50 research outputs found

    Reproduction in the Female Mithun

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    Mithun is a domesticated beef bovine species in Himalayan foothills of Southeast Asia. It inhabits at an altitude from 300 to 3000 m MSL, often under extensive grazing system. Mithun is a very fertile animal, able to produce one calf/year. Mithun can interbreed with other bovine species, but male offspring are sterile. This chapter intent is to gather and discuss available information on several aspects of reproduction in female Mithun. The morphology of the reproductive organs is different from cattle and has a longer reproductive tract and pregnancies compared to cattle. Although its estrus period is longer than in cow, Mithun usually displays silent heats, requiring a breeding bull for heat detection. Seasonal fluctuations on reproductive pattern have been reported, which are related to forage availability and quality. Calving in summer takes longer to resumption of cyclic ovarian activity than calving in winter. As Mithun is an important socio-cultural-religious-economic asset in India, to counter some short comings, new breeding strategies have been introduced like multiple ovulation and embryo transfer technology. A good understanding of different aspects of reproduction is crucial to support effective reproductive managements to enhance socio-economic status and cultural importance of tribals to preserve Mithun germplasm to be used in future

    Domestic Pig Germplasms of Andaman and Nicobar Islands

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    Andaman and Nicobar Islands are endowed with immaculate flora and fauna biodiversity. Among the indigenous livestock species, pig occupies 27.26%. Andaman and Nicobar Islands have three different categories of domestic pig groups/breeds. Andaman Local pig is prevalent in Andaman group of Islands (South, Middle and North Andaman); Nicobari pig is in Nicobar group of Islands and long snouted Little Andaman wild pig (Schedule II animal under Forest Act, India). Other than the indigenous pigs, pure and crossbreds of Large White Yorkshire are available in Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Nicobari Pigs are reared exclusively by Nicobari tribes in Nicobar group of islands and create a well defined socio-economic-ecological status of their tribal society. Nicobari pig occupies a prominent place in custom, festivals and socio-economic status of Nicobari tribes. These Andaman local and Nicobari pigs are reared for meat purpose under free range or semi-intensive system. Nicobari pig is appeared as short, black/brownish in colour and living as a family. Andaman local pig is available in Andaman group of islands and body colour differs from rusty grey to black and brown. Neck and dorsal portion hair are long and thick whereas flank and sides hairs are shorter and thinner. Wild pig of Andaman (Sus scrofa andamanensis) is a most endangered porcine species of Andaman and Nicobar islands. Jarawa tribes in Andaman Islands prefer this wild pig as a good protein source. It is black in colour, short legged, small to medium sized and a prolific breeder. Litter size varies from 4 to 7 numbers. Another pig group is crossbred, cross between Large White Yorkshire and Andaman local or Nicobari pig. Crossbred pigs are light brown to complete white with different lines of blackish colour. This breed exhibits early maturity, high growth rate and fecundity. The Nicobari pig has high prolificacy as litter size is ranging from 8 to 10 numbers with good mothering ability and body weight of matured pig differs from 115 to 130 kg. Moreover, this crossbred is adapted highly to the local tropical humid environmental conditions and also can adjust with locally available feed resources on the different agricultural produces. This is highly suitable for commercial production of pork in this Andaman and Nicobar islands. However, the domestic pig breeds need to be protected and be conserved in this Andaman and Nicobar group of Islands

    Djelovanje različitih razrjeđivača na svojstva spermija i plodnost križanih svinja u sjevernoistočnoj Indiji.

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    The study was conducted to deduce the efficacy and suitability of three extenders: Beltsville thawing solution (BTS), Kiev and Modena extenders, on the preservation and fertility of boar semen. Semen ejaculates with more than 70% sperm motility from six Hampshire boars were used and preserved at 17 °C. The extended semen was evaluated for motility, viability, acrosomal and plasma membrane integrity from day 0 to 5 of preservation. There was a significant (P<0.01) reduction in sperm motility and viability between days 0 to 4, but no significant difference between day 0 and 2. BTS and Modena maintained significantly (P<0.05) higher sperm motility and viability as compared to Kiev. Plasma membrane integrity did not differ significantly up to day 2, but was significantly reduced on days 3 (P<0.05) and 4 (P<0.01). BTS and Modena extenders had significantly (P<0.05) higher plasma membrane integrity. By day 5, the percentage of mean sperm with intact acrosome was 80.4 ± 2.5, 81.2 ± 2.3 and 75.7 ± 2.7, in BTS, Modena and Kiev, respectively, with significant (P<0.05) increases in acrosomal damage after two days of storage, irrespective of all extenders. Farrowing rate and litter size did not differ significantly during the initial period of storage, but there was a significant difference after day 3 (P<0.05) in all extenders used. BTS and Modena maintained a farrowing rate of more than 60% on day 5, in contrast to 50% with the Kiev extender. The study concluded that both BTS and Modena are better extenders for short term storage of boar liquid semen as compared to the Kiev extender, and could be used efficiently in crossbreeding of pigs of north-eastern India.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se utvrdila učinkovitost i prikladnost beltsvilskog (BTS), kijevskog i modenskog razrjeđivača za očuvanje i plodnost nerastova sjemena. Upotrijebljeni su ejakulati sjemena od 6 hempširskih nerastova s pokretljivošću spermija većom od 70%, koji su sačuvani na 17 °C. Razrijeđeno sjeme procjenjivano je od 0. do 5. dana s obzirom na pokretljivost, živost te cjelovitost akrosomalne i plazmine membrane. Tijekom razdoblja od 0. do 4. dana došlo je do signifikantnog (P<0,01) sniženja pokretljivosti i živosti spermija, no signifikantne razlike između nultog i drugog dana nisu utvrđene. U usporedbi s kijevskim razrjeđivačem, BTS i modenski razrjeđivači su održavali signifikantno (P<0,05) višu pokretljivost i životnost spermija. Cjelovitost plazmine membrane nije se signifikantno razlikovala do 2. dana, ali je signifikantno snižena tijekom 3. dana (P<0,05) i 4. dana (P<0,01). Cjelovitost plazmine membrane bila je signifikantno veća (P<0,05) pri uporabi BTS i modenskog razrjeđivača. Do 5. dana, prosječni postotak spermija s nepromijenjenim akrosomom iznosio je kod BTS razrjeđivača 80,4 ± 2,5, kod modenskog razrjeđivača 81,2 ± 2,3, a kod kijevskog razrjeđivača 75,7 ± 2,7. Pri tome je, bez obzira na razrjeđivač, od 2. dana utvrđen signifikantni porast (P<0,05) spermija s oštećenim akrosomima. U početnom razdoblju stopa prasenja i veličina legla nisu se signifikantno razlikovale, no nakon 3. dana kod svih upotrijebljenih razrjeđivača razlike su bile signifikantne (P<0,05). Peti dan stopa prasenja kod BTS i modenskog razrjeđivača održala se preko 60% za razliku od kijevskog razrjeđivača kod kojeg je stopa prasivosti iznosila 50%. Istraživanjem se zaključuje da BTS i modenski razrjeđivači mogu, u odnosu na kijevski razrjeđivač, bolje poslužiti za kratkotrajno pohranjivanje nerastovog tekućeg sjemena, te kao takvi biti i učinkovitiji u križanjima svinja sjevernoistočne Indije


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    Iron deficiency anemia is the leading cause of piglet mortality. It happens due to low iron stores in piglets at birth, increasing body weight with the high demand for hemoglobin carrying red blood cells, presence of a very low amount of iron in sow’s milk, and immature mechanism of iron absorption in piglets. Iron supplementation is the only way to control it. The present study investigated the efficacy of oral iron supplementation in two different doses @ 30 mg/kg body weight and 150 mg/ kg body weight on suckling piglet performance, control of iron deficiency anemia, and blood as well as organ iron status. The iron supplementation was given on the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 15 th- day post birth. Oral iron supplementation to piglets improved growth parameters, hemoglobin level, serum Fe and serum ferritin levels, and organ (liver and spleen) Fe levels. Moreover, at weaning, hemoglobin levels of supplemented piglets were normal whereas the un-supplemented piglets were suffering from iron deficiency anemia. Therefore, oral iron supplementation @ of 30 mg/kg body weight on 2-7-10-15 days post-birth may be recommended for control of iron deficiency anemia and improvement of iron status in piglets

    Prevalence of various pathological conditions in female buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

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    The present review article has described the prevalence of various pathological conditions of reproductive system of female buffaloes starting from ovary to vulva and vagina. Various pathological conditions were analyzed and tabulated as the total number of animal examined, number of the animals showed pathological lesions, percentage of animal showed various pathological lesions and percentage of individual pathological lesion in different parts of reproductive system of female buffaloes. The incidence of disorders of female genital organs of buffaloes has been reported by various authors at various percentages in different countries. The incidence of pathological conditions was recorded in clinically infertile cows after slaughtering or from apparently healthy buffaloes slaughtered for human consumption and/or based on postmortem examination. This review is comprehensively covering pathological conditions of female buffalo hitherto which was not previously described at one place. This review will provide a comprehensive knowledge about the prevalence of different pathological condition of different parts of reproductive tract of female buffaloes. The review has six numbers of tables described about the various pathological conditions from ovary to vulva and vagina in female buffaloes. The present review article will be very useful to the buffalo farmers, buffalo breeders and researchers are working in buffalo reproduction & breeding and pathology

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    Not AvailableThe present study was conducted to assess the effect of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) vaccination on seminal parameters such as sperm motility, livability, total morphological abnormality, acrosomal and plasma membrane integrity and antioxidants profiles such as reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GRD), glutathione peroxidase (GPD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC) of semen of mithun breeding bulls, maintained at Semen Collection Centre, NRC on Mithun, Jharnapani, Nagaland. A total of 160 semen ejaculates of averaged 1.5 ml (1.39 ±0.59 ml) were collected from eight mithun bulls twice a week for five weeks before and five weeks after vaccination (Raksha–Ovac Trivalent vaccine) through rectal massage method and were used to assess the harmful effects through routine seminal and biochemical profile examination of semen. Results revealed that FMD vaccination affected the sperm functional parameters, antioxidant and biochemical profiles significantly (p< 0.05) in mithun bulls. Similarly, white blood cell count of mithun was also affected significantly (p<0.05). The harmful effects of vaccination on these profiles suggested that the semen collection and preservation should be stopped upto restoration of normal fertility of sperm to avoid conception failure from artificial insemination using such semen in this precious species.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableA study was designed to measure the semen quality parameters (SQP) such as volume, colour, concentration, mass activity, percent of sperm motility, viability, total morphological abnormality, intactness of acrosome, plasma membrane, nucleus, vanguard distance travelled by sperm in bovine cervical mucus and hydrogen ion concentration in freezable and non-freezable ejaculates of Mithun. Fifty ejaculates were collected from ten matured Mithun bulls and split to freezable and non-freezable ejaculates based on the post thaw motility (40% or more considered as freezable ejaculates). The result has shown that SQP differed significantly (P< 0.05) between the freezable and non-freezable ejaculates and freezable ejaculates have significantly (P< 0.05) higher value than the non-freezable ejaculates. However, morphological abnormality and pH were significantly (P< 0.05) higher in non-freezable than in freezable ejaculates. Mass activity was positively (P< 0.05) correlated with motility, liveability, integrity of acrosome, plasma membrane, nucleus and BCMPT and negatively correlated (P< 0.05) with morphological abnormality. Concluded that SQPs were significantly higher in freezable than in non-freezable ejaculates and indicates freezable sperm has higher structural stability than the non-freezable sperm caused freezable sperm.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe disease trend of livestock and poultry indicated that very few deadly viral and bacterial diseases are prevalent in the A & N Islands. The prevalence of parasitic diseases is reported to be very high in almost all parts of the Islands. An understanding of the epidemiology of disease is crucial for the development and implementation of effective diagnosis, treatment, control, and managemental practices. Hence, temporal and spatial epidemiological study of the livestock diseases was carried out. Among the parasitic disease, highest number of cases were reported due to ascariasis (34.02%) followed by fascioliasis (29.6%), amphistomiasis (25.5%), and strongyloids (10.9%). The trend showed that parasitic diseases increase during the rainy season (July to December). The secular trend of other diseases indicated that sero-prevalence of Infectious bovine rhinotracheatis (IBR) was found to be 20.58%, which is on increasing trend as compared to last 5 years data. The seroprevalence of Brucella abortus was 12.84% during the period 2000 to 2014.However, during the last 4 years the prevalence is found to be nil. The sero-prevalence of peste des petits virus (54.93%) and bluetongue (77.9%) has been detected for the first time. The high prevalence of PPR and BT in goats is considered to be an alarming situation. The island has become presently free from goat and bovine brucellosis, goat and bovine tuberculosis. However, there is alarming situation of emergence of few bovine and goat viral and bacterial diseases of FMD, PPR BT, orf and leptospirosis. Considering the changing climatic condition and to improve the health and productivity of the livestock and poultry a strict surveillance, and regular monitoring of the important diseases of livestock and poultry required to be carried out.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe present study was undertaken to measure the biochemical profiles of freezable and nonfreezable ejaculates of Mithun. Fifty ejaculates (twenty five ejaculates each from freezable and non- freezable ones) were collected from matured Mithun bulls. Biochemical profiles viz., alkaline phosphatase (ALP), acid phosphatase (ACP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn), chloride (Cl), citric acid (CA), total seminal plasma protein (TSPP), inorganic phosphorous (IP), fructose and cholesterol concentration in sperm were estimated. The result revealed that these parameters varied significantly (P< 0.05) between the freezable and non-freezable ejaculates. Freezable ejaculates has significantly (P< 0.05) higher ALP, ACP, LDH, Ca, Mg, Zn, citric acid, TSPP, IP, fructose and cholesterol concentration and significantly (P< 0.05) lower Cl concentration than the nonfreezable ejaculates. There was a correlation among the biochemicals such as ALP, ACP, LDH, Ca, Mg, Zn, CA, TSPP, IP, fructose, cholesterol and these biochemicals were negatively correlated with AST, ALT and Cl in both freezable and non-freezable ejaculates. It was concluded that most of the biochemical parameters were higher in freezable ejaculates than the non-freezable ejaculates, indicates that freezable ejaculates have has structural stability than the non-freezable ones that leads to freezable sperm has higher functional structures to move faster and in forward direction.Not Availabl