35 research outputs found

    Brain potential responses involved in decision-making in weightlessness

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    The brain is essential to human adaptation to any environment including space. We examined astronauts’ brain function through their electrical EEG brain potential responses related to their decision of executing a docking task in the same virtual scenario in Weightlessness and on Earth before and after the space stay of 6 months duration. Astronauts exhibited a P300 component in which amplitude decreased during, and recovered after, their microgravity stay. This effect is discussed as a post-value-based decision-making closing mechanism; The P300 amplitude decrease in weightlessness is suggested as an emotional stimuli valence reweighting during which orbitofrontal BA10 would play a major role. Additionally, when differentiating the bad and the good docks on Earth and in Weightlessness and keeping in mind that astronauts were instantaneously informed through a visual cue of their good or bad performance, it was observed that the good dockings resulted in earlier voltage redistribution over the scalp (in the 150–250 ms period after the docking) than the bad dockings (in the 250–400 ms) in Weightlessness. These results suggest that in Weightlessness the knowledge of positive or negative valence events is processed differently than on Earth.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Machine learning for hand pose classification from phasic and tonic EMG signals during bimanual activities in virtual reality

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    Myoelectric prostheses have recently shown significant promise for restoring hand function in individuals with upper limb loss or deficiencies, driven by advances in machine learning and increasingly accessible bioelectrical signal acquisition devices. Here, we first introduce and validate a novel experimental paradigm using a virtual reality headset equipped with hand-tracking capabilities to facilitate the recordings of synchronized EMG signals and hand pose estimation. Using both the phasic and tonic EMG components of data acquired through the proposed paradigm, we compare hand gesture classification pipelines based on standard signal processing features, convolutional neural networks, and covariance matrices with Riemannian geometry computed from raw or xDAWN-filtered EMG signals. We demonstrate the performance of the latter for gesture classification using EMG signals. We further hypothesize that introducing physiological knowledge in machine learning models will enhance their performances, leading to better myoelectric prosthesis control. We demonstrate the potential of this approach by using the neurophysiological integration of the “move command" to better separate the phasic and tonic components of the EMG signals, significantly improving the performance of sustained posture recognition. These results pave the way for the development of new cutting-edge machine learning techniques, likely refined by neurophysiology, that will further improve the decoding of real-time natural gestures and, ultimately, the control of myoelectric prostheses.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Performance of the Emotiv Epoc headset for P300-based applications

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    Background: For two decades, EEG-based Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems have been widely studied in research labs. Now, researchers want to consider out-of-the-lab applications and make this technology available to everybody. However, medical-grade EEG recording devices are still much too expensive for end-users, especially disabled people. Therefore, several low-cost alternatives have appeared on the market. The Emotiv Epoc headset is one of them. Although some previous work showed this device could suit the customer's needs in terms of performance, no quantitative classification-based assessments compared to a medical system are available.Methods: This paper aims at statistically comparing a medical-grade system, the ANT device, and the Emotiv Epoc headset by determining their respective performances in a P300 BCI using the same electrodes. On top of that, a review of previous Emotiv studies and a discussion on practical considerations regarding both systems are proposed. Nine healthy subjects participated in this experiment during which the ANT and the Emotiv systems are used in two different conditions: sitting on a chair and walking on a treadmill at constant speed.Results: The Emotiv headset performs significantly worse than the medical device; observed effect sizes vary from medium to large. The Emotiv headset has higher relative operational and maintenance costs than its medical-grade competitor.Conclusions: Although this low-cost headset is able to record EEG data in a satisfying manner, it should only be chosen for non critical applications such as games, communication systems, etc. For rehabilitation or prosthesis control, this lack of reliability may lead to serious consequences. For research purposes, the medical system should be chosen except if a lot of trials are available or when the Signal-to-Noise Ratio is high. This also suggests that the design of a specific low-cost EEG recording system for critical applications and research is still required. © 2013 Duvinage et al. licensee BioMed Central Ltd.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    EEG-based brain-computer interface for alpha speed control of a small robot using the MUSE headband

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    Non-invasive BMI applications are increasingly used in different contexts ranging from industrial, clinical and gaming. After having tested the difference between a classical EEG recorder with electroconductive gel (ANT system) and the MUSE EEG headband, we studied the BCI performances of the later during the control of a small robot. We demonstrated that the participants were able to successfully control the robot using an online brain-computer interface based on the signal power in different frequency bands (delta, theta and alpha) characterizing the eyes-opened and relaxed eyes-closed states. Additionally, we performed a correlation analysis which demonstrated that the BCI commands were more related to a delta or theta power decrease for the determination of the classifier output probability and to the alpha power increase for the speed control of the robot.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Cerebellar contribution to visuo-attentional alpha rhythm: insights from weightlessness.

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    Human brain adaptation in weightlessness follows the necessity to reshape the dynamic integration of the neural information acquired in the new environment. This basic aspect was here studied by the electroencephalogram (EEG) dynamics where oscillatory modulations were measured during a visuo-attentional state preceding a visuo-motor docking task. Astronauts in microgravity conducted the experiment in free-floating aboard the International Space Station, before the space flight and afterwards. We observed stronger power decrease (∼ERD: event related desynchronization) of the ∼10 Hz oscillation from the occipital-parietal (alpha ERD) to the central areas (mu ERD). Inverse source modelling of the stronger alpha ERD revealed a shift from the posterior cingulate cortex (BA31, from the default mode network) on Earth to the precentral cortex (BA4, primary motor cortex) in weightlessness. We also observed significant contribution of the vestibular network (BA40, BA32, and BA39) and cerebellum (lobule V, VI). We suggest that due to the high demands for the continuous readjustment of an appropriate body posture in free-floating, this visuo-attentional state required more contribution from the motor cortex. The cerebellum and the vestibular network involvement in weightlessness might support the correction signals processing necessary for postural stabilization, and the increased demand to integrate incongruent vestibular information.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Neural rhythmic symphony of human walking observation: Upside-down and uncoordinated condition on cortical theta, Alpha, Beta and gamma oscillations

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    Biological motion observation has been recognized to produce dynamic change in sensorimotor activation according to the observed kinematics. Physical plausibility of the spatial-kinematic relationship of human movement may play a major role in the top-down processing of human motion recognition. Here, we investigated the time course of scalp activation during observation of human gait in order to extract and use it on future integrated brain-computer interface using virtual reality (VR). We analyzed event related potentials (ERP), the event related spectral perturbation (ERSP) and the inter-trial coherence (ITC) from high-density EEG recording during video display onset (-200-600 ms) and the steady state visual evoked potentials (SSVEP) inside the video of human walking 3D-animation in three conditions: Normal; Upside-down (inverted images); and Uncoordinated (pseudo-randomly mixed images). We found that early visual evoked response P120 was decreased in Upside-down condition. The N170 and P300b amplitudes were decreased in Uncoordinated condition. In Upside-down and Uncoordinated conditions, we found decreased alpha power and theta phase-locking. As regards gamma oscillation, power was increased during the Upside-down animation and decreased during the Uncoordinated animation. An SSVEP-like response oscillating at about 10 Hz was also described showing that the oscillating pattern is enhanced 300 ms after the heel strike event only in the Normal but not in the Upside-down condition. Our results are consistent with most of previous point-light display studies, further supporting possible use of virtual reality for neurofeedback applications.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Effects of Pulsed-Wave Chromotherapy and Guided Relaxation on the Theta-Alpha Oscillation During Arrest Reaction

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    The search for the best wellness practice has promoted the development of devices integrating different technologies and guided meditation. However, the final effects on the electrical activity of the brain remain relatively sparse. Here, we have analyzed of the alpha and theta electroencephalographic oscillations during the realization of the arrest reaction (AR; eyes close/eyes open transition) when a chromotherapy session performed in a dedicated room [Rebalance (RB) device], with an ergonomic bed integrating pulsed-wave light (PWL) stimulation, guided breathing, and body scan exercises. We demonstrated that the PWL induced an evoked-related potential characterized by the N2-P3 components maximally recorded on the fronto-central areas and accompanied by an event-related synchronization (ERS) of the delta–theta–alpha oscillations. The power of the alpha and theta oscillations was analyzed during repeated ARs testing realized along with the whole RB session. We showed that the power of the alpha and theta oscillations was significantly increased during the session in comparison to their values recorded before. Of the 14 participants, 11 and 6 showed a significant power increase of the alpha and theta oscillations, respectively. These increased powers were not observed in two different control groups (n = 28) who stayed passively outside or inside the RB room but without any type of stimulation. These preliminary results suggest that PWL chromotherapy and guided relaxation induce measurable electrical brain changes that could be beneficial under neuropsychiatric perspectives.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Sleep-push movement performance in elite field hockey champions with and without training specialization.

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    To investigate kinematic and muscle activity differences during the sleep-push movement in elite field hockey players. We hypothesized that players with specialized sleep-push movement training (specialists) would possess a lower center of mass (CoM) and enhanced reproducibility of muscle activations during the movement, compared to players without explicit movement training (non-specialists).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe