9 research outputs found

    New Design Method for the Formed Suction Intake in Axial-Flow Pumps with a Vertical Axis.

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    A concept of the formed suction intake design obtained with an algorithm for vertical axial-flow pumps is presented. The design methodology is a part of works conducted within project no. N N513 460240 supported by the Polish National Science Center. The proposed procedure is used to optimize intakes. The results of steady flow numerical computations in the suction intake as well as applications of the design optimization in the aspect of fulfilling two objective functions are discussed. The objective functions given by the authors concern the optimal in flow of the fluid into the impeller

    Parameterization a Geometry of the Impeller Centrifugal Multistage Pump.

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    W artykule opisano parametryczny zapis geometrii promieniowego wirnika zamknietego pompy osrodkowej. Potrzeba parametryzacji rozumianej jako zapis konstrukcji (topologii, kształtu) poprzez zestaw liczb sterujacych wymiarami wynika z procesu projektowania wykorzystujacego optymalizacje. Zaprezentowano jeden ze sposobów parametryzacji geometrii wirnika odsrodkowej pompy wielostopniowej. Wykorzystano jezyk skryptowy „Name Input Format” zaimplementowany w programie „BladeModeler” wchodzacy w skład pakietu ANSYS-CFX.In this article a parametric description of the closed radial impeller discussed. The need for parameterization understood here as a description of the structure (topology, shape) by a set number of control dimensions result of the design process using optimization. One way of parameterization impeller geometry of the centrifugal pump impeller was presented. Used Scripting language "Name Input Format" implemented in the program BladeModeler forming part of the ANSYS-CFX package

    The Vibroacoustic Analysis of The Hydrocarbon Processing Plant Piping System Operating at Elevated Temperature.

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    In this paper it is presented the vibroacoustic analysis of the selected section of the hydrocarbon processing chemical plant piping system operating at elevated temperature and subjected to dynamic load exciting vibration of the structure. The pump suction and discharge piping system is a part of chemical plant for processing hydrocarbon mixture at 270° C. Elevated temperature is one of static loads that influences the boundary conditions of the piping structure thus generating pump nozzle loadings leading to possible pump body deflection. Deflected shape of the pump body results in generation of flow fluctuation, visible and measurable as a pressure pulsation. This kind of fluctutation has been assumed further to be one of the dynamic loading on piping system structure. The dynamic analysis was performed to quantify the loading effect of pressure pulsation excited in the pump discharge nozzles on the structure of pipelines and the connected pump nozzles. The simulation was based on the numerical analysis of the excitation by acoustic waves propagation in subjected piping system. Measured on–site pressure pulsation at pumps nozzles has been identified and assumed to be the source of the acoustic waves. In the simulation elastic features of the piping structure as well as the fluid, and pressure loses in pipes, taken into account. Final result of the acoustic part of the simulation was spectral characteristics of the acoustic shock forces, defined further as harmonic loads for the dynamic structural analysis. To observe an influence of the acoustic excitation on the piping there was performed structural analysis of the piping system and the combined results of static and dynamic loading influence determined. This part of the analysis has been perfomed by means of FEM computer software Bentley AutoPIPE as well as some use of ANSYS FEM program. Important step in this simulation there was the theoretical modal analysis. This analysis allows to predict possible vibroacoustic resonance in the structural system under specific conditions of the coincidence between acoustic excitation and modals. The results of the combined static and dynamic loadings analysis contain the information on the node displacements, internal forces, resulting stresses in the pipe walls and loads on the pump nozzles and piping supports

    Optimization of the Pump Impeller - Effect of Some Geometric Parameters Describes Shape of Blade.

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    W artykule zamieszczono wyniki przeprowadzonego procesu optymalizacji kształtu łopatki wirnika stopnia pierwszego pompy wielostopniowej. Wykorzystano do tego celu jedna z metod optymalizacji konstrukcji z ograniczeniami. Funkcjami celu w tym przypadku są: największą z możliwych sprawności oraz najmniejsza z możliwych nadwyżek antykawitacyjnych (NPSH).The article describes the results of the optimization process, the shape of the impeller blades of the first stage of multi-stage pump. Used for this purpose one of the methods of design optimization with constraints. Functions to in this case are: the highest possible efficiency and the lowest possible surplus anti-cavitation (NPSH)

    The Choice of Decision Variables in the Optimization Process Semi-Open Impeller Centrifugal Pump for Circulatory Support.

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    W pracy przedstawiono wybór zmiennych decyzyjnych w procesie optymalizacji półotwartego wirnika pompy wirowej do wspomagania układu krążenia. Podano przegląd stosowanych w obliczeniach funkcji celu, parametryzację geometrii wirnika oraz analizę wrażliwości zmiennych decyzyjnych.The paper presents a selection of decision variables in the optimization of the semi-open impeller of the centrifugal pump for circulatory support. Gives an overview of the calculations used in the objective function and impeller geometry parameter sensitivity analysis of decision variables

    Multilevel Optimization of the Semi-Open Impeller in a Centrifugal Pump

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    Full optimization task for the case of the semi-open impeller with straight blades, requires description of its' geometry by means of, at least, eighteen design variables. In the case of constant meridional cross-section, are required at least eight design variables. Solution of the task with such great vector of design variables requires much more time. One way to manage to obtain a solutions with great variety of design variables is comprehensive approach to the task depending on the partition into minor subtasks. After decomposing the optimization task, one should choose procedure of solving it. One of these procedures is parametric optimization, which is two-stage method of minimizing (maximizing). This optimization is carried on in two levels. On a lower level, multi-optimization of decomposed parts of the tasks, depending on design variables, is being held. The solution of the lower level is used in an upper level (coordinating level) to find optimal coordination variables. It has been shown that result of multilevel optimization and full task optimization is the same in limits of accepted accuracy of the objective functions' calculus. Time of the calculation for the multilevel optimization task is over four times shorter than undecomposed task time

    Wielokryterialna optymalizacja półotwartego wirnika odśrodkowej pompy metodą wielopoziomową.

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    The complete optimization task for the case of the semi-open impeller with straight blades requires description of its geometry by means of, at least, eighteen design variables. In the case of constant meridional cross-section, required are at least eight design variables. Solution of the task with such a great vector of design variables requires much more time. One of the ways to obtain solutions with great variety of design variables is a comprehensive approach to the task including on the partition into minor subtasks. After decomposing the optimization task, one should choose a procedure for solving it. One of such procedures is parametric optimization, which is a two-stage minimization (maximization) method. This optimization is carried out in two levels. On the lower level, the multi-optimization of the decomposed parts of the tasks, depending on design variables, is being held. The solution of the lower level is used in the upper level (coordinating level) to find optimal coordination variables. It has been shown that the result of multi-level optimization and the whole task optimization is the same in limits of accepted accuracy of calculation of the objective functions. Time of the calculation for the multilevel optimization task is over four times shorter than the time of the undecomposed task.Pełne zadanie optymalizacyjne dla przypadku półotwartego wirnika wymaga z łopatkami o pojedynczej krzywiźnie wymaga opisania jego geometrii za pomocą co najmniej 18 zmiennymi decyzyjnymi, a w przypadku niezmiennego przekroju merydionalnego potrzeba co najmniej 8 zmiennych decyzyjnych. Czas rozwiązania zadania o tak wielkim wymiarze wektora zmiennych decyzyjnych jest bardzo duży. Jednym ze sposobów rozwiązania zadań z dużą ilością zmiennych decyzyjnych jest systemowe podejście do zagadnienia polegające na podziale problemu na mniejsze części. Po zdekomponowaniu problemu optymalizacyjnego należy wybrać metodę rozwiązania zadania. Jedną z takich metod jest metoda optymalizacji parametrycznej, która jest dwuetapową metodą minimalizacji (maksymalizacji). Optymalizacja ta polega na tym, że dokonujemy jej na dwóch poziomach. Na poziomie dolnym przeprowadza się wielokrotną optymalizację zdekomponowanych części problemu względem ich zmiennych decyzyjnych. Wynik optymalizacji na poziomie dolnym jest wykorzystywany na poziomie górnym, zwanym koordynacyjnym, do znajdowania optymalnych wartości zmiennych koordynacyjnych. Wykazano, że wynik optymalizacji wielopoziomowej i pełnego zadania optymalizacji jest taki sam w granicach przyjętej dokładności obliczeń funkcji celu. Czas obliczeń zadania optymalizacji wielopoziomowej jest ponad czterokrotnie mniejszy niż zadania niezdekompowanego

    Radial fan controlled with impeller movable blades - CFD investigations

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    Od 2003 nazwa instytucji sprawczej : Szewalski Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences.Modern classical power generation systems, based on power plants in Poland, where coal (hard bituminous coal or lignite) is the primary energy source, operate under variable loading conditions. Thus, all machines working in the technological system of the power generation unit are required to be adapted to variable loading, and, consequently, to operate beyond the design point of their performance characteristics. High efficiency of the process requires the efficiency of individual devices to be high, beyond the design point, as well. For both air and exhaust gases fans, an effective control system is needed to attain a high level of efficiency. As a result of cooperation between two institutes from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Lodz University of Technology, and the Vibroson company, a new design of the radial fan with impeller movable blades, which allows for controlling the device operation within a wide range, has been developed. This new design and determination the performance characteristics for two geometrical variants of blades with computational fluid dynamics methods are presented. The obtained results have been compared to the results of the measurements of fan performance curves conducted on the test stand