17 research outputs found

    Verifying Resilient Software

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    We explore the tension between adding functionality to create resilient software and minimizing functionality to make it more feasible to formally verify software. To illustrate the effects of this trade-off, we examine a tiny example in detail. We show how code written with a good style may be hard to verify, specifically that the test condition is troublesome. We also show that a test condition "improved" in an attempt to make the verification more straight-forward worsens the failure characteristics. To demonstrate the effect in an actual situation, we examine a secure web server, thttpd, its design principles and security features. We discuss how the security features introduce redundancies making verification harder, but also present some of its formal verification to show that verification is feasible. We conclude that software should be designed with necessary redundancies and that the temptation to oversimplify the design in order to formally verify it should be resisted. 1 ..

    Formal Verification of VLIW Microprocessors with Speculative Execution

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    . This is a study of the formal verification of a VLIW microprocessor that imitates the Intel Itanium [9][12][17] in features such as predicated execution, register remapping, advanced and speculative loads, and branch prediction. The formal verification is done with the Burch and Dill flushing technique [5] by exploiting the properties of Positive Equality [3][4]. The contributions include an extensive use of conservative approximations in abstracting portions of the processor and a framework for decomposition of the Boolean evaluation of the correctness formula. The conservative approximations are applied automatically when abstracting a memory whose forwarding logic is not affected by stalling conditions that preserve the correctness of the memory semantics for the same memory. These techniques allow a reduction of more than a factor of 4 in the CPU time for the formal verification of the most complex processor model examined relative to the monolithic evaluation of the ..

    Automatic Abstraction of Memories in the Formal Verification of Superscalar Microprocessors

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    A system of conservative transformation rules is presented for abstracting memories whose forwarding logic interacts with stalling conditions for preserving the memory semantics in microprocessors with in-order execution. Microprocessor correctness is expressed in the logic of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions and Memories (EUFM) [6]. Memory reads and writes are abstracted as arbitrary uninterpreted functions in such a way that the forwarding property of the memory semantics---that a read returns the data most recently written to an equal write address---is satisfied completely only when exactly the same pair of one read and one write address is compared for equality in the stalling logic. These transformations are applied entirely automatically by a tool for formal verification of microprocessors, based on EUFM, the Burch and Dill flushing technique [6], and the properties of Positive Equality [3]. An order of magnitude reduction is achieved in the number of e ij Boolean variables [9] that encode the equality comparisons of register identifiers in the correctness formulas for single-issue pipelined and dual-issue superscalar microprocessors with multicycle functional units, exceptions, and branch prediction. That results in up to 40 reduction in the CPU time for the formal verification of the dual-issue superscalar microprocessors

    Formalization of the DE2 Language

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    Department of Computer Sciences

    Managing complexity through abstraction: A refinementbased approach to formalize instruction set architectures

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    Abstract. Verifying the functional correctness of a processor requires a sound and complete specification of its Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). Current industrial practice is to describe a processor’s ISA informally using natural language often with added semi-formal notation to capture the functional intent of the instructions. This leaves scope for errors and inconsistencies. In this paper we present a method to specify, design and construct sound and complete ISAs by stepwise refinement and formal proof using the formal method Event-B. We discuss how the automatically generated Proof Obligations help to ensure self-consistency of the formal ISA model, and how desirable properties of ISAs can be enforced within this modeling framework. We have developed a generic ISA modeling template in Event-B to facilitate reuse. The key value of reusing such a template is increased model integrity. Our method is now being used to formalize the ISA of the XMOS XCore processor with the aim to guarantee that the documentation of the XCore matches the silicon and the silicon matches the architectural intent.

    EVC: A Validity Checker for the Logic of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions and Memories, Exploiting Positive Equality, and Conservative Transformations

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    The property of Positive Equality [2] dramatically speeds up validity checking of formulas in the logic of Equality with Uninterpreted Functions and Memories (EUFM) [4]. The logic expresses correctness of high-level microprocessors. We presen