3 research outputs found
Neuropsychological Factors in Violence and Aggression
Neuropsychological Correlates of Violence and Aggression: A Review of the Clinical Literature.
Understanding of factors that influence expression of violence and aggression have become important questions in our society. The present article reviews the role of the neuropsychological factors, including the potential roles of prefrontal brain damage and temporal lobe dysfunction. Mechanisms that allow such damage to influence behavior are discussed, as well as the evidence for such mechanisms. The article examines the influence of these factors in a wide range of populations, including batters, juvenile delinquents, adult criminals, sexual offenders, psychopaths, and schizophrenics. The potential role of additonal factors, such as alcohol, are also briefly examined. Conclusions focus on the influence these findings have in aggression in society and possible treatment issues
Psychometric Tetsing in Lethal Violence