103 research outputs found

    On the role of forests and the forest sector for climate change mitigation in Sweden

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    We analyse the short- and long-term consequences for atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations of forest management strategies and forest product uses in Sweden by comparing the modelled consequences of forest resource use vs. increased conservation at different levels of GHG savings from carbon sequestration and product substitution with bioenergy and other forest products. Increased forest set-asides for conservation resulted in larger GHG reductions only in the short term and only when substitution effects were low. In all other cases, forest use was more beneficial. In all scenarios, annual carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration rates declined in conservation forests as they mature, eventually approaching a steady state. Forest set-asides are thus associated with increasing opportunity costs corresponding to foregone wood production and associated mitigation losses. Substitution and sequestration rates under all other forest management strategies rise, providing support for sustained harvest and cumulative mitigation gains. The impact of increased fertilization was everywhere beneficial to the climate and surpassed the mitigation potential of the other scenarios. Climate change can have large—positive or negative—influence on outcomes. Despite uncertainties, the results indicate potentially large benefits from forest use for wood production. These benefits, however, are not clearly linked with forestry in UNFCCC reporting, and the European Union\u27s Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry carbon accounting, framework may even prevent their full realization. These reporting and accounting frameworks may further have the consequence of encouraging land set-asides and reduced forest use at the expense of future biomass production. Further, carbon leakage and resulting biodiversity impacts due to increased use of more GHG-intensive products, including imported products associated with deforestation and land degradation, are inadequately assessed. Considerable opportunity to better mobilize the climate change mitigation potential of Swedish forests therefore remains

    Mat viktigaste faktorn bakom cancer

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    Ett centralt problem \ue4r nu att kosten alltmer utg\uf6rs av raffinerade livsmedel. Dessa \ue4r mer eller mindre utarmade p\ue5 antioxidanter, mineraler, vitaminer och andra n\ue4rings\ue4mnen och skydds\ue4mnen. De t\ue4cker mer \ue4n v\ue4l v\ue5rt behov av energi men inte v\ue5rt behov av naturliga skydds\ue4mnen. Resultatet blir \uf6kad f\uf6rekomst av cancer och andra kostrelaterade sjukdomar

    Exposure to Traffic Exhaust

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    Exhaust levels are high near to traffic, inside cars in queus and inside garages. Parents can warn their children to avoid places where exhaust can be smelt. Physical activity such as cycling increases uptake of the pollutants. Keeping a distance to vehicles is then particularly important

    Avgasernas tusentals \ue4mnen

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    Avgashalterna varierar starkt i v\ue5ra n\ue4rmilj\uf6er, men de varierar p\ue5 ett systematiskt och egentligen mycket l\ue4ttbegripligt s\ue4tt. F\uf6r en gata eller trafikled \ue4r f\uf6ljande haltrelationer typiska:* P\ue5 trottoar vid trafik: 10* 10-20 m fr\ue5n k\uf6rbana: 5* 50-100 m fr\ue5n k\uf6rbana:


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    Giftfri milj\uf6 och skr\ue4pmat

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    Kosten dominerar m\ue4nniskans exponering f\uf6r komplexa kemiska \ue4mnen. Medvetenheten om detta \ue4r d\ue5lig vilket bidrar till att kostrelaterade h\ue4lsoproblem negligeras. Kr\uf6nikan lyfter fram hur risker med vanliga livsmedel kan tydligg\uf6ras via koppling till milj\uf6m\ue5let giftfri milj\uf6. Socker betonas som ett huvudproblem

    Reference mass spectra of hexoses and methylated hexoses

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    Certified mass spectra (70 eV) as tables of relative abundance and as bar graphs are given for trimethylsilyl derivatives of aldohexoses. From specific fragment ions, the number and position of O-methyl groups can be assessed for unknown methylated hexoses as outlined in a previous article (link)

    Reference mass spectra of pentoses and methylated pentoses

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    Certified mass spectra (70 eV) as tables of relative abundance and as bar graphs are given for trimethylsilyl derivatives of aldopentoses. From specific fragment ions, the number and position of O-methyl groups can be assessed for unknown methylated pentoses as outlined in a previous article (link)

    Ambient hydrocarbons from motor-car assembly plants in Scandinavia

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    About 50 air-polluting hydrocarbons were determined in emissions from the Volvo and Saab motor-car plants. The sampling technique used was based on the Tenax GC adsorbent. Thermal desorption and glass capillary gas chromatography was used for the analysis. At a downwind distance of about 1 km, concentrations about 100 times higher than regional levels were recorded. The emissions constitute potential ecological and health hazards and a reduction of quantities and complexity is urgent

    Kolv\ue4teutsl\ue4pp och fotokemiska oxidanter

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    En \uf6versikt ges av utsl\ue4pp av specifika kolv\ue4ten fr\ue5n trafik, industri och f\uf6rbr\ue4nning. De atmosf\ue4rkemiska reaktionerna som leder fram till bildning av markn\ue4ra ozon och andra fotooxidanter beskrivs. Samverkan mellan kolv\ue4ten och kv\ue4veoxider i utsl\ue4ppsplymer illustreras
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