451 research outputs found

    Caracterización florística y fitoecológica de las turberas de las Sierras de Xistral y Ancares (NW Península Ibérica)

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    [Resumen] Las turberas son ecosistemas de gran importancia ambiental que presentan una distribución muy restringida en la Península Ibérica. En Galicia, se consideran representados dos grandes tipos de turberas, minerotrófi cas y ombrotrófi cas, aunque su caracterización sigue siendo fuente de controversias al igual que su vegetación. En este estudio se analizaron las turberas presentes en las Sierras do Xistral y Ancares (NW Península Ibérica) para caracterizar su fl ora y vegetación y analizar los factores ambientales que determinan la presencia de las especies que allí crecen. Se evaluaron 29 variables ambientales, y de ellas las que más condicionaron la distribución de la fl ora están relacionadas fundamentalmente con su origen geográfi co y localización, siendo a nivel local la temperatura mínima del sustrato y el nivel freático mínimo las más importantes. Los análisis realizados permitieron seleccionar un método numérico que permite identifi car las comunidades vegetales de forma objetiva. Se presenta una tabla de equivalencias entre las diversas clasifi caciones disponibles para facilitar la gestión de estos medios en Galicia. Finalmente, se ha realizado un análisis de la lluvia polínica actual para comprobar su representatividad con respecto a la fl ora presente en la actualidad en estos ambientes.[Abstract] Peatlands are environmentally important systems that show a very restricted distribution in the Iberian Peninsula. In Galicia, two major types of peatlands can be found, ombrotrophic and minerotrophic. The differentiation between these types, as well as the characterization of their vegetation, remains controversial. In this study, peatlands present in the Sierras do Xistral and Ancares (NW Iberian Peninsula) were analyzed in order to characterize their fl ora and vegetation. In addition to this, we analyzed the putative impact of 29 environmental variables in the distribution of plant species. We observed that the environmental factors most affecting the fl ora in these environments were mainly related to the geographical origin and location of the different species. More particularly, the minimum temperature of the substrate and the largest minimum water table were the most important variables. Our results have allowed us to select a numerical method able to identify peatland plant communities in an objective manner. A table of equivalence among the different vegetation classifi cations including plant communities is presented in order to facilitate the management of these ecosystems in Galicia. Finally, we have analyzed current pollen rain in the selected peatlands in order to check its accuracy representing the fl ora currently growing in these areas.[Resumo] As turbeiras (brañas ou tremoais) son ecosistemas de gran importancia ambiental que presentan unha distribución moi restrinxida na Península Ibérica. En Galicia, considéranse representados dous grandes tipos de turbeiras, minerotrófi cas e ombrotrófi cas, se ben a súa caracterización segue a ser fonte de controversias ó igual que a súa vexetación. Neste estudo analizáronse as turbeiras presentes nas Serras do Xistral e Ancares (NW Península Ibérica) para caracterizar a súa fl ora e vexetación e analizar os factores ambientais que determinan a súa distribución. Avaliáronse 29 variables ambientais das cales, as que máis condicionan a distribución das especies relaciónanse fundamentalmente coa súa orixe xeográfi ca e localización, sendo a temperatura mínima do substrato e o nivel freático mínimo os máis importantes. As análisis realizadas permitiron seleccionar un método numérico que permite identifi car as comunidades vexetais de xeito obxectivo. Como resultado deste traballo preséntase asimesmo unha taboa de equivalencias entre estas clasifi cacións, co gallo de facilitar a xestión de estes medios en Galicia. Finalmente, realizouse unha análise da choiva polínica actual para comprobar a representatividade do rexistro polínico con respecto á fl ora presente na actualidade nestes ambientes

    Local features: Enhancing variability modeling in software product lines

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    [Abstract]: Context and motivation: Software Product Lines (SPL) enable the creation of software product families with shared core components using feature models to model variability. Choosing features from a feature model to generate a product may not be sufficient in certain situations because the application engineer may need to be able to decide on configuration time the system’s elements to which a certain feature will be applied. Therefore, there is a need to select which features have to be included in the product but also to which of its elements they have to be applied. Objective: We introduce local features that are selectively applied to specific parts of the system during product configuration. Results: We formalize local features using multimodels to establish relationships between local features and other elements of the system models. The paper includes examples illustrating the motivation for local features, a formal definition, and a domain-specific language for specification and implementation. Finally, we present a case study in a real scenario that shows how the concept of local features allowed us to define the variability of a complex system. The examples and the application case show that the proposal achieves higher customization levels at the application engineering phase.This work has been partially funded by the following grants: 0064_GRESINT_1_E partially funded by EU through the Interreg Spain- Portugal/POCTEP; PID2022-141027NB-C21 (EarthDL): partially funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and EU/ERDF A way of making Europe; PID2021-122554OB-C33 (OASSIS): partially funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and EU/ERDF A way of making Europe; GRC: ED431C 2021/53, partially funded by GAIN/Xunta de Galicia; CITIC is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration agreement between the Department of Culture, Education, Vocational Training and Universities and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research centers of the Galician University System (CIGUS).Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/53España-Portugal. Programa Interreg VA España-Portugal (POCTEP); 0064_GRESINT_1_

    Fault location in full-duplex optical fibre links using synchronized decay time detection

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    La ponencia se presentó en: VIII Reunión Española de Optoelectrónica OPTOEL’13 , celebrado los días 10-12 de Julio de 2013, lugar de celebración Alcalá de Henares (España).En este trabajo, se muestran los resultados obtenidos durante la evaluación experimental de un método de localización de cortes en enlaces full-dúplex de fibra óptica, empleando un método alternativo a medidas con Reflectómetros Ópticos en el Dominio del Tiempo (OTDR). El método utilizado consiste en comparar los tiempos de caída en los dos extremos del enlace de manera sincronizada cuando se produce un corte de fibra. Se han evaluado dos tipos de tecnologías de fibra, multimodo y monomodo, analizando las prestaciones del método en cada caso y para varios tipos de rotura de cable, considerando y comparando la precisión de las medidas así como las máximas distancias soportadas.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por los proyectos CICyT TEC2012-37983-C03-02 y FP7-ICT-2011 DISCUS (318137).European Community's Seventh Framework ProgramPublicad

    Fault location in full-duplex plastic optical fiber links using synchronized decay time detection

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    The proceeding at: 22nd International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers (POF 2013), took place in 2013 September,11-13, in Armação dos Buzios, Rio de Janeiro, (Brasil). The event Web site at: http://www.pof2013.org.br/ .In this work, a low cost fiber-fault location technique in full-duplex plastic optical fiber links is reported. The employed method consists of using real time measurements of overlaid optical supervision signals employed simultaneously at both ends of the plastic fiber link during operation, comparing the decay time detection at both ends of the link when a fiber fault occurs. The proposed technique is successfully demonstrated over Graded Index (GI) Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) linksThis work has been sponsored by the Spanish Ministries of Economy and Education (grants nº TEC2012-37983-C03-02 and Ref. PRX12/00007).Publicad

    The crustal structure of the Cantabrian Mountains revealed by new magnetotelluric soundings

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    The upper crustal structure of the central Cantabrian Mountains consists of a block of Variscan basement uplifted over the Duero basin as a consequence of a southward displacement along a major thrust during the convergence between Europe and Iberia in the Eocene-Oligocene (Alpine orogeny). We present the results of the 3-D modeling of thirteen new magnetotelluric sites, five of them being completed by long period data, over a 100 km-long, N-S oriented profile across the central Cantabrian Mountains and the Duero basin. Dimensionality analyses indicated a dominant E-W direction but with influence of 3-D structures at long periods and locally in the Cantabrian Mountains. Accordingly, we performed a 3-D joint inversion of the full impedance tensor and the geomagnetic transfer function following a sequential inversion workflow. The inverse model presents similarities with existing lithospheric models. In the southern part of the area, the conductive sediments of the Duero basin over a high resistive and homogeneous Iberian lithosphere are well delineated. Towards the north, beneath the Cantabrian Mountains, the model reveals a heterogeneous and conductive lithosphere, in which various elongated and dipping conductors in the upper and middle crust are associated with major Alpine thrusts, one being the frontal thrust of the Cantabrian Mountains over the Duero basin. At deeper depths (between 20 and 35 km depth), the Iberian crust appears as subducting to the north beneath a conductive zone interpreted as the hydrated mantle wedge of the north-Iberian continental margin

    G-SIVAR: A Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram

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    Among the exploratory spatial data analysis tools, there are indicators of spatial association, which measure the degree of spatial dependence of analysed data and can be applied to quantitative data. Another procedure available is geostatistics, which is based on the variogram, describing quantitatively and qualitatively the spatial structure of a variable. The aim of this paper is to use the concept of the variogram to develop a global indicator of spatial association (Global Spatial Indicator Based on Variogram – G-SIVAR). The G-SIVAR indicator has a satisfactory performance for spatial association, with sensibility for anisotropy cases. Because the indicator is based on geostatistics, it is appropriate for quantitative and qualitative data. The developed indicator is derived from theoretical global variogram, providing more details of the spatial structure of the data. The G-SIVAR indicator is based on spatial dissimilarity, while traditional indexes, such as Moran’s I, are based on spatial similarity

    Update on hepatitis C virus resistance to direct-acting antiviral agents

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    Review[Abstract] Resistance to direct-acting antiviral (DAA) agents against hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is driven by the selection of mutations at different positions in the NS3 protease, NS5B polymerase and NS5A proteins. With the exception of NS5B nucleos(t)ide inhibitors, most DAAs possess a low genetic barrier to resistance, with significant cross-resistance between compounds belonging to the same family. However, a specific mutation profile is associated with each agent or drug class and varies depending on the genotype/subtype (e.g., genotype 1b showed higher rates of sustained virological response (SVR) and a higher genetic barrier for resistance than genotype 1a). Moreover, some resistance mutations exist as natural polymorphisms in certain genotypes/subtypes at frequencies that require baseline drug resistance testing before recommending certain antivirals. For example, the polymorphism Q80K is frequently found among genotype 1a (19–48%) and is associated with resistance to simeprevir. Similarly, L31M and Y93H, key resistance mutations to NS5A inhibitors, are frequently found (6–12%) among NS5A genotype 1 sequences. In particular, the presence of these polymorphisms may be of relevance in poorly interferon-responsive patients (i.e., null responders and non-CC IL28B) under DAA-based therapies in combination with pegylated interferon-α plus ribavirin. The relevance of pre-existing resistance mutations for responses to interferon-free DAA therapies is unclear for most regimens and requires further study.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; CP08/00214Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI10/0216