5 research outputs found

    Las cuentas de las privatizaciones: el caso de Seat

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    Existe un amplio debate internacional y multidisciplinar en torno a los resultados de las privatizaciones acaecidas a lo largo de las dos 煤ltimas d茅cadas. La evidencia emp铆rica disponible en la literatura no parece confirmar los argumentos de car谩cter macro y microecon贸mico en relaci贸n con la privatizaci贸n, ni tampoco ayuda a identificar cu谩les son las mejores formas de privatizar. Por otro lado, algunos estudios recientes apuntan la posibilidad de que los agentes que intervienen en la privatizaci贸n tomen decisiones del tipo "accounting choice" , en la medida en que ello les ayudar铆a a la maximizaci贸n de la utilidad individual de las entidades a las que representan. El presente trabajo persigue comprobar, mediante los contrastes estad铆sticos pertinentes, y a partir de la ut铆lizaci贸n de un conjunto pre-seleccionado de rat铆os fmancieros y contables, si la crisis de racionalidad que se pudiera haber producido con respecto al mantenimiento de las acciones de Seat en manos del INI, se vio resuelta con la privatizaci贸n de la empresa. Por otra parte, y desde el punto de vista de la posible crisis de legitimidad asociada a la posible incompetencia del INI para resolver los problemas de Seat, estamos interesados en conocer si se produjo, antes o despu茅s de la privatizaci贸n, alguna decisi贸n de "elecci贸n contable" encaminada a devolver al Estado la legitimidad perdida

    Facial expression analysis by computational intelligence techniques

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Automatic analysis of facial expressions: The state of the art

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    ... This paper surveys the past work in solving these problems. The capability of the human visual system with respect to these problems is discussed, too. It is meant to serve as an ultimate goal and a guide for determining recommendations for development of an automatic facial expression analyze

    Dynamics of facial expression: Recognition of facial actions and their temporal segments from face profile image sequences

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    Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    Teaching Introductory Artificial Intelligence Using a Simple Agent Framework

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    Abstract鈥擳his paper describes a flexible method of teaching introductory artificial intelligence (AI) using a novel, Java-implemented, simple agent framework developed specifically for the purposes of this course. Although numerous agent frameworks have been proposed in the vast body of literature, none of these available frameworks proved to be simple enough to be used by first-year students of computer science. Hence, the authors set out to create a novel framework that would be suitable for the aims of the course, for the level of computing skills of the intended group of students, and for the size of this group of students. The content of the introductory AI course in question is a set of assignments that requires the students to use intelligent agents and other AI techniques to monitor, filter, and retrieve relevant information from the World Wide Web. It represents, therefore, a synthesis of the traditional objectivist approach and a real-world-oriented, constructivist approach to teaching programming to novices. The main aim of implementing such a pedagogy was to engage the students in learning to which they personally relate while attaining intellectual rigor. Classroom experience indicates that students learn more effectively when the traditional objectivist approach is combined with a constructivist approach than when this orthodox approach to teaching programming to novices is used alone. Index Terms鈥擜gent framework, artificial intelligence (AI) course, intelligent agents, introductory engineering course, Java