922 research outputs found

    I Don't Want to Think About it Now:Decision Theory With Costly Computation

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    Computation plays a major role in decision making. Even if an agent is willing to ascribe a probability to all states and a utility to all outcomes, and maximize expected utility, doing so might present serious computational problems. Moreover, computing the outcome of a given act might be difficult. In a companion paper we develop a framework for game theory with costly computation, where the objects of choice are Turing machines. Here we apply that framework to decision theory. We show how well-known phenomena like first-impression-matters biases (i.e., people tend to put more weight on evidence they hear early on), belief polarization (two people with different prior beliefs, hearing the same evidence, can end up with diametrically opposed conclusions), and the status quo bias (people are much more likely to stick with what they already have) can be easily captured in that framework. Finally, we use the framework to define some new notions: value of computational information (a computational variant of value of information) and and computational value of conversation.Comment: In Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR '10

    On the Power of Many One-Bit Provers

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    We study the class of languages, denoted by \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s], which have kk-prover games where each prover just sends a \emph{single} bit, with completeness 1−ϵ1-\epsilon and soundness error ss. For the case that k=1k=1 (i.e., for the case of interactive proofs), Goldreich, Vadhan and Wigderson ({\em Computational Complexity'02}) demonstrate that \SZK exactly characterizes languages having 1-bit proof systems with"non-trivial" soundness (i.e., 1/2<s≤1−2ϵ1/2 < s \leq 1-2\epsilon). We demonstrate that for the case that k≥2k\geq 2, 1-bit kk-prover games exhibit a significantly richer structure: + (Folklore) When s≤12k−ϵs \leq \frac{1}{2^k} - \epsilon, \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s] = \BPP; + When 12k+ϵ≤s<22k−ϵ\frac{1}{2^k} + \epsilon \leq s < \frac{2}{2^k}-\epsilon, \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s] = \SZK; + When s≥22k+ϵs \ge \frac{2}{2^k} + \epsilon, \AM \subseteq \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s]; + For s≤0.62k/2ks \le 0.62 k/2^k and sufficiently large kk, \MIP[k, 1-\epsilon, s] \subseteq \EXP; + For s≥2k/2ks \ge 2k/2^{k}, \MIP[k, 1, 1-\epsilon, s] = \NEXP. As such, 1-bit kk-prover games yield a natural "quantitative" approach to relating complexity classes such as \BPP,\SZK,\AM, \EXP, and \NEXP. We leave open the question of whether a more fine-grained hierarchy (between \AM and \NEXP) can be established for the case when s≥22k+ϵs \geq \frac{2}{2^k} + \epsilon

    Voting with Coarse Beliefs

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    The classic Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem says that every strategy-proof voting rule with at least three possible candidates must be dictatorial. Similar impossibility results hold even if we consider a weaker notion of strategy-proofness where voters believe that the other voters' preferences are i.i.d.~(independent and identically distributed). In this paper, we take a bounded-rationality approach to this problem and consider a setting where voters have "coarse" beliefs (a notion that has gained popularity in the behavioral economics literature). In particular, we construct good voting rules that satisfy a notion of strategy-proofness with respect to coarse i.i.d.~beliefs, thus circumventing the above impossibility results

    Computational Extensive-Form Games

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    We define solution concepts appropriate for computationally bounded players playing a fixed finite game. To do so, we need to define what it means for a \emph{computational game}, which is a sequence of games that get larger in some appropriate sense, to represent a single finite underlying extensive-form game. Roughly speaking, we require all the games in the sequence to have essentially the same structure as the underlying game, except that two histories that are indistinguishable (i.e., in the same information set) in the underlying game may correspond to histories that are only computationally indistinguishable in the computational game. We define a computational version of both Nash equilibrium and sequential equilibrium for computational games, and show that every Nash (resp., sequential) equilibrium in the underlying game corresponds to a computational Nash (resp., sequential) equilibrium in the computational game. One advantage of our approach is that if a cryptographic protocol represents an abstract game, then we can analyze its strategic behavior in the abstract game, and thus separate the cryptographic analysis of the protocol from the strategic analysis
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