857 research outputs found

    "Et hoc facimus propter necessitatem famis..." Possibilitats de les fonts documentals catalanes per a l'estudi de les crisis alimentàries dels segles X-XIII

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    European studies of famines before the thirteenth century have been based principally on chronicles and especially on information from monastic annals. These sources, which are especially numerous during the so-called Carolingian Cultural Renaissance, offer abundant evidence of a phenomenon scarcely mentioned in other types of sources, including archival sources: the frequency and gravity of crises of food supply in some regions of continental Europe during the central middle ages, an epoch which, being situated between the terrible famines of the carolingian period and the great panademics of the fourteenth century, has been considered a period "without famines." The object of this article is to shed light on the limitations of medieval catalan chronicle sources for the reconstruction of food-supply crises which affected the catalan counties in the tenth through the thirteenth centuries and illustrate, in contrast, the multiple opportunities offered by sources from the lordly archives. A significant part of these archival sources are connected in a direct and indirect manner to the difficulties of the rural and urban populations during famines and therefore, in a broad sense, can be considered a consequence of these crises

    De la guerra de l'Empordà (1128) a la mortaldat de 1131: Gènesi, extensió i extinció d'una fam. Per a una història de les crisis alimentàries a la Catalunya medieval

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    In the history of food shortages and subsistence crises which affected the Catalan counties during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the famine of 1129-1131 deserves special mention. Originating in the war of 1128 involving the Empordà and neighboring counties, this famine affected the city of Barcelona and other points of Catalonia (Winter, 1131) and created conditions for the spread of a deadly epidemic (July 1130 -January 1132).In the history of food shortages and subsistence crises which affected the Catalan counties during the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the famine of 1129-1131 deserves special mention. Originating in the war of 1128 involving the Empordà and neighboring counties, this famine affected the city of Barcelona and other points of Catalonia (Winter, 1131) and created conditions for the spread of a deadly epidemic (July 1130 -January 1132)

    Els homes de Sant Pol del veïnat del Sant Crist

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    El cas particular del veïnat del Sant Crist, avui terme de Cabrils, i d'antic terme i parròquia de Sant Genis de Vilassar de Dalt, el seu origen, els seus masos i homes sota jurisdicció del monestir de Sant Pol del Maresme, i les seves estructures dominicals entre els segles X i XIV, són analitzats per Pere Benito i Monclús, llicenciat en història medieval. L'estudi concret del veïnat ens introdueix, i és indicatiu, de la situació de la pagesia de la part de la nostra comarca, compresa dintre dels límits del Bisbat de Barcelona, en aquella època