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    Pogledi o povijesti Bosne i crkvi bosanskoj

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    Sljedbenici heretičke »Crkve bosanske« tijekom prve polovice XV st. postupno su prelazili u službu pojedinih velikaša za koje su potom obavljali raznovrsne poslove svjetovnog karaktera, što im je otvaralo velike mogućnosti da izađu iz tišine svojih redovničkih obitavališta i brzo postanu osobito cijenjeni, utjecajni, pa čak nerijetko i vrlo bogati ljudi ne samo u svojem okružju nego i na znatno širem prostoru, kako o tome na najuvjerljiviji način svjedoči primjer Radina Butkovića- nešto mlađeg suvremenika i subrata krstjanina Vlatka Tumurlića - koji je ostvario iznimno bogatu crkvenu i svjetovnu karijeru, nastupajući u različitim situacijama najčešće kao diplomat u službi oblasnih gospodara Radosava Pavlovića i Stjepana Vukčića Kosače. Odavanje članova heretičke sljedbe bosanskih krstjana i njezine hijerarhije raznim svjetovnim poslovima, nakon što su se našli na dvorovima »rusaške gospode« i oblasnih gospodara, nije bilo u suprotnosti s njihovom duhovnom djelatnošću i oblasnih gospodara, nije bilo u suprotnosti s njihovom duhovnom djelatnošću i redovničkim pravilima po kojima su živjeli, nego je, naprotiv, takvo angažiranje bilo poželjno i praktično, s obzirom na to da se općenito zaštita crkve u srednjovjekovnoj bosanskoj državi u osjetljivim i zategnutim situacijama i u otvorenim sukobima do kojih je dolazilo između vladara i vlastele, pokazala dovoljno efikasnom te je posredovanje njezinih predstavnika u svakom nesporazumu po pravilu zahtijevala u sporu slabija strana, tako da se, zahvaljujući tome, s vremenom uobičajilo, uz povjerljive osobe svjetovnog staleža, pojavljivanje po jednog ili više pripadnika crkve, u ovisnosti o vjerskoj pripadnosti onoga koji zaštitu traži. Osim što se u dostupnom izvornom materijalu može neosporno naći primjera na temelju kojih se doznaje da je tijekom prve polovice XV. st. - kada je, uostalom, živio i djelovao i krstjanin Vlatko Tumurlić: - »Crkvi bosanskoj« bilo rezervirano mjesto u državnim tijelima koja su u svojoj nadležnosti imala ispitivanje vlastelinove krivice, čak i u onim slučajevima kada bi se on toliko ogriješio o vladara da bi bilo »vridno plemenitu človiku glavu otsići« kao i to da je ona tada vrijedila kao čuvar zakona, pravde i staleških prava bosanskog plemstva. Ima također puno vijesti prema kojima su već početkom tog razdoblja njezini članovi postupno prodirali u okolinu pojedinih oblasnih gospodara i »rusaške gospode« gdje su potom, stupajući u njihovu službu, postajali pravi dvorjani (kućane), redovnici, savjetnici i diplomati, ne samo u situacijama u kojima su posredovali u razrješavanju njihovih međusobno vrlo zamršenih odnosa nego i u sređivanju spornih pitanja sa susjedima, osobito s katoličkim Dubrovčanima, što nam je danas najpoznatije s obzirom na to da su izvorna svjedočanstva dubrovačke provenijencije u usporedbi s onima koja su nastala u Bosni i drugim susjednim okružjima u najvećem broju sačuvana te je, zahvaljujući njima, moguće istraživačima ove problematike najtemeljitije praćenje tih odnosa.After Tvrtko \u27s death in 1391. the medieval Bosnian state was seized by the process of decentralization of royal power and by disintegration of the state territory which resulted in separation of spacious regions under the control of »rusaška gospoda« (lords of the kingdom) and in their independentization. Those changes substantially influenced upon the attitude of the »Bosnian Church«, so that, parallel with these changes a gradual ascendance of its followers can be followed up on to the courts of district lords - where they were beginning to discharge various duties and do various jobs, mainly of secular character. Alongside whith the territorial disintegration of the country and independentization of Bosnian magnates essentially were changing either the circumstances in which Bosnian »krstjani« (Patarins) found themselves, too. Their presence, mainly in the function of warrantors, arbitrators, mediators, negotiators and envoys was more and more often asked for, at which a spiritual character of their occupation remained imperceptible. In accordance with the above mentioned changes and practical needs, the most eminent nobles such as vojvoda Hrvoje Vukčić, »tep;ija« Batalo, knez Pavao Radinović, vojvoda Pavao Kleši’, and somewhat later vojvoda Sandalj Hranić were also maintaining close ties whit Bosnian »krstjani« and were served by them as members of their court. Krstjanin Vlatko Tumurlić is the first, known by name representative of the »Bosnian Church«, who emerged as diplomat, at service to Bosnian nobles, respective knez Pavao. There are no traces and data about the life of this member of Bosnian »krstjani« before his beginning a service for knez Pavao, so that this period of his life futhermore remains unknown to us and hidden to our curiosity. Maybe we could note here that his childhood and boyhood did not essentially differ from the life of persons of the same age, whereas he himself; as candidate for the »order of the church« Bosnian »krstjani« had to pass the prescribed educational procedures, so he spent about the first twentyfive years of his life in these days. Regarding the days when he lived, Tumurlić represents the link between the »krstjani« from the age of »our lord Rastudije« and »the days of the episcopacy of djed (bishop) lord Radomir«, who were primarily oriented to spiritual aspect of their occupation, and later generation of members of the »Bosnian Church«, contemporaries of »djeds« Mirohna, Miloje and Ratko who accepted the challenge of time, who, owing to this fact, became better known for the functions and duties they were holding at the courts of their district lords rather than by their spirituality. Tumurlić appears for the first time in source materials as one of envoys who was sent by knez Pavao Radinović and vojvoda Sandalj Hranić in the middle of September, 1403. to Dubrovnik to offer in their name peace negotiations to the other side. At that chance Tumurlić stayed in Dubrovnik about ten days (13-22 Septemper) but, nevertheless, he did not get his job done, which did not bother the people of Dubrovnik to let him by some oil, fabric and other things for his needs. At the end of November and at the beginning of December of the same year krstjanin Vlatko was again in Dubrovnik for some time, where, incidentally, he had to set forth a peace offer in the name of king Ostoja. Nevertheless, the normalization of the state relations of the two warring countries still had to be waited for. Due to ignorance of the chronology of historical events the above mentioned Vlatko\u27s appareance in the existing historiographic literature was mis interpreted as a peace mission, so that the time term was retained from the first one, while from the second one the particular was taken over according to which it was done in the name of king Ostoja. In seems that internal overturns and clashes among the quarrelling Bosnian magnates during the course of the following twelve years were not convenient for the members of the »Bosnian Church« to begin a duty and service to district lords, who were striving in these clashes, to definitely fiorm their territory. Consequently, troughout this time, for instance, neither krstjanin Vlatko Tumurlić was mentioned in available source materials, though it could asserted with some certainly that he furthermore remained in the vicinity of knez Pavao, whom he escorted to Sutjeska in the second half of August 1415, to a scheduled meetting with the king and nobles, having become so a witness of his master\u27s destruction. As a knez Pavao\u27s man, who saved himself by flight to a nearby Franciscan monasterry in front of mortal danger, Vlatko carried over a dead body of his lord to Vrhbosna for the sake of the funeral. Neither did his master\u27s death induce krstjanin Vlatko to leave his service at his master\u27s court, although the years of Pavao\u27s inheritors\u27 bloody conflicts with their filmily enemies were not in the least convenient for such an activity. Only when hostilites, to which the Radinović – Pavlović family had been exposed, were suspended immediately after vojvoda Peter\u27s death in 1420. (Pavao\u27s elder son) krstjanin Vlatko was given a chance again to place his abilities at disposal and at service to vojvoda Radosav, as one of his diplomats and courtiers. Within the time from 1420 to 1423 in available source materials he was mentioned several times as mediator, councelor and negotiator while he was carrying out the entrusted jobs. Tumurlić was undoubtely one of the most important Radosav\u27s people who was most often mentioned in the quoted period, accompanied by one or more secular persons in various diplomatic missions, for instance with knez Aleksa Paštrović, chamberlain Brailo Tezalović, merchant Bogdan Muržić; and princes Budisav and Vukašin. It should be pointed out here that at that time he was not the only member of this sect at service to the Pavlović\u27s, for in the source materials in similar situations, besides him there were mentioned gost Miaša and krstjanin Radin Butković. In the majority of known cases krstjanin Vlatko, together with other Radosav\u27s deputies negotiated with representatives of Dubrovnik about the normalization of relations between two countries, about the confirmation of the before achieved agreement about selling of the part of Konavle which vojvoda Sandalj Hranić had sold to Dubrovnik in 1419, and about the aspirations of the Dubrovnik Republic to acquire as well the other part of the Konavle disctrict in his lord\u27s possession. In this connection it is interesting to mention that negotiations on the purchase of Radosav\u27s part of Konavle did not end successfully, and Vlatko Tumurlić together whit chamberlain Brailo Tezalović was designated as the main person to blame for it. This particular at the same time represents the last known piece of information about this member of the »Bosnian Church« who was better known to his contemporaries as diplomat rather than clerical person at the court of knez Pavao and his inheritors


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    Tvrtko Borovinić pripada posljednjoj generaciji bosanske vlastele kqja je još mogla utjecati na sudbinu bosanske države i društva. U njegovu životu oslikava se sva dramatičnost vremena u kojem je živio, a njegov silazak s historijske pozornice gotovo se podudara s propašću same države kojoj je služio. Rođen u vrtlogu unutrašnjih razračunavanja koncem 14. stoljeća, prerano je ostao bez oca, koji je pao u tursko zarobljeništvo, te ni on ni malodobni mu sin nisu sudjelovali u dezintegraciji Bosne. Kad je Tvrtko odrastao, počeo je sudjelovati u javnom i političkom životu zemlje, ostajući dosljedno vjeran vladaru kao svom suverenu u čijoj je službi postigao blistavu političku i osobnu karijeru. Osim što je kao plemić od stjecanja punoljetnosti nosio titulu kneza, od stupanja u dvorsku službu za vrijeme druge vladavine Tvrtka ll. bio je dvorski knez, knez bosanski i veliki knez bosanski, odnosno palatin.Es wird angenommen, er wäre Sohn von Borovina Vukašinić, eines der bedeutsamsten Feudalherren am Ende des 14. 1-hs. Seinen Vater hat er wahrscheinlich nie gesehen, weil er in die türkische Gefangenschaft geraten ist. Jung und ohne Vater hat Tvrtko Borovinić nicht im Prozeβ des Loslösens von der Zentralmacht teilgenommen. Das erste Mal wurde er erwähnt als Zeuge in einer Urkunde des Königs Ostoja und führte den Titel eines Fürsten. Fürstentitel führte er auch 1423 und hat in der Zwischenzeit drei Königen gedient: Sjepan Ostoja, Stjepan Ostojić und Tvrtko II. Der Wechsel auf dem Thron von Kotromanićs im Jahre 1421 war für ihn besonders dramatisch, weil er ziemlich lange Stjepan Ostojić unterstützt hat, obwohl viele Feudalherren ihn schon verlassen haben. Nach kurzer Zurückgezogenheit (1423- 1425) öffnet sich für ihn der Weg für eine glänzende politische Karriere im Dienste des Königs Tvrtko II Tvrtković. So wird er in einer, zwar gefälschten, Urkunde, von 7. 10. 1426, als Hoffürst erwähnt. Im Jahre 1427 führt er den Titel Fürst von Bosnien. 1435 begleitet er den König Tvrtko ll nach Ungarn. Am Anfang 1436 ist er Palatinus bzw. Groβfürst von Bosnien. Nach dieser Nachricht kommt sein Name in den Quellen nicht mehr vor. Mit Sicherheit kan man behaupten, daβ er auch nach 1447 noch lebte, und daβ er vor Juni 1465 gestorben ist, weil in dies em Jahre seine Toe h ter Milica nach Dubrovnik kommt, mit Anspruch auf das Erbe des Vaters. !hr Bruder Ivan wird bei dieser Angelegenheit nicht erwähnt