175 research outputs found
Automatic identification of sites prone to topographic seismic amplification effects by the current seismic codes
Current seismic codes provide proxies to estimate seismic amplification effects expected in correspondence of some morphological features. To make possible any empirical validation of these proxies, these features must be univocally identified on the basis of an automatic procedure. To this purpose, based on geomorphological considerations, a GIS-based numerical approach has been developed. The results of a morphometric analysis allowed the correct identification and mapping of the landforms of concern, at a detail corresponding to the resolution of the available digital elevation model (DEM). Some case-studies are provided to show the feasibility of the proposed approach. © 2023 The Author
Mapping 1D seismic amplification effects in the range of periods of engineering interest based on geological data
Regional scale seismic hazard assessment including the effect of local seismo-stratigraphical conditions is a basic tool for seismic risk estimates. A novel physically based procedure is proposed for using geological maps to extensively estimate expected seismic amplification effects relative to spectral ordinates of main engineering interest (<0.8 s). Automatic GIS based analysis of geological maps, statistical data relative to the seismic/geotechnical properties of geological units and numerical modelling are combined to determine the probability distribution of expected amplification effects by accounting for uncertainty affecting the relevant parameters. To evaluate the feasibility of the proposed procedure, it has been applied to the Tuscany Region in Central Italy. Unbiasedness of outcomes has been tested by considering detailed microzonation studies available for the considered area. Results of the proposed approach could be easily implemented in extensive seismic risk analyses where detailed seismic microzonation studies are lacking
La sequenza archeologica di Barbiano – Caserma dei vigili del fuoco (Bolzano) : evidenze di sistemazioni dei versanti durante il neolitico
Il sito di Barbiano \ue8 stato occupato in varie fasi dalla Preistoria all\u2019Et\ue0 Romana Le prime evidenze insediative risalgono all\u2019inizio del Neolitico medio, circa 7000 anni BP. L\u2019occupazione venne preceduta dalla creazione di una ampia piattaforma, un terrazzo, realizzato asportando i depositi fluvioglaciali e la sovrastante copertura pedologica. La piattaforma venne completata con il riporto su tutta la superficie di alcuni decimetri di sabbia. Si tratta di una delle pi\uf9 antiche evidenze di significative modificazioni antropiche del paesaggio in area alpina. Questi importanti lavori suggeriscono inoltre che l\u2019ampia area insediativa fosse abitata per la maggior parte dell\u2019anno. L\u2019insediamento marca dunque la transizione dalle pi\uf9 antiche attivit\ue0 agricole basate sulla pratica dello "slash and burn" a quelle stanziali. I livelli neolitici vennero coperti da sedimenti alluvionali e colluviali deposti come conseguenza dell\u2019attivazione di processi di degradazione dei versanti innescati dalla deforestazione. Durante l\u2019Et\ue0 Romana il torrente locale era delimitato da argini artificiali ed una serie di strutture murarie vennero edificate per delimitare e proteggere aree insediative che per\uf2 si sviluppano al di fuori dell\u2019area scavata. I sedimenti grossolani all\u2019interno del canale suggeriscono che limitati processi erosivi ancora interessavano il versante. I livelli romani sono stati successivamente sepolti da una sottile coltre colluviale che suggeriscono come i versanti sovrastanti, oggigiorno largamente terrazzati, non sono pi\uf9 stati interessati da processi erosivi che sono invece noti in altre aree della regione.The archaeological succession of Barbiano-Firehouse (Bozen): evidence of slope terracing during the Neolithic
Barbiano archaeological site was occupied at various stages from the Prehistory to the Roman era. The earliest occupation of the area, seems to have occurred at the beginning of the Middle Neolithic, around 7 ka bP. It was preceded by the excavation of a large almost flat platform, a terrace, realised with the stripping of fluvioglacial deposits and the overlying soil cover. The platform was later covered with a few decimetre-thick layer of sand. This is one of the earliest evidence of important anthropogenic topographic and landscape modification in the Alps. These important works suggest that the large occupation surface was probably settled for most of the year following the transition from the nomadic agriculture and the "slash and burn" practices usually associated with the Neolithic . The Neolithic settlement was lately buried under colluvial and alluvial sediments that indicate slope degradation processes most probably triggered by deforestation. In Roman Times the local stream was delimited by artificial levee and a series of walls were built to delimitate and protect larger structures that extended beyond the excavated area. The coarse sediments that fill the channel bear witness that limited erosional processes still affected on the slope. The Roman structures were buried under shallow colluvial deposits suggesting that the overlying slope, nowadays largely terraced, did not experienced anymore erosive processes that are known to have occurred in nearby areas
Stratigraphic reassessment of Grotta Romanelli sheds light on Middle-Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and human settling in the Mediterranean
During the last century, Grotta Romanelli (Southern Italy) has been a reference site for the European Late Pleistocene stratigraphy, due to its geomorphological setting and archaeological and palaeontological content. The beginning of the sedimentation inside the cave was attributed to the Last Interglacial (MISs 5e) and the oldest unearthed evidence of human occupation, including remains of hearths, was therefore referred to the Middle Palaeolithic. Recent surveys and excavations produced new U/Th dates, palaeoenvironmental interpretation and a litho-, morpho- and chrono-stratigraphical reassessment, placing the oldest human frequentation of the cave between MIS 9 and MIS 7, therefore embracing Glacial and Interglacial cycles. These new data provide evidence that the sea reached the cave during the Middle Pleistocene and human occupation occurred long before MISs 5e and persisted beyond the Pleistocene- Holocene boundary
Parâmetros espaço-temporais do andar emcrianças obesas e com peso normalde acordo com o sexo
CaracterĂsticas corporais interferem no desempenho motor. Para analisar os parâmetros espaço-temporais do andar em crianças obesas e de peso normal, por sexo, 23 crianças entre 7 e 10 anos de idade, foram intencionalmente selecionadas e distribuĂdas em dois grupos: obeso (OB, n=9) e normal (N, n=14). Marcadores reflexivos foram afixados em pontos anatĂłmicos (quinto metatarso, malĂ©olo lateral e calcando). Os participantes andaram sobre uma passarela de 8m de comprimento na velocidade preferida e foram filmados no plano sagital. As variaveis descritivas analisadas foram: comprimento da passada (CP), comprimento da passada normalizado pela estatura (CPN) duração da passada (DP), velocidade da passada (VP), duração da fase de balanço (DFB) e duração da fase de suporte (DFS). Os resultados revelaram que: grupo isoladamente interfere em CPN e DP; sexo isoladamente afeta CP, CPN, VP; grupo e sexo afetam CPN, DFB, DP. Assim, o aumento da massa corporal ocasiona mudanças nos parâmetros espaço- temporais do andar quando sexo Ă© considerado.Considering that body features interfere in motor performance, the aim of this study was to analyze the changes in spatial and temporal parameters of gait in obese, and non-obese children according to the gender.23 children intentionally selected participated in this study and they were distributed between two experimental groups according to their body mass index:obese (OB, n=9) and normal (N, n=14). Ali the participants had written consent forms signed by their parents. Reflexive markers were attached on the following body landmarks of the rightfoot: fifth metatarsal, malleolus lateral and calcaneus. The participants were asked to walk on an 8m rubber pathway at a preferred pace while their locomotor behavior were recorded using a video camera Panasonic (model NV - M9OOOPN S-VHS) in a sagittal plane. Using a MatLab routine, the following variables were collected: stride length (SL), stride length normalized byheight (SLN), stride duration (SD), stride velocity (SV), swing phase duration (SPD), and support phase duration (SUD). Data was statically analyzed using ANOVA with groups and gender asfactors. Results revealed that: group alone interfere on SLN and SD; gender alone affects SL, SLN and SV; group and gender affects SLN, SPD and SD. These results allowed us to concludethat the increase in body weight can make changes in spatial and temporal parameters of children gait when gender is considered
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