61 research outputs found

    Hemostasis and thrombosis

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    Impact of Medicare denials on noninvasive vascular diagnostic testing

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    AbstractPurpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of Medicare coverage limitations and claim denials on noninvasive vascular diagnostic testing. Methods: All Medicare claims for noninvasive vascular diagnostic studies from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 1999, were identified from the hospital billing database according to Current Procedural Terminology codes for carotid artery duplex ultrasound scan, venous duplex ultrasound scan, and lower-extremity arterial Doppler scan. Reasons for Medicare denial of payment for these tests were reviewed and a cost analysis was performed. Results: During the 1-year period, there were 1096 noninvasive vascular diagnostic studies performed on Medicare patients. Of these 1096 tests, 176 (16.1%) were denied by Medicare (19.6% of 408 carotid duplex ultrasound scans, 16.8% of 345 venous duplex ultrasound scans, and 11.1% of 343 lower-extremity arterial Doppler scans). Of the noninvasive vascular tests denied by Medicare, an abnormal result was present in 72.5% of carotid duplex ultrasound scans, 32.8% of venous duplex ultrasound scans, and 78.9% of lower-extremity arterial Doppler scans. Overall, 88.1% of all initially denied claims (N = 176) were ultimately reimbursed by Medicare after resubmission, including 77.1% of the 118 claims denied based on compliance rules for “medical necessity.” Conclusion: Because of coverage limitations, Medicare denials of noninvasive vascular diagnostic tests can lead to potential uncompensated physician and hospital technical fees if denied claims are unrecognized. Vascular laboratories performing these tests need to review compliance with Medicare guidelines. Improvements may need to be made at both the provider and Medicare carrier levels in obtaining reimbursement for appropriately ordered noninvasive vascular diagnostic studies. (J Vasc Surg 2001;34:846-53.

    Healing rates and cost efficacy of outpatient compression treatment for leg ulcers associated with venous insufficiency

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    Objective: Although newer techniques to promote the healing of leg ulcers associated with chronic venous insufficiency are promising, improved healing rates and cost effectiveness are unproven. We prospectively followed a series of patients who underwent treatment with outpatient compression for venous stasis ulcers without adjuvant techniques to determine healing rates and costs of treatment. Methods: Two hundred fifty-two patients with clinical or duplex scan evidence of chronic venous insufficiency and active leg ulcers underwent treatment with ambulatory compression techniques. The patients were prospectively followed with wound measurements at 1-week to 2-week intervals, and the factors that were associated with delayed healing were determined. Results: Of all the ulcers, 57% were healed at 10 weeks of treatment and 75% were healed at 16 weeks. Ultimately, 96% of the ulcers healed, and only 1 major amputation was necessitated (0.4%). Initial ulcer size and moderate arterial insufficiency (ankle brachial index, 0.5 to 0.8; n=34) were factors that were independently associated with delayed healing (P < .01). Patient age, ulcer duration before treatment, and morbid obesity did not significantly affect healing times. The cost of 10 weeks of outpatient treatment with compression techniques ranged from 1444to1444 to 2711. Conclusion: The treatment of venous stasis ulcers with compression techniques results in reliable, cost-effective healing in most patients. Current adjuvant techniques may prove to be useful but are likely to be cost effective only in a minority of cases, particularly in patients with large initial ulcer size or arterial insufficiency. (J Vasc Surg 1999;30:491-8.

    Comparison of axillofemoral and aortofemoral bypass for aortoiliac occlusive disease

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    AbstractPurpose: A comparison of aortofemoral bypass grafting (AOFBG) and axillofemoral bypass grafting (AXFBG) for occlusive disease performed by the same surgeons during a defined interval forms the basis for this report.Methods: Data regarding all patients who underwent AOFBG or AXFBG for lower-extremity ischemia caused by aortoiliac occlusive disease were prospectively entered into a computerized vascular registry. The decision to perform AOFBG rather than AXFBG was based on assessment of surgical risk and the surgeon's preference. This report describes results for surgical morbidity, mortality, patency, limb salvage, and patient survival for procedures performed from January 1988 through December 1993.Results: We performed 108 AXFBGs and 139 AOFBGs. AXFBG patients were older (mean age, 68 years compared with 58 years for AOFBG, p < 0.001), more often had heart disease (84% compared with 38%, p < 0.001), and more often underwent surgery for limb-salvage indications (80% compared with 42%, p < 0.001). No significant differences were found in operative mortality (AXFBG, 3.4%; AOFBG, <1.0%, p = NS), but major postoperative complications occurred more frequently after AOFBG (AXFBG, 9.2%; AOFBG, 19.4%; p < 0.05). Follow-up ranged from 1 to 83 months (mean, 27 months). Five-year life-table primary patency, limb salvage, and survival rates were 74%, 89%, and 45% for AXFBG and 80%, 79%, and 72% for AOFBG, respectively. Although the patient survival rate was statistically lower with AXFBG, primary patency and limb salvage rates did not differ when compared with AOFBG.Conclusion: When reserved for high-risk patients with limited life expectancy, the patency and limb salvage results of AXFBG are equivalent to those of AOFBG. (J VASC SURG 1996;23:263-71.

    Efficacy of color flow duplex imaging for proximal upper extremity venous outflow obstruction in hemodialysis patients

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    Purpose: The efficacy of color flow duplex imaging (CFDI) in detecting proximal upper extremity venous outflow obstruction in hemodialysis patients was compared with that of traditional contrast venography. Methods: From 1993 through 1997, all hemodialysis patients who were evaluated for upper extremity venous outflow obstruction of the axillary, subclavian, or brachiocephalic veins with both CFDI and venography were identified. Medical history, hemodialysis access procedures, and indications for imaging were reviewed. The diagnostic accuracy of CFDI was compared with that of venography for proximal venous outflow obstruction, including focal stricture, partial obstruction, or complete occlusion. Results: Sixty upper extremities in 42 hemodialysis patients were imaged with both CFDI and venography. Previous ipsilateral intravenous dialysis catheters had been present in 33 (55%) of the extremities imaged; current catheters were present in 16 (27%) of the extremities imaged; and 28 (67%) of the extremities imaged had a current ipsilateral arteriovenous (AV) shunt. Five (8%) of the 60 duplex scans were nondiagnostic because of artifact from intravenous dialysis catheters (3) or incomplete visualization of the subclavian or brachiocephalic veins (2) and were excluded from further analysis. In the remaining 55 duplex scans, proximal venous outflow obstruction was found in 18 (33%), compared with 21 (38%) identified by means of venography (P = not significant [NS]). Overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value for CFDI were 81%, 97%, 94%, and 89%, respectively. Conclusion: CFDI is a reliable means of detecting proximal upper extremity venous outflow obstruction and should replace contrast venography as the initial imaging study in hemodialysis patients. (J Vasc Surg 1998;28:869-75.

    Descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafting: A role for primary revascularization for aortoiliac occlusive disease?

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    AbstractPurpose: Bypass grafts that originate from the descending thoracic aorta to the iliac or femoral arteries are well described but are not commonly used as primary procedures, and the long-term results remain unknown. A 15-year experience with 50 descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafts for aortoiliac occlusive disease is the basis of this report. Methods: From January 1983 to December 1997, patients who underwent bypass grafting procedures from the descending thoracic aorta to the iliac or femoral arteries were identified. Surgical indications, morbidity and mortality rates, primary and secondary patency rates, limb salvage rates, and survival rates were determined. Results: Fifty descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafting procedures were performed—24 (48%) for severe claudication, 22 (44%) for rest pain, and 4 (8%) for ischemic ulceration. A primary procedure was performed in 31 patients (62%) for complete occlusion (21 patients) and severe atherosclerotic disease (10 patients) of the infrarenal aorta. The indications for 19 secondary revascularizations (38%) were prior aortic or extra-anatomic graft failure in 17 cases and aortic graft infection in 2 cases. The follow-up periods ranged from 1 to 150 months (mean, 39 months). The cumulative life-table 5-year primary patency, secondary patency, limb salvage, and survival rates were 79%, 84%, 93%, and 67%, respectively. An improved patency trend was observed for patients who underwent operation for severe claudication as compared with limb-threatening ischemia (92% and 69%; P = .07). However, there was no difference between primary and secondary operations in primary patency rates (81% and 79%; P = NS) or survival rates (72% and 62%; P = NS). Conclusion: Descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafting has excellent overall long-term results. These results support its more liberal use for primary revascularization, especially for patients with severe atherosclerotic disease or complete occlusion of the infrarenal aorta. (J Vasc Surg 1999;29:249-58.

    Descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafting: A role for primary revascularization for aortoiliac occlusive disease?

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    AbstractPurpose: Bypass grafts that originate from the descending thoracic aorta to the iliac or femoral arteries are well described but are not commonly used as primary procedures, and the long-term results remain unknown. A 15-year experience with 50 descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafts for aortoiliac occlusive disease is the basis of this report. Methods: From January 1983 to December 1997, patients who underwent bypass grafting procedures from the descending thoracic aorta to the iliac or femoral arteries were identified. Surgical indications, morbidity and mortality rates, primary and secondary patency rates, limb salvage rates, and survival rates were determined. Results: Fifty descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafting procedures were performed—24 (48%) for severe claudication, 22 (44%) for rest pain, and 4 (8%) for ischemic ulceration. A primary procedure was performed in 31 patients (62%) for complete occlusion (21 patients) and severe atherosclerotic disease (10 patients) of the infrarenal aorta. The indications for 19 secondary revascularizations (38%) were prior aortic or extra-anatomic graft failure in 17 cases and aortic graft infection in 2 cases. The follow-up periods ranged from 1 to 150 months (mean, 39 months). The cumulative life-table 5-year primary patency, secondary patency, limb salvage, and survival rates were 79%, 84%, 93%, and 67%, respectively. An improved patency trend was observed for patients who underwent operation for severe claudication as compared with limb-threatening ischemia (92% and 69%; P = .07). However, there was no difference between primary and secondary operations in primary patency rates (81% and 79%; P = NS) or survival rates (72% and 62%; P = NS). Conclusion: Descending thoracic aorta to iliofemoral artery bypass grafting has excellent overall long-term results. These results support its more liberal use for primary revascularization, especially for patients with severe atherosclerotic disease or complete occlusion of the infrarenal aorta. (J Vasc Surg 1999;29:249-58.

    The value of air plethysmography in predicting clinical outcome after surgical treatment of chronic venous insufficiency

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    Purpose: The role of air plethysmography (APG) as a predictor of clinical outcome after surgery in venous disease is yet to be defined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of APG in predicting clinical outcome after venous surgery for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Methods: Seventy-three extremities in 71 patients with Class 3 through 6 CVI were assessed preoperatively with CEAP (c linical, e tiologic, a natomic, p athophysiologic) criteria, standing reflux duplex ultrasound scan, and APG with measurements of preoperative venous filling index (VFI), venous volumes, ejection fraction, and residual volume fraction. After surgical treatment of the affected limbs, repeat APG studies were obtained within 6 weeks. Established venous reporting standards were used for follow-up to calculate clinical symptom scores (CSSs) in each patient. Results: Superficial venous reflux occurred alone in 24 limbs or in conjunction with perforator incompetence in 26 limbs. Deep and superficial reflux, with or without perforator incompetence, was found in 16 limbs, and seven limbs had isolated deep insufficiency. Follow-up was available in 60 of 71 patients (mean period, 44.3 months). Postoperative APG demonstrated significant hemodynamic changes after surgery as measured with VFI, venous volumes, ejection fraction, and residual volume fraction. Mean CSSs decreased from 7.35 ± 0.56 preoperatively to 1.79 ± 0.32 at late follow-up after surgery (P Conclusions: Normalization of the VFI after venous surgery for CVI is predictive of a good clinical outcome. This APG measurement may be a useful parameter to predict adequacy of surgery in patients with venous insufficiency. (J Vasc Surg 2000;32:961-8.
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