6 research outputs found
Tingkat Fertilisasi Oosit Sapi Silangan Simmental Peranakan Ongole dan Limousin Peranakan Ongole secara In Vitro
Crossbreeding program by artificial insemination in Indonesian have use from Simmental and Limousin to local cows of Ongole Grade. Offspring from this crossbred called SimPO and LimPO which has advantages such as a large birth weight and rapid growth. The disadvantages of SimPO and LimPO cows are decreased of reproduction performance of Fenotipe 2 (F2) such as pregnancy rate being lower. Pregnancy stage will occur when oocyte had fertilized and had reached to embryos cleavage stage.The aims of this research was to determined in vitro fertilization rate of SimPO and LimPO oocyte. Ovaries from local abbotoir grouped into PO (control), SimPO and LimPO. Cumulusoocyte complexes quality A and B were used for this research. Oocytes were fertilized using frozen semen of Simmental with concentration 5 x 106 cells / ml in Brackett oliphant (BO) medium. In vitro fertilization rate to observed polymorphonuclear (PMN) formation 10 hours after insemination using 1% aceto orcein staining to fertilized oocytes. Fertilized oocytes were washed were transferred into culture and incubated at 38,5 ° C, with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity. These results indicate that in vitro fertilization rate of oocytes did not any significant differences between group
Pengaruh Ukuran Ovarium dan Diameter Oosit terhadap Kualitas Morfologi Oosit Sapi Bali-Timor yang Dikoleksi secara In Vitro
One of the reproductive technology in cattle which growing rapidly is in vitro fertilization techniques for in vitro embryo production. Environmental factors that influence the in vitro embryo development is the diameter of oocytes and ovarian size. Currently, the amount of research on Bali-Timor cattle is still lacking, especially in reproduction tecnology. Kune and Solihat (2007) states that the Bali-Timor cattle have a high fertility rate up to 60-70%. Application of in vitro reproduction technology can improve the genetic quality of livestock by using gametes cells collected from animals. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the size of the ovaries and oocytes diameter to the quality of the oocyte morphology of Bali-Timor cattle that were collected by in vitro technique. Oocytes samples of Bali-Timor cattle derived from ovarian which obtained from the slaughter house. Furthermore, the ovaries were grouped based on the size of the ovary, i.e group I (≤1,5 cm); group II (1.6 to 2 cm) and group III (≥2,1cm). Oocytes produced from the ovarian then grouped based on the diameter of the oocytes, i.e group I (110-150μm); group II (151-200μm); group III (201-250μm); group IV (251-300μm); Group V (301-350μm) and group VI (≥ 351μm). The results showed that the quality of the oocyte morphology did not differend significantly (P> 0.05) on ovarian size. Oocyte quality category A (29.78%) and category B (42.55%) were obtained from group III ovarian higher than group II (25% category A, category B 36%) and group I (category A 19.23 %, category B 26.92%), while the diameter of the oocytes had no effect on the percentage of morphological quality of oocytes produced in vitro
Negative Energy Balance dan Days Open pada Berbagai Tingkat Paritas Partus Sapi Fries Holland
Negative Energy Balance is a transition period that is transitional between 3 weeks before parturition until 3 weeks after parturition. Days open is the interval between calving parturition with marriage that produced approximately 85 days of gestation. Parity is a period in the reproductive cycle of cattle with an indication of the number of livestock parent parturition. The purpose of research is to find out the negative energy balance and open days at various parity cows parturition Fries Holland.This study design was used to observe the one-way classification parent dairy cows after parturition I, II and III respectively as many as 30 individuals. Data observation glucose levels and days open were analyzed by the General Linear Model (GLM) and followed by DMRT to determine the significance level of blood glucose levels and days open between parity parturition.The results showed that the blood glucose levels of 30 breeding dairy cows at parturition turns holding each parity parity I showed significant differences (51.57 ± 5.56 mg / dL) compared to the parent parity II (45.57 ± 8.01 mg / dL) and parent parity III (46.7 ± 8.62 mg / dL). While holding Open Days parity I (106.07 ± 38.11 days) showed a longer time than the days of open parent parity II (86.23 ± 29.00 days) and III (89.23 ± 38.22 days).The conclusion of this study is negative energy balance which were carried in the blood glucose levels are still within the normal range is 33-55 mg / dL. While holding open days longer than the first parity with the parent parity II and III
Pengaruh Corpus Luteum dan Folikel Dominan terhadap Kualitas Morfologi Oosit Sapi Bali-Timor
Improvement of cattle production can be obtained by the application of feed and breeding technology. One of the breeding technologies that are rapidly growing is in vitro fertilization, which is part of In vitro embryo production The source of oocytes influence the success of in vitro embryo production The quality of the oocyte were determined by Ovarian follicular environment and followed the follicular growth that were characterized by the presence of a dominant follicle (DF) and corpus lutem (CL). The purpose of this study was to determine the influe nced of dominant follicles and corpus luteum on oocyte morphology ofBali Timor cattle, that were collected by aspiration method. Oocytes were obtained postmortem from the ovaries of Bali Timor cows slaughtered at an Oeba slaughterhouse Ovarian then class ified into 3 groups : I ) ovarian with CL without DF; (II) ovarian with DF, without CL; and (III) ovarian without both DF and CL. The results showed that the number of oocytes with good quality from group III (12.5%) was higher than group I (9.83%), but no significant differently (P> 0.05). The number of oocytes from group II that showed several layers of cells and has a cytoplasm (good quality) was very low
Identifikasi Molekuler Pasteurella Multocida Penyebab Pasteurellosis pada Babi di YOGYAKARTA
The purpose of this study was to determine the genetic variation of P.multocida in Yogyakarta with other overseas P. multocida strains. Samples were obtained from necropted intensive pig farming with clinically pneumonia symptoms, specific pulmonary lessions and then followed by histopathological examination and b iochemical characterization of the isolates. Then followed by histopathological examination and biochemical characterization of the isolates. Moleculartest performed by DNA extraction using the QIAGEN QIAamp DNA minikit, amplification of the 16S rRNA gene using forward primer 5' GGA GTG AAC TGC AGC TAA TAC C 3', and reverse primer 5' GTA GGT AAG CTT CGC GTT GTT G 3', electrophoresis, purification and sequencing. Macroscopic and histopathological examination results were analyzed descriptively. Sequencing r esults were analyzed by multiple alignment with other Pasteurella spp. taken from GenBank using the Clustal W software, subsequently analyzed using Neighbour Joining and Maximum Parsimony method that exist in program MEGA version 5.1 The results showed gen etic distance based on 765 nucleotides of 16S rRNA gene of P. multocida isolates from lungs of bronchopneumonia of swine in Yogyakarta at 0%. Filogram based on the nucleotide sequence showed a high similarity between P. multocida isolates from Yogyakarta a nd other isolates from USA, Germany, China, Europe, and Hungaria
Gambaran Histopatologi Beberapa Tipe Bronchopneumonia Pada Pulmo Babi Hasil Pemotongan Di Rph Oeba
The aim of this study was to determine the histopathologic changes of bronchopneumonia type in pigs of slaughtered pig from Oeba slaughterhouse associated with P. multocida infection. Samples of pulmo were found from pigs showing respiratoric symptoms, characterized as dyspnoea and presence of nasal exudates that are serous to mucopurulent, obtained from slaughtered pigs in RPH Oeba Kota Kupang. Samples showed pathognomonic lesions of gray hepatized than processed for histopathological studies. The result showed that varied macroscopic changes noted in pulmo samples from suspected infected pigs showed various types of lesions. Lessions observed then classified into two main lessions were acute and chronic. Acute lesions were characterized by edema and hyperemia which then confirmed with congestion and multifocal haemorrhages. Serous to seromucous exudates were observed intrabronchial and bronchioles. In chronic cases, the lesions showed cranioventral consolidation and gray hepatized with demarcated area beetwen consolidated and normal pulmonary area. Histologically, the types of bronchopneumonia categorized into bronchopneumonia suppurativa characterized by coagulative necrosis surrounded by cell infiltration and accumulation of fibrin intraalveolar. The fibrous connective tissue were also observed in the interstitaial space of alveolar around the necrotic area. Other samples showed non-suppurativa fibrinous bronchopneumonia with alveolar exudates dominated by mononuclear cells and accumulation of fibrin intra alveolar. Chronic bronchiolitis also seen with a mixture of mononuclear cells, neutrophils and macrophages that infiltrated into the lumen of the alveoli. A high number of goblet cells were observed in the bronchiolus epithelium, with the thickening of the fibrous tissue around the bronchioles. It can be concluded that there are two major types of lesions which are acute and chronic, with three types of bronchopnemonia namely bronchopneumonia suppurativa, non supuratival bronchopneumonia and chronic bronchiolitis