426 research outputs found

    Les conflits d'usage des espaces périurbains et le contentieux administratif. Le cas de la région Ile-de-France..

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    L’article porte sur une analyse des conflits d’usages d’espace, traduits par les requĂȘtes devant la justice administrative française de 1981 Ă  2005. Le terrain d’étude est le pĂ©riurbain francilien, territoire qui connaĂźt une forte urbanisation et oĂč la diversitĂ© des modes d’occupation du sol nĂ©cessite une meilleure comprĂ©hension de la dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la conflictualitĂ©. L’étude empirique montre une corrĂ©lation entre l’augmentation des conflits d’usage en Île-de-France et la dynamique de pĂ©riurbanisation. Elle met en Ă©vidence un couplage entre certains types de conflits et certaines caractĂ©ristiques du territoire : les problĂšmes d’urbanisme font souvent l’objet conflictuel dominant dans les communes plutĂŽt aisĂ©es, tandis que l’opposition aux infrastructures publiques se situe frĂ©quemment dans les communes Ă  forte urbanisation. Les nuisances des installations classĂ©es sont souvent localisĂ©es dans des communes plutĂŽt peu aisĂ©es.The article provides an analysis of land-use conflicts extract from the rulings of French Administrative Courts from 1981 to 2005. It focuses on Paris’s suburb, where the urbanisation process and the diversity of land-use require a deeper comprehension of the problem. Our results show that the land-use conflict’s evolution is correlated with the urbanisation process. They also detect a coupling phenomenon between conflict’s type and territory’s parameters : urbanism disputes often arise in wealthy municipalities, whereas oppositions to public infrastructure have particularly risen in strongly urbanising towns. Classified industrial facility’s nuisances have been found in unfortunate municipalities.Île-de-France; contentieux; pĂ©riurbanisation; conflit d’usage; Paris region; periurbanisation; land-use conflict; litigation;


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    Robust-MBFD: A Robust Deep Learning System for Motor Bearing Faults Detection Using Multiple Deep Learning Training Strategies and A Novel Double Loss Function

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    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of motor bearing fault detection (MBFD), which involves the task of identifying faults in a motor bearing based on its vibration. To this end, we first propose and evaluate various machine learning based systems for the MBFD task. Furthermore, we propose three deep learning based systems for the MBFD task, each of which explores one of the following training strategies: supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, and unsupervised learning. The proposed machine learning based systems and deep learning based systems are evaluated, compared, and then they are used to identify the best model for the MBFD task. We conducted extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets of motor bearing faults, including those from the American Society for Mechanical Failure Prevention Technology (MFPT), Case Western Reserve University Bearing Center (CWRU), and the Condition Monitoring of Bearing Damage in Electromechanical Drive Systems from Paderborn University (PU). The experimental results on different datasets highlight two main contributions of this study. First, we prove that deep learning based systems are more effective than machine learning based systems for the MBFD task. Second, we achieve a robust and general deep learning based system with a novel loss function for the MBFD task on several benchmark datasets, demonstrating its potential for real-life MBFD applications

    La dimension conflictuelle des projets d’infrastructure : essais sur la dĂ©cision publique, le contentieux et les prix immobiliers.

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    La thĂšse Ă©tudie l’opposition des riverains Ă  des projets d’amĂ©nagement de l’espace. Elle dĂ©fend la vision selon laquelle cette dimension conflictuelle, frĂ©quemment rencontrĂ©e lors de la rĂ©alisation des projets d’infrastructure, n’est pas un Ă©tat de dysfonctionnement Ă  Ă©viter dans le processus dĂ©cisionnel. ComposĂ©e de 4 essais qui traitent le phĂ©nomĂšne sous diffĂ©rents angles, elle Ă©voque les points principaux suivants. Les outils d’aide Ă  la dĂ©cision, dont le calcul Ă©conomique public et diverses procĂ©dures de concertation, ne permettent pas d’aboutir Ă  des dĂ©cisions parfaites et incontestables. La gĂ©ographie des conflits est fortement corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  celle de l’urbanisation et les opposants mettent en doute le principe de l’utilitĂ© publique. Le marchĂ© immobilier n’est pas indiffĂ©rent aux signaux de nuisance des futurs projets, ainsi qu’à la lutte organisĂ©e des associations locales. Ainsi, la thĂšse soutient l’idĂ©e que la dimension conflictuelle rĂ©sulte de facteurs irrĂ©ductibles. Elle ne reprĂ©sente pas un Ă©chec, mais participe de la confrontation nĂ©cessaire entre les acteurs coexistant sur un territoire, porteurs de prĂ©fĂ©rences et d’intĂ©rĂȘts divergents. C’est d’ailleurs cette confrontation qui les contraint Ă  discuter, Ă  relever des points de dĂ©saccords, puis Ă  sortir ensemble de la divergence grĂące Ă  l’action collective. L’analyse du contentieux administratif constitue la matiĂšre principale du travail. Le terrain d’étude est l’espace pĂ©riurbain de l’Ile de France.This thesis studies the local opposition phenomenon in carrying out public facility project. It defends the idea that the growing conflict dimension in infrastructure project is not necessarily a dysfunction to be voided in the decision making process. Composed from 4 articles, the thesis observes the phenomenon under different angles, and invokes the following major points. Decision making tools, among which the cost-advantage analysis and public consultation procedures, don’t permit to deliberate perfect and incontestable decision. The geography of conflict is highly correlated to that of urbanization. The opponents to public decision doubt about the public utility. The property market is not indifferent to signals of future project’s nuisance, as well as to the organized resistance of local associations. Hence, the thesis defend that the conflict dimension of public facility projects is resulted from irreducible factors. It doesn’t represent a failure, but a needed confrontation among coexisting actors in the same territory, actors whose interests and preferences are divergent. It is then this confrontation which will force them to have dialogue, to raise disagreement points, and get out of the divergence thanks to collective action. Administrative lawsuit study is the principal material of this work. The study area is the peri-urban area of the Ile de France region.living framework; litigation; conflict; public decision; public facility project; cadre de vie; contentieux; conflit; dĂ©cision publique; projet d’infrastructure;

    La dĂ©cision publique Ă  l’épreuve des conflits

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    Le processus de dĂ©cision publique, qui touche Ă  l’ensemble des activitĂ©s industrielles, doit faire face Ă  deux problĂšmes : les mĂ©thodes de calcul Ă©conomique et les analyses du choix public peinent Ă  intĂ©grer les dimensions sociales et politiques dans les procĂ©dures de choix et se rĂ©vĂšlent impuissantes Ă  dessiner un cadre cohĂ©rent de prise de dĂ©cision conforme aux attentes du public ; les conflits d’usage de l’espace se multiplient et marquent la difficultĂ© croissante Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre de nouveaux projets, en particulier en matiĂšre d’infrastructures. Cet article dĂ©fend l’idĂ©e que c’est par l’incorporation des dimensions conflictuelles dans le processus de dĂ©cision publique que l’on parviendra Ă  construire des projets partagĂ©s et Ă  tester la recevabilitĂ© ou le refus des dĂ©cisions publiques. Dans un premier temps, nous montrons comment le mĂ©canisme de la dĂ©cision publique est conduit Ă  incorporer toujours davantage des variables sociales et politiques, et nous revenons sur les problĂšmes posĂ©s par les outils de la dĂ©cision, au regard des thĂ©ories du choix. Dans la deuxiĂšme partie, nous prĂ©sentons un cadre d’analyse de l’intĂ©gration des conflits Ă  la dĂ©cision publique, en commençant par les analyses de l’exit et de la prise de parole, de Tiebout Ă  Hirschman, puis en insistant sur le rĂŽle jouĂ© par les conflits dans le processus d’essais et d’erreurs qui caractĂ©rise maintenant la dĂ©cision publique.In France, public decisions about industrial infrastructures are mainly based on a cost-advantage analysis but they are much and much depending on the public choice principle. While cardinal utility based approach refuses social dimension in decision making, the society turns more toward a democratic deliberation process which respects social preferences for territorial planning. That’s why these methods are no longer the appropriate framework to build collective choice. The increasing volume of land-use conflicts proves that it is more and more difficult to carry out new projects, particularly in public facility construction. This article defends the idea that the incorporation of conflict dimension into the decision making process can prospect a new approach where one can build shared projects inside a territorial governance framework, and test their recevability. In the first section, we show that the current making of public decision tends to progressively incorporate social and political adjustments. We then come back to the above mentioned problems in regarding the theories of choice. In the second section, we present an analytical framework which incorporates the conflict into the decision process. We expose the footloose model of Tiebout and that of Exit and Voice of Hirschman. In the end, we insist on the role of conflicts in the became-tendency trial-error procedure in public decision today

    DEWATS dissemination in Vietnam: achievements and lessons learnt

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    The speedy economic development and rapid growth of population and urbanization in Vietnam have created great pressure on the environment by its manufacturing process and human activities. Thus, it is necessary to protect the environment through policies and appropriate technology for the sustainable development of the country. The DEcentralized WAstewater Treatment Solutions (DEWATS) dissemination in Vietnam is one of the measures contributing to address this issue

    La politique de développement rural en France. PremiÚres analyses des programmes de développement rural dans les régions françaises métropolitaines sur la période 2014-2020

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    Cet article analyse la traduction actuelle du RĂšglement de DĂ©veloppement Rural en France par les rĂ©gions mĂ©tropolitaines et Ă©tudie l’évolution par rapport Ă  la pĂ©riode prĂ©cĂ©dente 2007-2013. Le changement majeur, principalement d’ordre institutionnel, rĂ©side dans le transfert de compĂ©tences de l’État vers les rĂ©gions en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement rural. Il ne se traduit pas par des Ă©volutions financiĂšres notables, dans un contexte oĂč les orientations du gouvernement français jouent un rĂŽle important dans le processus de redistribution des aides.This article analyzes the current translation of the Rural Development Regulation in France by the metropolitan regions and studies the evolution compared to the previous period 2007-2013. The major change is mainly institutional and results from the transfer of powers from the State to the Regions in the field of rural development. This change is not translated into significant financial trends in a context where the French Government continues to play a major role in the process of redistribution of rural supports

    The impacts of task-based speaking activities on English-majored freshmen’s oral performance at Ba Ria-Vung Tau Teacher Training College

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    This action research was carried out with the aims to investigate (1) the factors causing difficulty for the English-majored freshmen’s oral performance at BR-VT Teacher Training College; (2) the impacts of the TBSA on the students’ oral performance; and (3) the students’ attitudes towards the TBSA. The research was carried out in 15 weeks over 23 students. The data collection instruments were pre-questionnaire, post-questionnaire, pre-test, post-test and observation note. The results of the prequestionnaire showed that there were two factors that affected the students’ oral communication. (1) They did not have chances for practicing speaking; and (2) they were not confident of oral communication as they were not equipped with enough vocabulary and speaking patterns. The results of the oral tests and post-questionnaire revealed that the students’ oral performance in the post-test was higher than the one in the pre-test (fair scores compared with average ones). The students got the improvement in oral performance because (1) they spoke more fluently as they felt confident and had chances of practicing speaking with partners. (2) They took part in the conversations positively since they identified the topic discussion as well as they were equipped with the vocabulary and speaking patterns. The students also admitted that they liked the TBSA and wanted to use them frequently in learning speaking as (1) the TBSA were a good method for learning speaking; (2) they felt comfortable and confident in communication when practicing the TBSA; and (3) they achieved progress in learning speaking. Based on the findings, a conclusion was stated that the TBSA could be used to develop the learners’ oral performance

    Effect of deposition time on gold nanodendrite porous structure and on signals of Hg(II) in environment

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    The influences of deposition time (tdep) for Au nanodendrite preparation on carbon cloth electrodes on the surface structure, electrochemical behavior and voltammetric signal for Hg(II) detection have been studied. The obtained results showed that from 60 s to 300 s, the longer deposition time, the larger dendrite length as well as the more increased density of dendrite structure became. Calculated from data showed that the electroactive surface area approached to the maximum value of 3.686 cm2 with tdep = 300 s. The typical electrochemical behaviour of the prepared electrodes was mass transfer diffusion to the electrode surface and being considered as planar diffusion. Using DPASV technique, the peak height of Hg(II) could appoach to 52 ”A with tdep = 60 s. Keywords. Gold nanodendrite, deposition time, surface structure, electrochemical properties, mercury

    Evaluation of Pseudomonas stutzeri AM1 and Pseudomonas oleovorans ST1.1 isolated from shrimp pond sediments as probiotics for whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei culture

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    This study aimed to isolate the probiotic potential of nitrifying bacterial strains and to evaluate their effects on water quality and growth performance of the whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. Based on an initial screening of 100 isolates identified from sediment samples, 12 strains could remove nitrogen compounds and two strains (Pseudomonas stutzeri AM1 and P. oleovorans ST1.1) showed highly efficient nitrogen removal ability. Within 96 h, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) removal efficiency in the two strains was 28.0-31.6% and 21.5-24.9%, respectively. The water addition of 103 CFUmL-1 of P. stutzeri AM1 (T1) and P. oleovorans ST1.1 (T2) effectively reduced TAN, nitrite, nitrate, and total sulfide and increased the survival rate and biomass of shrimp. However, no significant differences were found between the control (T0) and treatment groups (T1 and T2) in the final weight, weight gain and specific growth rate of shrimp. Overall, P. stutzeri AM1 (T1) and P. oleovorans ST1.1 used as water supplements improved water quality and the survival rate of whiteleg shrimp
