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    Common carp possesses a highly evolved gustatory system that is stimulated by a narrow range of free amino acids including L-cysteine and L-proline. A synergetic effect on the gustatory response of a combination of these two substances has not previously been demonstrated. In this study, groups of common carp were randomly presented with different concentrations of L-cysteine (0-0.1 M) and L-proline (0-0.05 M) in agar pellets in one minute trials. First retention duration, total retention duration during each trial and the number of ingestions (pellet acceptances) were recorded for each of a total of 690 trials. Palatability, pellet consumption rate and average pellet acceptances were calculated for each pellet type. It was shown that L-cysteine was more highly stimulatory than L-proline but no synergism between the two regarding the gustatory response was observed. The results are relevant for the formulation of aquafeeds and angling baits for carp.Šaran ima visoko razvijeni okusni sustav kojeg stimulira uski raspon slobodnih aminokiselina uključujući L-cistein i L-prolin. Sinergijski učinak kombinacije ovih dviju tvari na okusnu reakciju nije ranije dokazivan. U ovoj studiji različite koncentracije L-cisteina (0-0,1 M) i L-prolina (0-0,05 M) nasumce su davane testnim skupinama šarana u peletama agara tijekom jednominutnih pokusa. Trajanje prvog zadržavanja i ukupno trajanje zadržavanja tijekom svakog pokusa te broj gutanja (uzimanja) pelete zabilježeni su za svaki od ukupno 690 testova. Za svaki tip pelete izračunata je okusna reakcija, broj konzumacija i prosječno prihvaćanje od strane šarana. Pokazalo se da L-cistein znatno više stimulira konzumaciju od L-prolina te između njih nije uočen sinergizam. Rezultati su važni za pripremanje riblje hrane i ribičkih mamaca za šarane