124 research outputs found

    Colicin N and its thermolytic fragment induce phospholipid vesicle fusion

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    AbstractColicin N, a bacteriocin encoded on a plasmid belonging to the pore-forming class of colicins, induces phospholipid vesicle fusion at acidic pH as demonstrated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Its C-terminal thermolytic fragment has properties very similar to the native molecule. The fusion is protein concentration-dependent and is regulated by (a) group(s) with a pK of approximately 4.6. The physiological relevance of this characteristic common to all colicins tested so far is discussed

    Modèle d'étude de l'insertion des protéines membranaires

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    La colicine A produite par Citrobacter freundii et l'aérolysine produite par Aeromonas hydrophila sont deux protéines bien représentatives de classes très différentes de protéines formatrices de pores. La colicine A est une protéine formée uniquement d'hélices α qui possède une «épingle à cheveux» hydrophobe enfouie au sein de sa structure en milieu aqueux. C'est une «protéine membranaire dite inversée». L'aérolysine, en revanche, est formée essentiellement de feuillets β et ne possède pas de longue séquence hydrophob

    Interaction of plasma apolipoproteins with lipid monolayers

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    The monolayer technique has been used to study the interaction of lipids with plasma apolipoproteins. Apolipoprotein C-II and C-III from human very low density lipoproteins, apolipoprotein A-I from human high density lipoproteins and arginine-rich protein from swine very low density lipoproteins were studied. The injection of each apoprotein underneath a monolayer of egg phosphatidyl[14C]choline at 20 mN/m caused an increase in surface pressure to approximately 30 mN/m. With apolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein C-III there was a decrease in surface radioactivity indicating that the apoproteins were removing phospholipid from the interface; the removal of phospholipid was specific for apolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein C-III. Although there was a removal of phospholipid from the monolayer, the surface pressure remained constant and was due to the accumulation of apoprotein at the interface. The rate of surface radioactivity decrease was a function of protein concentration, required lipid in a fluid state and, of the lipids tested, was specific for phosphatidylcholine. Cholesterol and phosphatidylinositol were not removed from the interface. The addition of 33 mol% cholesterol to the phosphatidylcholine monolayer did not affect the removal of phospholipid by apolipoprotein C-III. The addition of phospholipid liposomes to the subphase greatly facilitated the apolipoprotein C-II-mediated removal of phospholipid from the interface

    Interaction of plasma apolipoproteins with lipid monolayers

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    The monolayer technique has been used to study the interaction of lipids with plasma apolipoproteins. Apolipoprotein C-II and C-III from human very low density lipoproteins, apolipoprotein A-I from human high density lipoproteins and arginine-rich protein from swine very low density lipoproteins were studied. The injection of each apoprotein underneath a monolayer of egg phosphatidyl[14C]choline at 20 mN/m caused an increase in surface pressure to approximately 30 mN/m. With apolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein C-III there was a decrease in surface radioactivity indicating that the apoproteins were removing phospholipid from the interface; the removal of phospholipid was specific for apolipoprotein C-II and apolipoprotein C-III. Although there was a removal of phospholipid from the monolayer, the surface pressure remained constant and was due to the accumulation of apoprotein at the interface. The rate of surface radioactivity decrease was a function of protein concentration, required lipid in a fluid state and, of the lipids tested, was specific for phosphatidylcholine. Cholesterol and phosphatidylinositol were not removed from the interface. The addition of 33 mol% cholesterol to the phosphatidylcholine monolayer did not affect the removal of phospholipid by apolipoprotein C-III. The addition of phospholipid liposomes to the subphase greatly facilitated the apolipoprotein C-II-mediated removal of phospholipid from the interface

    A new mechanism for membrane iron transport in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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    Various biochemical and biophysical studies have demonstrated the existence of a novel iron-uptake mechanism in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, different from that generally described for ferrichrome and ferric-enterobactin in Escherichia coli. This new iron-uptake mechanism involves all the proteins generally reported to be involved in the uptake of ferric-siderophore complexes in Gram-negative bacteria (i.e. the outer membrane receptor, periplasmic binding protein and ATP-binding-cassette transporter), but differs in the behaviour of the siderophore. One of the key features of this process is the binding of iron-free pyoverdin to the outer membrane receptor FpvA in conditions of iron deficiency

    All in the family: the toxic activity of pore-forming colicins

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    Colicins are unusual bacterial toxins because they are directed against close relatives of the producing strain. They kill their targets in one of three distinct ways; via a ribonuclease or deoxyribonuclease activity or by forming pores in the target cell's membrane. This review deals with the steps involved in pore-forming colicin activity including, initial synthesis of the toxin, toxin release, receptor binding, translocation across the periplasm and pore formation in the cytoplasmic membrane. Special reference is made to the role of colicin in vivo, the structural changes occurring during pore formation and the role of the immunity protei

    The molten globule intermediate for protein insertion or translocation through membranes

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    Insertion of some protein toxins into membranes proceeds through an unfolding step. The unfolding trigger can be the low pH in endosomes, exposure to body temperature, reduction of disulphide bonds or proteolytic cleavage occurring at the membrane surface. The insertion intermediates are not fully unfolded but have the features of a 'molten globule state' that is also observed at early stages of polypeptide folding. In this article, we review the evidence supporting these ideas and speculate about the implications of the molten globule intermediate for understanding the general mechanisms of protein insertion and translocation across membranes
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