-trap surveys have been carried out to study the use by wildlife of 9 newly-constructed underpasses on two motorways in south-western France (8 modified culverts and 1 underpass for small animals). A total of 5338 successful crossings of 16 small, medium and large mammal species were detected over a 9 to 24 month period (the duration varied with each site). The results comprise the majority of roadkill species, but micro-mammals were excluded from the survey. The mean observed daily crossing rate of 1.20 ± 0.70 SD per structure is comparable to other studies carried out in Western Europe at similar sites. Of the detected crossings, 91 % were made by 5 species: Eurasian badger Meles meles (45 %), Red fox Vulpes vulpes (19 %), Common rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (9 %), Common genet Genetta genetta (9 %) and Stone marten Martes fouina (9 %). For these abundant species both the duration of the survey (number of days) and the season were shown to have a significant influence on the number of crossing events. Monitoring began shortly after the installation of each crossing structure. Over a 2-year period, an almost eight-fold increase in use was observed as wild fauna found the crossing structures and incorporated them into their movement patterns through adaptation periods and learning processes. Throughout the survey a decrease in refusal rate by Red fox and Badger was observed, supporting the 'habituation' hypothesis. Usage was significantly different throughout the seasons for Badger, Red fox, Rabbit, and Stone marten. Each of these seasonal patterns could be correlated with species activity throughout the year. The initial survey results are encouraging and suggest that continued long-term monitoring is important to assess the effectiveness of crossing structures after the period of adaptation. To this end, our camera-trap surveys must be accompanied by appropriate additional sampling to measure the individual and population benefits for wildlife of these underpasse

    Halofuginone regulates keloid fibroblast fibrotic response to TGF-ÎČ induction

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    Keloids are characterized by increased deposition of fibrous tissue in the skin and subcutaneous tissue following an abnormal wound healing process. Although keloid etiology is yet to be fully understood, fibroblasts are known to be key players in its development. Here we analyze the antifibrotic mechanisms of Halofuginone (HF), a drug reportedly able to inhibit the TGF-ÎČ1-Smad3 pathway and to attenuate collagen synthesis, in an in-vitro keloid model using patient-derived Keloid Fibroblasts (KFs) isolated from fibrotic tissue collected during the "Scar Wars" clinical study (NCT NCT03312166). TGF-ÎČ1 was used as a pro-fibrotic agent to stimulate fibroblasts response under HF treatment. The fibrotic related properties of KFs, including survival, migration, proliferation, myofibroblasts conversion, ECM synthesis and remodeling, were investigated in 2D and 3D cultures. HF at 50 nM concentration impaired KFs proliferation, and decreased TGF-ÎČ1-induced expression of α-SMA and type I procollagen production. HF treatment also reduced KFs migration, prevented matrix contraction and increased the metallo-proteases/inhibitors (MMP/TIMP) ratio. Overall, HF elicits an anti-fibrotic contrasting the TGF-ÎČ1 stimulation of KFs, thus supporting its therapeutic use for keloid prevention and management

    Nouveaux molybdo-sulfates et molybdo-phosphates de type LAMOX (Ă©tudes structurales et vibrationnelles en relation avec la conduction anionique)

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    Le travail s inscrit dans le cadre gĂ©nĂ©ral de l Ă©tude de la famille LAMOX, dont le prototype est La2Mo2O9, de structure monoclinique Ă  tempĂ©rature ambiante (phase ?), et qui prĂ©sentent au dessus de 580C une phase cubique (?) ayant une conduction anionique supĂ©rieure Ă  la meilleure zircone stabilisĂ©e actuellement utilisĂ© comme Ă©lectrolyte de pile SOFC (Solid Oxid Fuel Cell), et ce Ă  tempĂ©ratures plus basses. L'analogie structurale de la forme ?-La2Mo2O9 avec le composĂ© ?-SnWO4 a permis de proposer une explication Ă  l origine structurale de la conduction dans le molybdate de lanthane. Le remplacement de l Ă©tain divalent par le lanthane trivalent impliqueun apport d oxygĂšne et la crĂ©ation de lacunes, qui viennent se substituer Ă  la place de la paire libre E (5s2) de l Ă©tain (Sn2W2O8E2 ? La2Mo2O8+1?). La migration de cet oxygĂšne supplĂ©mentaire par la lacune crĂ©Ă©e engendre l apparition d une conduction anionique.Le travail de thĂšse comporte deux volets :- recherche de nouvelles compositions pouvant prĂ©senter la phase conductrice ? Ă  plus basses tempĂ©ratures par substitution du molybdĂšne par du soufre et du phosphore, systĂšmes n ayant pas jusqu alors fait l objet d investigations avancĂ©es ;- Ă©tude des propriĂ©tĂ©s vibrationnelles et dynamiques de ce type structural afin de comprendre le mĂ©canisme de conduction anionique, et notamment l existence des changements de rĂ©gimes de conduction observĂ©s en fonction de la tempĂ©rature.Des phases pures La2Mo2-ySyO9 et La2Mo2-yPyO9-y/2 ont pu ĂȘtre Ă©laborĂ©es jusqu Ă  des teneurs en soufre de 30% (y=0.6) et de phosphore de 2.5% (y=0.05). La forme ? recherchĂ©e est stabilisĂ©e Ă  la tempĂ©rature ambiante pour des taux de soufre supĂ©rieurs Ă  5% et de phosphore supĂ©rieurs Ă  1,5%. Des analyses thermogravimĂ©triques ont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que la substitution du molybdĂšne par le soufre diminuait fortement la stabilitĂ© thermique des phases rendant ainsi leurs caractĂ©risations par diffraction des rayons X et spectroscopie d impĂ©dance dĂ©licates. Pour la sĂ©rie La2Mo2-yPyO9-y/2, une sĂ©grĂ©gation partielle du phosphore a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence par spectroscopie RMN. Les mesures Ă©lectriques rĂ©alisĂ©es sur les deux sĂ©ries d Ă©chantillons ont montrĂ© une conductivitĂ© significative, mais nĂ©anmoins moindre que celle observĂ©e Ă  haute tempĂ©rature pour le composĂ© parent La2Mo2O9.Le second volet visant Ă  comprendre le mĂ©canisme de conduction repose sur l Ă©tude des propriĂ©tĂ©s vibrationnelles. Il s est appuyĂ© sur des Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales par spectromĂ©trie Raman en liaison avec des calculs ab-initio des spectres de phonons. MalgrĂ© des raies Raman trĂšs larges en raison du dĂ©sordre structural, il a Ă©tĂ© possible de mettre en lumiĂšre des signatures caractĂ©ristiques des diffĂ©rentes phases en lien avec le rĂ©arrangement structural. L interprĂ©tation des spectres a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e en s appuyant sur la parentĂ© structurale avec le composĂ© modĂšle ordonnĂ© ?-SnWO4. Ce systĂšme a permis de dĂ©montrer un haut degrĂ© de fiabilitĂ© des calculs ab-initio sur la base de comparaisons Ă  des Ă©tudes expĂ©rimentales par Raman polarisĂ©. Ces calculs transposĂ©s au cas du sous-rĂ©seau ordonnĂ© de LaMoO4 ont amenĂ©s Ă  une attribution des signaux Raman. Ceci a permis d une part de dĂ©montrer que des structures observĂ©es sur des bandes vibrationnelles Raman devaient ĂȘtre attribuĂ©es Ă  l existence de diffĂ©rents environnements atomiques, et d autre part l existence de singularitĂ©s dans les spectres de phonons, lesquelles soutiennent le modĂšle prĂ©alablement proposĂ© de conduction anionique assistĂ©e par phonons.A new ionic conductor of the solid solutions La2Mo2-yPyO9-y/2 (y ? 0.05) and La2Mo2-ySyO9 (y ? 0.6) has been prepared with conventional solid-state reaction method. The resultant oxide powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction. These two series of lanthanum molybdates, which belong to the LAMOX family of fast oxide-ion conductors, exhibits a different structural behavior depending on the substituting element. The effect of substituting P for Mo reveals that the phase transition which occurs in La2Mo2O9 around 560C disappears when y > 0.02. Substituting P in some degree (y > 0.02) for Mo6+ can suppress the phase transition and stabilizing the cubic phase of ?- La2Mo2O9. The sulfur series (up to around 30 %) suppress the phase transition which occurs in La2Mo2O9 around 580C from a low temperature ? form to a high temperature ?, and stabilize the ? form at room temperature.Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the substitution of molybdenum by sulfur greatly decreased the thermal stability of phases making their characterization by X-ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy difficult. For the series La2Mo2-yPyO9-y/2, a partial segregation of phosphorus was demonstrated by NMR spectroscopy. Electrical measurements performed on the two sets of samples showed significant conductivity, but still less than that observed at high temperature for the parent compound La2Mo2O9.The infrared and Raman spectra of the low- and high-temperature phases of LAMOX were performed at ambient temperature. All theoretically predicted vibrations have been observed, and assignments have been given for the internal vibrations of the MoO42-, SO42- and PO43- ions as for the external vibrations. It is interesting to study the vibrational spectra of these two phases (? and ?) in order to obtain more conclusive data regarding the internal vibrations of the XO4 (X= Mo, P, S).LE MANS-BU Sciences (721812109) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Systematic Deletion of Homeobox Genes in Podospora anserina Uncovers Their Roles in Shaping the Fruiting Body

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    Higher fungi, which comprise ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, play major roles in the biosphere. Their evolutionary success may be due to the extended dikaryotic stage of their life cycle, which is the basis for their scientific name: the Dikarya. Dikaryosis is maintained by similar structures, the clamp in basidiomycetes and the crozier in ascomycetes. Homeodomain transcription factors are required for clamp formation in all basidiomycetes studied. We identified all the homeobox genes in the filamentous ascomycete fungus Podospora anserina and constructed deletion mutants for each of these genes and for a number of gene combinations. Croziers developed normally in these mutants, including those with up to six deleted homeogenes. However, some mutants had defects in maturation of the fruiting body, an effect that could be rescued by providing wild-type maternal hyphae. Analysis of mutants deficient in multiple homeogenes revealed interactions between the genes, suggesting that they operate as a complex network. Similar to their role in animals and plants, homeodomain transcription factors in ascomycetes are involved in shaping multicellular structures

    Pacific temperate conifers as native and introduced species: genetics and sexual reproduction

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    [Notes_IRSTEA]CD-Rom regroupant les présentations PowerPoint faites durant le colloque [Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]33 - CEMAFOR / SYLVAGENInternational audienceA symposium dedicated to the topic of the Pacific temperate conifers of western North America and their use as exotic forestry species was held from the 27th to the 30th of May in Orleans, France. This symposium was hosted by INRA and Cemagref and was the occasion of a meeting of the two IUFRO working groups: 2.02.05 - Breeding and genetic resources of Pacific north-west conifers and 2.01.16 - Physiology of sexual reproduction. Prior to the symposium a pre-meeting tour, hosted by the Irish Forestry Board (Coillte Teoranta), was held in Ireland to demonstrate these species growing outside of their range. Their use as an exotic, in some cases, far exceeds their use in North America (Sitka spruce in Great Britain and Ireland, radiata pine in the Southern Hemisphere). The symposium explored themes of why these species have become so important to world forestry.In the course of the symposium 31 papers and 15 posters were presented on the following themes:The economic importance of western North American conifers - Diversity and conservation of genetic resources - Flowering and sexual reproduction - Breeding (adaptability, growth, form, wood quality, resistance to insects and diseases)
