53 research outputs found

    Simheuristic and learnheuristic algorithms for the temporary-facility location and queuing problem during population treatment or testing events

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    Epidemic outbreaks, such as the one generated by the coronavirus disease, have raised the need for more efficient healthcare logistics. One of the challenges that many governments have to face in such scenarios is the deployment of temporary medical facilities across a region with the purpose of providing medical services to their citizens. This work tackles this temporary-facility location and queuing problem with the goals of minimizing costs, the expected completion time, population travel and waiting times. The completion time for a facility depends on the numbers assigned to those facilities as well as stochastic arrival times. This work proposes a learnheuristic algorithm to solve the facility location and population assignment problem. Firstly a machine learning algorithm is trained using data from a queuing model (simulation module). The learnheuristic then constructs solutions using the machine learning algorithm to rapidly evaluate decisions in terms of facility completion and population waiting times. The efficiency and quality of the algorithm is demonstrated by comparison with exact and simulation-only (simheuristic) methodologies. A series of experiments are performed which explore the trade offs between solution cost, completion time, population travel and waiting times.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A variable neighborhood search simheuristic for project portfolio selection under uncertainty

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    With limited nancial resources, decision-makers in rms and governments face the task of selecting the best portfolio of projects to invest in. As the pool of project proposals increases and more realistic constraints are considered, the problem becomes NP-hard. Thus, metaheuristics have been employed for solving large instances of the project portfolio selection problem (PPSP). However, most of the existing works do not account for uncertainty. This paper contributes to close this gap by analyzing a stochastic version of the PPSP: the goal is to maximize the expected net present value of the inversion, while considering random cash ows and discount rates in future periods, as well as a rich set of constraints including the maximum risk allowed. To solve this stochastic PPSP, a simulation-optimization algorithm is introduced. Our approach integrates a variable neighborhood search metaheuristic with Monte Carlo simulation. A series of computational experiments contribute to validate our approach and illustrate how the solutions vary as the level of uncertainty increases

    Optimizing transport logistics under uncertainty with simheuristics: concepts, review and trends

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    Background: Uncertainty conditions have been increasingly considered in optimization problems arising in real-life transportation and logistics activities. Generally, the analysis of complex systems in these non-deterministic environments is approached with simulation techniques. However, simulation is not an optimization tool. Hence, it must be combined with optimization methods when our goal is to: (i) minimize operating costs while guaranteeing a given quality of service; or (ii) maximize system performance using limited resources. When solving NP-hard optimization problems, the use of metaheuristics allows us to deal with large-scale instances in reasonable computation times. By adding a simulation layer to the metaheuristics, the methodology becomes a simheuristic, which allows the optimization element to solve scenarios under uncertainty. Methods: This paper reviews the indexed documents in Elsevier Scopus database of both initial as well as recent applications of simheuristics in the logistics and transportation field. The paper also discusses open research lines in this knowledge area. Results: The simheuristics approaches to solving NP-hard and large-scale combinatorial optimization problems under uncertainty scenarios are discussed, as they frequently appear in real-life applications in logistics and transportation activities. Conclusions: The way in which the different simheuristic components interact puts a special emphasis in the different stages that can contribute to make the approach more efficient from a computational perspective. There are several lines of research that are still open in the field of simheuristics.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Simheuristics: an introductory tutorial

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksBoth manufacturing and service industries are subject to uncertainty. Probability techniques and simulation methods allow us to model and analyze complex systems in which stochastic uncertainty is present. When the goal is to optimize the performance of these stochastic systems, simulation by itself is not enough and it needs to be hybridized with optimization methods. Since many real-life optimization problems in the aforementioned industries are NP-hard and large scale, metaheuristic optimization algorithms are required. The simheuristics concept refers to the hybridization of simulation methods and metaheuristic algorithms. This paper provides an introductory tutorial to the concept of simheuristics, showing how it has been successfully employed in solving stochastic optimization problems in many application fields, from production logistics and transportation to telecommunication and insurance. Current research trends in the area of simheuristics, such as their combination with fuzzy logic techniques and machine learning methods, are also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Applying simheuristics to minimize overall costs of an MRP planned production system

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    Looking at current enterprise resource planning systems shows that material requirements planning (MRP) is one of the main production planning approaches implemented there. The MRP planning parameters lot size, safety stock, and planned lead time, have to be identified for each MRP planned material. With increasing production system complexity, more planning parameters have to be defined. Simulation-based optimization is known as a valuable tool for optimizing these MRP planning parameters for the underlying production system. In this article, a fast and easy-to-apply simheuristic was developed with the objective to minimize overall costs. The simheuristic sets the planning parameters lot size, safety stock, and planned lead time for the simulated stochastic production systems. The developed simheuristic applies aspects of simulation annealing (SA) for an efficient metaheuristic-based solution parameter sampling. Additionally, an intelligent simulation budget management (SBM) concept is introduced, which skips replications of not promising iterations. A comprehensive simulation study for a multi-item and multi-staged production system structure is conducted to evaluate its performance. Different simheuristic combinations and parameters are tested, with the result that the combination of SA and SBM led to the lowest overall costs. The contributions of this article are an easy implementable simheuristic for MRP parameter optimization and a promising concept to intelligently manage simulation budget.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The stochastic team orienteering problem with position-dependent rewards

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    In this paper, we analyze both the deterministic and stochastic versions of a team orienteering problem (TOP) in which rewards from customers are dynamic. The typical goal of the TOP is to select a set of customers to visit in order to maximize the total reward gathered by a fixed fleet of vehicles. To better reflect some real-life scenarios, we consider a version in which rewards associated with each customer might depend upon the order in which the customer is visited within a route, bonusing the first clients and penalizing the last ones. In addition, travel times are modeled as random variables. Two mixed-integer programming models are proposed for the deterministic version, which is then solved using a well-known commercial solver. Furthermore, a biased-randomized iterated local search algorithm is employed to solve this deterministic version. Overall, the proposed metaheuristic algorithm shows an outstanding performance when compared with the optimal or near-optimal solutions provided by the commercial solver, both in terms of solution quality as well as in computational times. Then, the metaheuristic algorithm is extended into a full simheuristic in order to solve the stochastic version of the problem. A series of numerical experiments allows us to show that the solutions provided by the simheuristic outperform the near-optimal solutions obtained for the deterministic version of the problem when the latter are used in a scenario under conditions of uncertainty. In addition, the solutions provided by our simheuristic algorithm for the stochastic version of the problem offer a higher reliability level than the ones obtained with the commercial solver.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event heuristics for dynamic optimization with time dependencies and synchronization

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    Many real-life combinatorial optimization problems are subject to a high degree of dynamism, while, simultaneously, a certain level of synchronization among agents and events is required. Thus, for instance, in ride-sharing operations, the arrival of vehicles at pick-up points needs to be synchronized with the times at which users reach these locations so that waiting times do not represent an issue. Likewise, in warehouse logistics, the availability of automated guided vehicles at an entry point needs to be synchronized with the arrival of new items to be stored. In many cases, as operational decisions are made, a series of interdependent events are scheduled for the future, thus making the synchronization task one that traditional optimization methods cannot handle easily. On the contrary, discrete-event simulation allows for processing a complex list of scheduled events in a natural way, although the optimization component is missing here. This paper discusses a hybrid approach in which a heuristic is driven by a list of discrete events and then extended into a biased-randomized algorithm. As the paper discusses in detail, the proposed hybrid approach allows us to efficiently tackle optimization problems with complex synchronization issuesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Battery sharing: a feasibility analysis through simulation

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    Nowadays, several alternatives to internal combustion engines are being proposed in order to reduce CO2 emissions in freight transportation and citizen mobility. According to many experts, the use of electric vehicles constitutes one of the most promising alternatives for achieving the desirable reductions in emissions. However, popularization of these vehicles is being slowed by long recharging times and the low availability of recharging stations. One possible solution to this issue is to employ the concept of battery sharing or battery swapping. This concept is supported by important industrial partners, such as Eni in Italy, Ample in the US, and Shell in the UK. This paper supports the introduction of battery swapping practices by analyzing their effects. A discrete-event simulation model is employed for this study. The obtained results show that battery sharing practices are not just a more environmentally and socially friendly solution, but also one that can be highly beneficial for reducing traffic congestion.Postprint (published version

    IoT analytics and agile optimization for solving dynamic team orienteering problems with mandatory visits

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    Transport activities and citizen mobility have a deep impact on enlarged smart cities. By analyzing Big Data streams generated through Internet of Things (IoT) devices, this paper aims to show the efficiency of using IoT analytics, as an agile optimization input for solving real-time problems in smart cities. IoT analytics has become the main core of large-scale Internet applications, however, its utilization in optimization approaches for real-time configuration and dynamic conditions of a smart city has been less discussed. The challenging research topic is how to reach real-time IoT analytics for use in optimization approaches. In this paper, we consider integrating IoT analytics into agile optimization problems. A realistic waste collection problem is modeled as a dynamic team orienteering problem with mandatory visits. Open data repositories from smart cities are used for extracting the IoT analytics to achieve maximum advantage under the city environment condition. Our developed methodology allows us to process real-time information gathered from IoT systems in order to optimize the vehicle routing decision under dynamic changes of the traffic environments. A series of computational experiments is provided in order to illustrate our approach and discuss its effectiveness. In these experiments, a traditional static approach is compared against a dynamic one. In the former, the solution is calculated only once at the beginning, while in the latter, the solution is re-calculated periodically as new data are obtained. The results of the experiments clearly show that our proposed dynamic approach outperforms the static one in terms of rewardsThis project has received the support of the Ajuntament of Barcelona and the Fundació “la Caixa” under the framework of the Barcelona Science Plan 2020-2023 (grant 21S09355-001)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimizing energy consumption in smart cities’ mobility: electric vehicles, algorithms, and collaborative economy

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    Mobility and transportation activities in smart cities require an increasing amount of energy. With the frequent energy crises arising worldwide and the need for a more sustainable and environmental friendly economy, optimizing energy consumption in these growing activities becomes a must. This work reviews the latest works in this matter and discusses several challenges that emerge from the aforementioned social and industrial demands. The paper analyzes how collaborative concepts and the increasing use of electric vehicles can contribute to reduce energy consumption practices, as well as intelligent x-heuristic algorithms that can be employed to achieve this fundamental goal. In addition, the paper analyzes computational results from previous works on mobility and transportation in smart cities applying x-heuristics algorithms. Finally, a novel computational experiment, involving a ridesharing example, is carried out to illustrate the benefits that can be obtained by employing these algorithms.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version