20 research outputs found

    Differences in soil chemistry between early and late succession of oak-hornbeam forest after grassland abandonment

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    Changes in C and nutrient cycling during succession are well studied, however, results can be contrasting for different nutrients and successional sequences. We analyzed soil chemical differences between early and late succession of oak-hornbeam forest. Late forest succession efficiently retained plant-available P, and total Mn, Zn, Fe, Cu, and Ni pools in the soil, as their concentrations were similar to those of early-successional grasslands. Available K, soil organic C, and organic matter content, as well as C:N and C:S ratios were higher in late than in early succession. Soil organic N and S concentrations did not differ between the stages

    Utjecaj položaja na obronku na odabrana kemijska svojstva pseudogleja u vinogradu

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of different slope positions on selected chemical properties of Pseudogley in the vineyard. The study was conducted in Zagreb, central Croatia. A total of 15 top-soil samples (0-30 cm) were collected from a hilltop, backslope, and footslope and analysed for pH, hydrolytic acidity (Hy), soil organic carbon (SOC) content, P2 O5 , K2 O, and potentially toxic elements (As, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn). A slight increase in mean pH value from the hilltop to the footslope and a decrease in Hy were observed, although differences were not statistically significant. The SOC content was low and uniform along the entire slope. A significantly higher concentration of P2 O5 at the footslope compared to the hilltop was established (10.4 and 3.4 mg/100 g of soil, respectively). The K2 O concentration at the footslope (29.7 mg/100 g of soil) was significantly higher than at the backslope (21.2 mg/100 g of soil). The Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations were significantly affected by slope positions in terms of download accumulation. The studied soil was contaminated by As, Ni, and Zn at the hilltop and the footslope and partly at the backslope, according to the Ordinance on the Protection of Agricultural Land from Pollution. The Cu concentrations exceeded the maximum allowed concentrations only on the backslope and footslope. The minor differences in studied soil properties between slope positions can be attributed to a short length, low and uneven inclination, and relatively short-term anthropogenic influence.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitog položaja na obronku na odabrana kemijska svojstva pseudogleja u vinogradu. Istraživanje je provedeno u Zagrebu, centralna Hrvatska. Ukupno je uzorkovano 15 uzoraka povrÅ”inskog horizonta tla (0-30 cm) sa gornjeg, srednjeg i donjeg dijela obronka i analizirano na pH, hidrolitski aciditet (Hy), sadržaj organskog ugljika tla, P2 O5 , K2 O i potencijalno toksične elemente (As, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn). Uočeno je blago povećanje prosječne pH vrijednosti i snižavanje Hy od vrha prema dnu obronka, iako razlike nisu bile statistički opravdane. Sadržaj organskog ugljika je bio nizak i uniforman duž cijelog obronka. Ustanovljene su signifikantno viÅ”e koncentracije P2 O5 na dnu u usporedbi s vrhom obronka (10.4 i 3.4 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracije K2 O bile su značajno viÅ”e na dnu (29.7 mg/100 g tla) u odnosu na sredinu obronka (21.2 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracije Cu, Pb i Zn bile su pod značajnim utjecajem položaja na obronku u smislu nakupljanja na dnu. Istraživano tlo bilo je onečiŔćeno s As, Ni i Zn na vrhu i dnu, te djelomično na sredini obronka prema Pravilniku o zaÅ”titi poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta od onečiŔćenja. Koncentracije bakra preÅ”le su maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije samo na sredini i dnu padine. Male razlike u istraživanim svojstvima tla između dijelova obronka mogu se pripisati kratkoj dužini obronka, malom i neujednačenom nagibu te relativno kratkotrajnom antropogenom utjecaju

    Local-scale changes in plant community composition following succession of oak-hornbeam forest after grassland abandonment

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    In this local-scale synecological study, we investigated the changes in plant community composition throughout secondary succession occurring after cessation of agricultural land use (i.e. grassland abandonment). The successional sequence studied had the following pathway: Avenula pubescens (Huds.) Dumort. hay-pastures Ā® Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) P.Beauv. successional grassland Ā® Cornus sanguinea L. scrubs Ā® late-successional Populus tremula L. forest Ā® late-successional oak-hornbeam (Quercus-Carpinus) forest. The last forest stage was represented by the association Epimedio-Carpinetum betuli (Horvat 1938) Borhidi 1963. Occurrence of plant species throughout secondary succession was mostly stage-specific; only Fragaria vesca L., Ajuga reptans L., Cornus sanguinea, Prunus spinosa L., and Viola hirta L. showed survival ability throughout almost all stages

    Procjena potencijala konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.) za akumulaciju teŔkih metala

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    Heavy metals accumulation in crops and soils poses a significant threat to the human health. A study was carried out in 2016 in order to assess hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) ability to accumulate heavy metals and to reveal its possibility as a phytoaccumulator or phytostabilizer. Two soil types from Croatia were used in experimental pots: Gleysoils (alkaline soil) and Stagnic Luvisol (acid soil). Majority of the varieties accumulated more heavy metals in roots than in above-ground biomass. Removal of Cd, Ni, Pb, Hg, Co, Mo and As was higher in acid soil. Potential ability for phytostabilization was observed in alkaline soil in order Cu>Cr> Cd>Mo>Hg>Zn>Ni>Co>As>Pb, while for acid soil in order Zn>Cd>Cr>Ni>Hg>Cu> Mo>As>Co>Pb. Some varieties exhibited a translocation coefficient (TC) more than 1 and shown the ability of hyper-accumulation for Zn, Hg, Mo and Cd. Higher accumulation of heavy metals in some varieties could lead to their general application for phytoaccumulation of heavy metals from polluted soils.Akumulacija teÅ”kih metala u usjevima i tlima predstavlja značajnu prijetnju ljudskom zdravlju. Istraživanje je provedeno 2016. godine kako bi se procijenila sposobnost konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.) za akumulaciju teÅ”kih metala i njene mogućnosti kao fitokakumulatora ili fitostabilizatora. U eksperimentalnim posudama upotrijebljene su dvije vrste tla iz Hrvatske: glejno (alkalno tlo) i luvisol (kiselo tlo). Većina vrsta nakupila je viÅ”e teÅ”kih metala u korijenu nego u biomasi iznad zemlje. Akumulacija Cd, Ni, Pb, Hg, Co, Mo i As bila je veća u kiselom tlu. Potencijalna sposobnost za fitostabilizaciju zabilježena je u alkalnom tlu kako slijedi: Cu>Cr>Cd>Mo>Hg>Zn> Ni>Co>As>Pb, dok je za kiselo tlo kako slijedi: Zn>Cd>Cr>Ni>Hg>Cu>Mo> As>Co>Pb. Neke su vrste pokazale koeficijent translokacije (TC) veći od 1 i sposobnost hiperakumulacije za Zn, Hg, Mo i Cd. Veća nakupljanja teÅ”kih metala u nekim vrstama mogla bi dovesti do njihove opće primjene za fitoakumulaciju teÅ”kih metala iz zagađenih tala

    Sveobuhvatna analiza nitrata, sulfata i pesticida u procjednim vodama iz intenzivno poljoprivrednog područja - Studija slučaja u Hrvatskoj

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    To better understand the impact of conventional agricultural practices on soil and water resources, two main objectives were established in this study: to measure nitrate (NO3-) and sulphate (SO4 2-) concentrations in lysimeters and drainpipes leachates in response to different nitrogen fertilization levels and soil amendments and to identify organic contaminants that could have originated from the long-term use of agrochemicals in historically intensive agricultural area in Croatia. During the two-year study period leachate samples were collected from lysimeters and drainpipes. Research results indicate NO3- content in both lysimeters and drainpipes increased with rising doses of N fertilizer. The highest concentration of SO4 2- was recorded in the treatment with added phosphogypsum, while in all other treatments the concentrations were low. Over 40% of the 287 target substances were detected at least once during the two-year study period but only two substances (IPC/propham and carbosulfan) were found to have concentrations above 0.5 Āµg/L. Additionally, three priority substances were continuously present in the leachate samples: atrazine, simazine and isoproturon.Da bi se bolje razumio utjecaj konvencionalne poljoprivredne prakse na tlo i vodne resurse, u ovom radu uspostavljena su dva glavna cilja: mjerenje koncentracija nitrata (NO3-) i sulfata (SO4 2-) u lizimetarskim i drenskim procjednim vodama kao odgovor na gnojidbu različitim razinama duÅ”ika te poboljÅ”ivača tla te identificirati organske onečiŔćivače čije je moguće izvoriÅ”te u dugotrajnoj uporabi pesticida na povijesno intenzivno poljoprivrednom području u Hrvatskoj. Tijekom dvogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja uzorci procjednih voda prikupljani su iz lizimetara i drenskih cijevi. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se sadržaj NO3- u lizimetrima i u drenskim cijevima povećavao s porastom doza N gnojiva. Najveća koncentracija SO4 2- zabilježena je u tretmanu s dodanim fosfogipsom, dok su u svim ostalim tretmanima koncentracije bile niske. Preko 40% od 287 ciljnih tvari otkriveno je barem jednom tijekom dvogodiÅ”njeg razdoblja ispitivanja, ali utvrđeno je da su samo dvije tvari (IPC/propham i carbosulfan) imale koncentracije iznad 0,5 Āµg/L. Uz to, tri prioritetne tvari bile su kontinuirano prisutne u uzorcima procjednih voda: atrazin, simazin i izoproturon

    The Application of Phosphogypsum in Agriculture

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    Phosphogypsum (PG) is a by-product of phosphoric acid production and according to the Waste Management Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for 2007 ā€“ 2015 (Official Gazette 85/07, 126/10, 31/11, 46/15) it is classified under the waste code 06 09 01. Phosphogypsum has a significant impact on the environment by its effects, admixtures (impurities) and amount. One of its possible applications is in agriculture. Many positive effects on soil and plants were noted, but there is also a growing concern regarding the effect of residues of heavy metals and natural radioactivity of radionuclides. In order to obtain a better understanding of this subject, this study provides a general overview of the available literature regarding the application of phosphogypsum in agriculture

    Hyperspectral sensing of soil pH, total carbon and total nitrogen content based on linear and non-linear calibration methods

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    Soil properties can be estimated non-destructively by visible and near infrared (VNIR) reflectance spectroscopy. However, results of calibration models differ in dependence of measurement precision, spectral range, variability of soil properties and calibration methods used for prediction. The objective of research was to estimate the ability of hyperspectral VNIR sensing for field-scale prediction of soil pH, total carbon (TC %) and total nitrogen (TN %) content in arable Stagnosols. Total of 200 soil samples taken from field experiment (soil depth: 30 cm; sampling grid: 15x15 m; 2016) were scanned in laboratory using portable spectroradiometer (FieldSpecĀ®3, 350-1,050 nm). Partial least squares regression (PLSR) and artificial neural networks (ANN) were used to build prediction models of selected soil properties based on VNIR spectra. Very strong to complete correlation and low root mean squared error were obtained between predicted and measured values for the calibration and validation dataset, and both prediction methods. ANN models were more efficient in capturing the complex link between selected soil properties and soil reflectance spectra than PLSR. Calibrations defined in this research should help to support site-specific soil survey as addition to standard laboratory analysis, and represent valuable input for spectral database that should be built for Croatian soils

    Stavovi ispitanika o turizmu u zaÅ”tićenim prirodnim područjima: primjer Lonjskog polja

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    Protected areas have a primary role in preserving the biodiversity of a region and are often valorized as a resource in tourism. The paper is based on the results of an empirical study conducted on a sample of 160 respondents. The main research goal was to determine the opinions and attitudes of the respondents about the development of rural tourism and its impact on the conservation of biodiversity in the Lonjsko polje Nature Park (Park). The results show that 56.9% of respondents consider that pollution caused by human activity has the greatest impact on biodiversity loss, but also that informing visitors about responsible behavior is a way to preserve biodiversity in the Park. Respondents agree with the statement that rural tourism is "eco-friendly" and that a sustainable form of tourism contributes to nature conservation. It was found that age and level of education were not statistically significantly related to the respondents\u27 perception of the impact of rural tourism on biodiversity in nature parks. Respondents are moderate in the view that tourism should not be carried out in nature parks (M = 2.85) or that rural tourism in the park pollutes the environment and disrupts the landscape (M = 2.61). With a high degree of agreement (M = 4.04), respondents believe that the Park has the potential to develop ecotourism.ZaÅ”tićena područja imaju primarnu ulogu u očuvanju bioraznolikosti nekog područja, nerijetko su valorizirana i kao resurs u turizmu. Rad se temelji na rezultatima empirijskog istraživanja provedenog na uzorku od 160 ispitanika. Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi miÅ”ljenja i stavove ispitanika o razvijenosti ruralnog turizma i njegovom utjecaju na očuvanje bioraznolikosti u Parku prirode Lonjsko polje (Park). Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da 56,9% ispitanika smatra da onečiŔćenja nastala ljudskom aktivnoŔću najviÅ”e utječu na naruÅ”avanje bioraznolikosti, ali i da je informiranje posjetitelja o odgovornom ponaÅ”anju način očuvanja bioraznolikosti u Parku. Ispitanici su suglasni s izjavom da je ruralni turizam ā€žeco-friendlyā€œ i da održivi oblik turizma doprinosi očuvanju prirode. Utvrđeno je da dob i stupanj obrazovanja nisu statistički značajno povezani s percepcijom ispitanika o utjecaju ruralnog turizma na bioraznolikost u parkovima prirode. Ispitanici su umjereni u stavu da se turizam ne bi trebao provoditi u parkovima prirode (M = 2,85) odnosno da ruralni turizam u parku zagađuje okoliÅ” i naruÅ”ava krajolik (M = 2,61). S visokim stupnjem suglasnosti (M = 4,04) ispitanici smatraju da Park ima potencijal za razvoj ekoturizma