101 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Stereo Video Deblurring and Scene Flow Estimation

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    Videos for outdoor scene often show unpleasant blur effects due to the large relative motion between the camera and the dynamic objects and large depth variations. Existing works typically focus monocular video deblurring. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to deblurring from stereo videos. In particular, we exploit the piece-wise planar assumption about the scene and leverage the scene flow information to deblur the image. Unlike the existing approach [31] which used a pre-computed scene flow, we propose a single framework to jointly estimate the scene flow and deblur the image, where the motion cues from scene flow estimation and blur information could reinforce each other, and produce superior results than the conventional scene flow estimation or stereo deblurring methods. We evaluate our method extensively on two available datasets and achieve significant improvement in flow estimation and removing the blur effect over the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201

    Event Camera Data Pre-training

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    This paper proposes a pre-trained neural network for handling event camera data. Our model is a self-supervised learning framework, and uses paired event camera data and natural RGB images for training. Our method contains three modules connected in a sequence: i) a family of event data augmentations, generating meaningful event images for self-supervised training; ii) a conditional masking strategy to sample informative event patches from event images, encouraging our model to capture the spatial layout of a scene and accelerating training; iii) a contrastive learning approach, enforcing the similarity of embeddings between matching event images, and between paired event and RGB images. An embedding projection loss is proposed to avoid the model collapse when enforcing the event image embedding similarities. A probability distribution alignment loss is proposed to encourage the event image to be consistent with its paired RGB image in the feature space. Transfer learning performance on downstream tasks shows the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art methods. For example, we achieve top-1 accuracy at 64.83% on the N-ImageNet dataset

    Event Camera Data Dense Pre-training

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    This paper introduces a self-supervised learning framework designed for pre-training neural networks tailored to dense prediction tasks using event camera data. Our approach utilizes solely event data for training. Transferring achievements from dense RGB pre-training directly to event camera data yields subpar performance. This is attributed to the spatial sparsity inherent in an event image (converted from event data), where many pixels do not contain information. To mitigate this sparsity issue, we encode an event image into event patch features, automatically mine contextual similarity relationships among patches, group the patch features into distinctive contexts, and enforce context-to-context similarities to learn discriminative event features. For training our framework, we curate a synthetic event camera dataset featuring diverse scene and motion patterns. Transfer learning performance on downstream dense prediction tasks illustrates the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art approaches. Notably, our single model secured the top position in the challenging DSEC-Flow benchmark

    Bringing Blurry Images Alive: High-Quality Image Restoration and Video Reconstruction

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    Consumer-level cameras are affordable for customers. While handy and easy to use, images and videos are likely to suffer from motion blur effect, especially under low-lighting conditions. Moreover, it is rather difficult to take high frame-rate videos due to the hardware limitations of conventional RGB-sensors. Therefore, our thesis mainly focuses on restoring high-quality (sharp, and high frame-rate) images and videos, from the low-quality (blur, and low frame-rate) ones for better practical applications. In this thesis, we mainly address the problem of how to restore a sharp image from a blurred stereo video sequence, a blurred RGB-D image, or a single blurred image. Then, by utilizing the faithful information about the motion provided by blurry effects in the image, we reconstruct high frame-rate and sharp videos based on an event camera, that brings blurry frame alive. Stereo camera systems can provide motion information incorporated to help to remove complex spatially-varying motion blur in dynamic scenes. Given consecutive blurred stereo video frames, we recover the latent images, estimate the 3D scene flow, and segment the multiple moving objects simultaneously. We represent the dynamic scenes with the piece-wise planar model, which exploits the local structure of the scene and expresses various dynamic scenes. These three tasks are naturally connected under our model and expressed as the parameter estimation of 3D scene structure and camera motion (structure and motion for the dynamic scenes). To tackle the challenging, minimal image deblurring case, namely, single-image deblurring, we first focus on blur caused by camera shake during the exposure time. We propose to jointly estimate the 6 DoF camera motion and remove the non-uniform blur by exploiting their underlying geometric relationships, with a single blurred RGB-D image as input. We formulate our joint deblurring and 6 DoF camera motion estimation as an energy minimization problem solved in an alternative manner. In general cases, we solve the single-image deblurring task by studying the problem in the frequency domain. We show that the auto-correlation of the absolute phase-only image (phase-only image means the image is reconstructed only from the phase information of the blurry image) can provide faithful information about the motion (e.g., the motion direction and magnitude) that caused the blur, leading to a new and efficient blur kernel estimation approach. Event cameras are gaining attention for they measure intensity changes (called `events') with microsecond accuracy. The event camera allows the simultaneous output of the intensity frames. However, the images are captured at a relatively low frame-rate and often suffer from motion blur. A blurred image can be regarded as the integral of a sequence of latent images, while the events indicate the changes between the latent images. Therefore, we model the blur-generation process by associating event data to a latent image. We propose a simple and effective approach, the EDI model, to reconstruct a high frame-rate, sharp video (>1000 fps) from a single blurry frame and its event data. The video generation is based on solving a simple non-convex optimization problem in a single scalar variable. Then, we improved the EDI model by using multiple images and their events to handle flickering effects and noise in the generated video. Also, we provide a more efficient solver to minimize the proposed energy model. Last, the blurred image and events also contribute to optical flow estimation. We propose a single image and events based optical flow estimation approach to unlock their potential applications. In summary, this thesis addresses how to recover sharp images from blurred ones and reconstruct a high temporal resolution video from a single image and event. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate our proposed methods outperform the state-of-the-art

    LDP: Language-driven Dual-Pixel Image Defocus Deblurring Network

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    Recovering sharp images from dual-pixel (DP) pairs with disparity-dependent blur is a challenging task.~Existing blur map-based deblurring methods have demonstrated promising results. In this paper, we propose, to the best of our knowledge, the first framework to introduce the contrastive language-image pre-training framework (CLIP) to achieve accurate blur map estimation from DP pairs unsupervisedly. To this end, we first carefully design text prompts to enable CLIP to understand blur-related geometric prior knowledge from the DP pair. Then, we propose a format to input stereo DP pair to the CLIP without any fine-tuning, where the CLIP is pre-trained on monocular images. Given the estimated blur map, we introduce a blur-prior attention block, a blur-weighting loss and a blur-aware loss to recover the all-in-focus image. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in extensive experiments

    LCCo: Lending CLIP to Co-Segmentation

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    This paper studies co-segmenting the common semantic object in a set of images. Existing works either rely on carefully engineered networks to mine the implicit semantic information in visual features or require extra data (i.e., classification labels) for training. In this paper, we leverage the contrastive language-image pre-training framework (CLIP) for the task. With a backbone segmentation network that independently processes each image from the set, we introduce semantics from CLIP into the backbone features, refining them in a coarse-to-fine manner with three key modules: i) an image set feature correspondence module, encoding global consistent semantic information of the image set; ii) a CLIP interaction module, using CLIP-mined common semantics of the image set to refine the backbone feature; iii) a CLIP regularization module, drawing CLIP towards this co-segmentation task, identifying the best CLIP semantic and using it to regularize the backbone feature. Experiments on four standard co-segmentation benchmark datasets show that the performance of our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods

    L2T-DLN: Learning to Teach with Dynamic Loss Network

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    With the concept of teaching being introduced to the machine learning community, a teacher model start using dynamic loss functions to teach the training of a student model. The dynamic intends to set adaptive loss functions to different phases of student model learning. In existing works, the teacher model 1) merely determines the loss function based on the present states of the student model, i.e., disregards the experience of the teacher; 2) only utilizes the states of the student model, e.g., training iteration number and loss/accuracy from training/validation sets, while ignoring the states of the loss function. In this paper, we first formulate the loss adjustment as a temporal task by designing a teacher model with memory units, and, therefore, enables the student learning to be guided by the experience of the teacher model. Then, with a dynamic loss network, we can additionally use the states of the loss to assist the teacher learning in enhancing the interactions between the teacher and the student model. Extensive experiments demonstrate our approach can enhance student learning and improve the performance of various deep models on real-world tasks, including classification, objective detection, and semantic segmentation scenarios
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