23 research outputs found

    Integration of Environmental Management Tools to Reduce Vulnerabilities in Livestock Areas

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    The aim of this research was to integrate environmental management tools to reduce vulnerabilities on farms chosen as intervention sites, as part of the Environmental Bases for Local Food Sustainability (BASAL) project, in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba. The tools studied were, environmental arrangement model (MOA) and studies of hydro-meteorological hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks of droughts, rural fires, and sanitary conditions due to epizooties. Four dairy farms (UPL) from the Patria o Muerte Basic Production Cooperative (UBPC) were evaluated. The units were located on the digital maps of MOA environmental units (EU), to analyze the guidelines of each of them. The measures to be adopted depending on the type of hazard were reviewed and integrated by unit. As a result, the four dairy farms were established within the EU limits for which the principal recommended environmental use was livestock raising. Accordingly, four measures were identified for implementation in order to achieve integrated environmental management, which will be added to adaptation measures tackling climate change, following BASAL´s recommendations for those sites. It was concluded that the integration of the tools described improved the portfolio of measures for adaptation to climate change recommended at the UPLs of the Patria o Muerte UBPC. It will contribute to the integration of environmental management aiming to achieve sustainable dairy production

    Intensification of Agricultural Systems and their Relation to Production and Efficiency. Results of Application

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    Agriculture is facing new challenges, on one hand is the need to increase food production; on the other, a more efficient use of natural resources, biofuels and production of raw materials. Both make agriculture a priority to industrial progress, which have determined new changes in the way intensification processes are implemented to meet the sector´s demands without causing land overuse. This review evaluates the bases for intensification of agricultural systems and their relation to production and efficiency. Additionally, the results from implementation of the Cuban experience are presented. In that context, the current intensification trends were defined, and other different criteria in terms of sustainability were explained. It was concluded that there are different criteria, trends or priorities regarding agriculture intensification; therefore, more than confrontation, conciliation must prevail. The strategy must be directed to an application based on each sector´s particulars, taking sustainability as the common principle of production

    Classification of Dairy Farms and Identification of their Weaknesses by the PRAGACC System

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    Fourteen dairy farms from the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) Patria o Muerte in Camagüey, Cuba, were classified by the PRAGACC system and their principal weaknesses were detected in order to implement mitigation measures. In all farms, deficiencies concerning management of ecosystem elements were detected (subsystem I, natural resources); out of them, five farms were impaired in two variables, six in three variables, and three in four variables. Among the principal deficiencies identified for this subsystem, water availability and its inadequate use, lack of trees on grasslands, and insufficient endogenous sources as alternatives for cattle feeding were the most evident. Regarding subsystem II (others resources), six farms showed an inefficient production process mainly associated with absence of initiatives in finding energy sources and the non-utilization of certain materials for biofertilizers manufacturing. Two other farms were identified as the most affected, thus demanding a higher priority in measures implementation. PRAGACC also increased the likelihood of a priority arrangement for the remaining farms

    Arrangement of Livestock Potential for Climate Change Adjustment in Jimaguayú, Camaguey, Cuba

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    The purpose of this paper was to make a contribution to the environmental arrangement of the livestock potential in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba. The indicators restrictions, categories, and conflicts of the livestock potential in the region were identified and located on a map. Additionally, the policies, guidelines, regulations and standards for proper environmental management in each livestock area were determined. The study concluded that the potential of livestock activity consists in environmentally recommended use in the main eight of the seventeen secondary environmental areas that make up the region. One of them was considered for secondary use. In terms of categories, the municipality comprises 126.9 km2 without livestock potential, including several settlements and water reservoirs; 115.7 km2 were identified as having a poor potential; 316.3 km2 had a mid-potential; and 225.4 km2 was high. The previous contributed to the environmental arrangement of the livestock potential in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey. Accordingly, the restrictions, indicators, categories, and conflicts observed in the sector were determined, and their use was recommended for development in the secondary environmental areas with some potential, as well as to set up policies and general and specific guidelines

    Arrangement of Livestock Potential for Climate Change Adjustment in Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba

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    The purpose of this paper was to contribute to environmental arrangement of livestock potential in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba. The indicators, restrictions, categories, and conflicts of livestock potential in the region were identified and placed on a map. Additionally, the policies, guidelines, regulations, and standards for proper environmental management in each livestock raising area were determined. The study concluded that the potential of livestock activity consists in the environmentally recommended use as principal of eight of the seventeen secondary environmental areas that make up the region. One of them was considered for secondary use. In terms of categories, the municipality comprises 126.9 km2 with no livestock potential. It includes several settlements and water reservoirs; 115.7 km2 were identified as poor potential; 316.3 km2 had a mid-potential; and 225.4 km2 was high. The previous contributed to the environmental arrangement of livestock potential in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey. Accordingly, restrictions, indicators, categories, and conflicts observed in the sector were determined in order to make recommendations for livestock development in the secondary environmental areas with some potential. It was also useful to set up policies and general and specific guidelines

    Integración de herramientas de gestión ambiental para reducir vulnerabilidades en áreas ganaderas

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    The aim of this research was to integrate environmental management tools to reduce vulnerabilities on farms chosen as intervention sites of the Environmental Bases for Local Food Sustainability (BASAL) project, in the municipality of Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba. The tools included were, environmental arrangement model (MOA) and studies of hydro-meteorological hazards, vulnerabilities, and risks of droughts, rural fires, and epizooties. Four dairy farms (UPL) from the Patria o Muerte Basic Production Cooperative (UBPC) were evaluated. The units were located on the digital map of the environmental units (EU) of MOA to consider the guidelines for each of them. The measures to be adopted depending on the type of hazard were reviewed and integrated by unit. As a result, the four dairy farms were established within the EU limits for which the main recommended environmental use was livestock raising. Accordingly, four measures were identified for implementation in order to achieve integrated environmental management, which will be added to adaptation measures to climate change, based on BASAL´s recommendations for those sites. It was concluded that the integration of the tools described improved the portfolio of measures for adaptation to climate change, recommended at the UPLs of the Patria o Muerte UBPC. It will contribute to environmental management integration aiming to sustainable dairy production.El objetivo de la investigación fue integrar herramientas de gestión ambiental para reducir vulnerabilidades en unidades seleccionadas como sitios de intervención del proyecto Bases Ambientales para la Sostenibilidad Alimentaria Local (BASAL), en el municipio de Jimaguayú, Camagüey, Cuba. Las herramientas fueron: modelo de ordenamiento ambiental (MOA) y estudios de peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgos hidrometeorológicos, sequía, incendios rurales, y sanitario por epizootias (PVR). Se analizaron cuatro unidades de producción de leche (UPL) pertenecientes a la Unidad Básica de Producción Cooperativa (UBPC) Patria o Muerte, que se ubicaron en el mapa digital de las unidades ambientales (UA) del MOA, para considerar los lineamientos que le correspondía a cada una. También se revisaron e integraron por cada unidad, las medidas que se deben adoptar en correspondencia con cada peligro. Como resultado, se precisó que las cuatro vaquerías se ubican en áreas de UA para las que el principal uso ambientalmente recomendado es el pecuario y se identificaron cuatro medidas que deben desarrollarse para lograr una gestión ambiental integrada, las que se deberán adicionar a las medidas de adaptación respecto al cambios climáticos que precisó BASAL para estos sitios. Se concluye que la integración de las herramientas descritas, enriqueció la propuesta de medidas de adaptación al cambio climático, recomendadas en las UPL de la UBPC Patria o Muerte, lo que coadyuva a una gestión ambiental integrada, para un desarrollo sostenible de la producción de leche

    Classification of Dairy Farms According to Intensification of Production Based on a New Management Model

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    This study took place between 2011 and 2015 in order to classify dairy farms according to the scope of production intensification, based on a new management model. The study lasted five years, and it covered 90 local farms in Jimaguayú-Camagüey, and comprised 450 cases. The information was collected through interviews to farmers in their working places. Production intensification indicators were chosen for classification. Principal Component Analysis was used, which resulted in three new dimensions: areas, diversity and supplies. Finally, the sample was classified by k means clustering analysis, depending on every dimension and production intensification. Concerning the areas, the mid and mid-high categories prevailed. The opposite was observed in diversification and supplies, where the two former engulfed most cases, with low and mid values for their indicators

    Pastureland Management, and Influence on the Economic Response of Breeding Herds

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    The influence of the main pastureland components on the economic response of breeding herds at the Rescate de Sanguily Company was studied from January 2012 to December 2014. Six breeding farms from Ricardo Flores Farm were chosen in the municipality of Jimaguayú, province of Camagüey, Cuba. Variables of pastureland, and forage resources in general were used. To determine the main components that led to variability of breeding units, a Principal Component Analysis was performed; components with values above the unit were selected. Stocking rates variables over 0.60 were chosen too. The elements related with pastureland management in breeding units were defined (forage area with native and cultivated grass), which explain the more than 40 % variance in all the units under the study. Forage balance is negative in the units, as a result of poor agro technical management of grasslands; however, the expensesincome ratio is positive (between CUP 2500and2 500 and 17 600), caused by the low feeding costs. Activities and resources linked to pasture and forage agro techniques must be prioritized, along with the completion of forage areas

    Characterization of Cropping Systems Integrated with Cattle Raising in the Guayas River Basin, Los Rios Province, Ecuador

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    The aim of this research was to characterize cropping systems integrated with cattle raising in the Guayas River basin, Ecuador. Samples from 50 farms included as study cases, and 19 variables (16 input and 3 output variables) were studied. All cases were classified by factorial and cluster analysis during the first stage, based on the principal component and non-hierarchical cluster analysis (k-mean) methods. Four clusters (I, II, III, IV) were defined and codified according to the mean values of the related variables. Finally, the productive response was evaluated by one-way analysis of variance, considering each particular codification as study factors depending on the clusters; the output variables were regarded as the productive response. The results showed the priority of the components, which expressed more variability in the systems studied, and depended on input use, residues introduced, and food produced. The classification made according to the variables included in the input component comprised half the samples in clusters III and IV with the highest values. The cropping productive response was dependent on the amount of inputs utilized, whereas, the response of cattle raising was highest in the categories with the lowest input utilization levels.The aim of this research was to characterize cropping systems integrated with cattle raising in the Guayas River basin, Ecuador. Samples from 50 farms included as study cases, and 19 variables (16 input and 3 output variables) were studied. All cases were classified by factorial and cluster analysis during the first stage, based on the principal component and non-hierarchical cluster analysis (k-mean) methods. Four clusters (I, II, III, IV) were defined and codified according to the mean values of the related variables. Finally, the productive response was evaluated by one-way analysis of variance, considering each particular codification as study factors depending on the clusters; the output variables were regarded as the productive response. The results showed the priority of the components, which expressed more variability in the systems studied, and depended on input use, residues introduced, and food produced. The classification made according to the variables included in the input component comprised half the samples in clusters III and IV with the highest values. The cropping productive response was dependent on the amount of inputs utilized, whereas, the response of cattle raising was highest in the categories with the lowest input utilization levels

    Identificación de vulnerabilidades y clasificación de unidades de producción lechera mediante el sistema PRAGACC

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    Fourteen dairy farms from the Basic Unit of Cooperative Production (UBPC) Patria o Muerte in Camagüey, Cuba, were classified by the PRAGACC system and their principal weaknesses were detected in order to implement mitigation measures. In all farms, deficiencies concerning management of ecosystem elements were detected (subsystem I, natural resources); out of them, five farms were impaired in two variables, six in three variables, and three in four variables. Among the principal deficiencies identified for this subsystem, water availability and its inadequate use, lack of trees on grasslands, and insufficient endogenous sources as alternatives for cattle feeding were the most evident. Regarding subsystem II (others resources), six farms showed an inefficient production process mainly associated with absence of initiatives in finding energy sources and the non-utilization of certain materials for biofertilizers manufacturing. Two other farms were identified as the most affected, thus demanding a higher priority in measures implementation. PRAGACC also increased the likelihood of a priority arrangement for the remaining farms.Mediante el sistema PRAGACC se identificaron las principales vulnerabilidades y se clasificaron las 14 vaquerías de la unidad de producción cooperativa (UBPC) Patria o Muerte en Camagüey, Cuba, con miras a la aplicación de medidas de mitigación. En el análisis de las entidades todas manifestaron problemas al manejar elementos del ecosistema (subsistema I, recursos naturales); de ellas, cinco mostraron afectaciones en dos variables, seis en tres y tres en cuatro. Dentro de los principales problemas identificados en este subsistema se destaca la baja disponibilidad y el uso inadecuado del agua, la escasa presencia de árboles en los pastizales y las insuficientes fuentes endógenas como alternativas para alimentar al ganado. En relación con el subsistema II (otros recursos) se encontró que seis entidades manifestaron insuficiencias en el proceso productivo, vinculadas principalmente con la falta de iniciativas en la obtención de fuentes de energía y el desaprovechamiento de materiales para la producción de bioabonos. El sistema permitió identificar dos entidades más afectadas, que deben tener prioridad al aplicar las medidas. PRAGACC también posibilitó dar orden de prioridad a las restantes vaquerías