1,016 research outputs found

    Impacts of CGIAR Crop Improvement and Natural Resource Management Research: A Review of Evidence

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    This paper has examined the trends in funding and impacts of CGIAR research with a focus on distribution of economic benefits and sustainability of natural resources. The evidence has clearly shown that the impacts in terms of agricultural growth, poverty reduction and environmental protection continue to be impressive. The success of varietal development programmes mainly stems from free exchange of plant genetic resources and partnerships with NARSs. However, the impact of natural resource and production system management research has been site-specific. Its spread has been restricted because of policy and institutional constraints on transfer of technology.Crop improvement, CGIAR research, NRM research, Poverty alleviation, Environmental protection, Agricultural growth, Agricultural and Food Policy, Q56, Q58, Q18,

    Delivering Seeds of 'Orphan' Crops: The Case Studies of Potato and Groundnut in India

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    This paper examines the performance of the Indian seed system in the context of high volume, low value seed, using the case studies of potato and groundnut. In theory, public sector should be able to address seed needs of farmers growing these crops. However, the ability of the public sector is constrained by a number of institutional and technical factors, and farmers largely depend upon traditional sources of seed. The traditional sources meet more than two-thirds of the total seed demand , and the rest is met by the formal seed system, mainly public seed agencies. Most of the farmers buy fresh seed for quality reasons, and only 12-15 percent farmers purchase seed to change variety. In potato, technological innovation provided options to enhance multiplication rate and improve quality of seed, and therefore attracted the private sector in the production and delivery of seed to farmers. Availability of source seed from public plant breeding programs further encouraged the private sector's participation. However, it is very unlikely that the crops under study will attract private investment in plant breeding because of inadequate incentives even under the new IPR regime. Therefore, public research system should continue to shoulder the responsibility of plant breeding, and develop partnership with the private sector to strengthen decentralized seed activities. Coordination among public seed corporations of different states may help augment seed supply in the deficit regions, and offer greater choice to farmers. Efforts to develop supply chain, especially for premium market, will eventually attract private sector in the product, as well as seed market.Seed system, Seed sources, Seed saving, Seed quality, Supply chain, India, Crop Production/Industries, O3, Q13, Q16,

    Indian Seed System Development: Policy and Institutional Options

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    Developments in the Indian seed industry and their impact on access and use of commercial seed by farmers have been examined. Various types of seed systems such as hybrids, self-pollinated crops, vegetatively propagated crops, crops with high seed volume, etc have been analysed. It has been shown that the commercial seed markets for hybrids are well developed, but these need improving flow of information to farmers and effective regulation of unscrupulous traders, etc. There are significant changes in terms of seed regulations, management of GM crops and protection of intellectual property. Since all these regulations are mutually enforcing, there is a need for developing institutional capacity for their enforcement, as well as flexibility to learn from the experience for future adaptation. There is a lot of scope for strengthening the seed system of ‘orphan crops’, where there is no participation of the private sector, and the public seed system is facing several resource and institutional constraints. In particular, there is a need for technological backstopping, developing partnerships with private and civil society organisations, and developing capacity at the local level. The results of farm surveys have shown that increasing proportion of farmers use commercial seed for quality considerations. The study has argued that there is a problem with variety selection, particularly of proprietary hybrids, due to lack of information, which has resulted into poor crop performance on several occasions.Crop Production/Industries,


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    Globalization, privatization and scientific advancements pose new challenges and opportunities for the development of Indian agriculture. The emerging paradigm shifts focus to creation and application of new knowledge for agricultural development and global competitiveness. To facilitate this shift and realize greater economic efficiency, a new set of responsive institutions should emerge. This volume discusses the direction of institutional change in Indian agriculture. The roles of the state, markets and collective actions are examined for evolving the knowledge-intensive agriculture. The contributed papers from a number of leading researchers cover the institutions for R&D, land and water resources, credit, marketing, trade and agro-processing.Industrial Organization, International Development,

    Invasive mole presenting as acute abdomen

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    We reporting this case as acute abdomen and admitted into the surgical ward. The patient was in shock due to hemoperitonium and emergency laparotomy done and found that it was a perforating molar pregnancy. Total hysterectomy done, five units blood transfusion done. β hCG levels regress quickly and spontaneously

    Sonographic assessment of lower uterine segment at term with previous caesarean section

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    Background: The present study is an attempt to evaluate the efficacy of trans abdominal sonography to measure the thickness of scarred lower uterine segment at term and to detect anatomical defect if there is any to predict the risk of scar rupture.Methods: This study assessed the usefulness of sonographic measurement of lower uterine segment thickness in 100 patients with previous Caesarean patients. Lower uterine segment thickness was compared by antenatal sonography caliper measurements and observations during caesarean section.Results: Lower uterine segment thickness measured by ultrasonography correlated well with the thickness measured by vernier calipers at Caesarean section. Sensitivity of 92.86%, specificity of 77.27%, positive predictive value of 83.87% and negative predictive value of 89.47% suggested that if the thickness of lower uterine segment was 2.6 mm or more, chances of vaginal delivery following trial of labour was high.Conclusions: Antenatal ultrasonographic assessment of lower uterine segment thickness can result a successful trial of labour in women with previous caesarean section

    Nanowires, Nanowire Junctions, and Methods of Making the Same

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    Disclosed is a nanostructure including a first set of nanowires formed from filling a plurality of voids of a template. The nanostructure also includes a second set of nanowires formed from filling a plurality of spaces created when the template is removed, such that the second set of nanowires encases the first set of nanowires. Several methods are also disclosed. In one embodiment, a method of fabricating a nanostructure including nanowires is disclosed. The method may include forming a first set of nanowires in a template, removing a first portion of the template, thereby creating spaces between the first set of nanowires, forming a second set of nanowires in the spaces between the first set of nanowires, and removing a second portion of the template
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