442 research outputs found

    Evaluation of human-like anthropomorphism in the context of online bidding and affordances

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    This paper presents a four condition experiment and the results concerning the wider area of investigating the effectiveness and user satisfaction of using anthropomorphic feedback at the user interface. The specific context used was online bidding. The four conditions used in the experiment were human video, human voice, human voice with anthropomorphic text and a control consisting of neutral text. The main results of the experiment showed significant differences in participants' perceptions regarding the 'humanity' of the feedback they used. As expected, the control condition consisting of neutral text incurred significantly lower ratings for the 'humanity' characteristics of the feedback. The human video condition also incurred significantly stronger perceptions regarding the appearance being human. The results were also analysed in light of the theory of affordances and the authors conclude that the four conditions used in the experiment were likely equivalent in their facilitating the affordances. Therefore the authors suggest that facilitating the affordances may be more crucial to a user interface and the users than the actual anthropomorphic characteristic of the feedback used

    Usefulness of VRML building models in a direction finding context

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    This paper describes an experiment which aims to examine the effectiveness and efficiency of a Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) building model compared with equivalent architectural plans, for direction finding purposes. The effectiveness and efficiency issues being primarily investigated were number of tasks completed overall and task completion times. The experiment involved a series of tasks where participants had to find a number of locations/objects in a building unknown to them at the outset of the experiment. Statistically significant results are presented for the benefit of the research community, law enforcement officers and fire fighters where it is clear that in this context, the VRML model led to better task completions than the equivalent architectural plans. Regarding the task completion times, no statistical significance was found. Given the current climate of security issues and terrorist threats, it is important that law enforcement officers have at their disposal the best information possible regarding the layout of a building, whilst keeping costs down. This also applies to fire fighters when rescuing victims. This experiment has shown that a VRML model leads to better task completions in direction finding

    Evaluation of anthropomorphic feedback for an online auction and affordances

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    This paper describes an experiment investigating the effectiveness and user satisfaction of using anthropomorphic feedback at the user interface. The context chosen was online bidding due to this kind of activity being very much used in current times by general users. The main results of the experiment were that there was a statistically significant effect observed for the time taken to place a bid in the anthropomorphic text condition. However there were no other significant effects for effectiveness issues and user satisfaction indicators. The results were also analysed in terms of the affordances and the main findings were that each of the four conditions tested in the experiment were probably equivalent in terms of their facilitating the affordances. Overall it may be more important to facilitate the affordances rather than a type of feedback being anthropomorphic in nature or not

    Anthropomorphic user interface feedback in a sewing context and affordances

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    The aim of the authors' research is to gain better insights into the effectiveness and user satisfaction of anthropomorphism at the user interface. Therefore, this paper presents a between users experiment and the results in the context of anthropomorphism at the user interface and the giving of instruction for learning sewing stitches. Two experimental conditions were used, where the information for learning sewing stitches was the same. However the manner of presentation was varied. Therefore one condition was anthropomorphic and the other was non-anthropomorphic. Also the work is closely linked with Hartson's theory of affordances applied to user interfaces. The results suggest that facilitation of the affordances in an anthropomorphic user interface lead to statistically significant results in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction in the sewing context. Further some violation of the affordances leads to an interface being less usable in terms of effectiveness and user satisfaction

    Evaluation of an anthropomorphic user interface in a travel reservation context and affordances

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    This paper describes an experiment and its results concerning research that has been going on for a number ofyears in the area of anthropomorphic user interface feedback. The main aims of the research have been to examine theeffectiveness and user satisfaction of anthropomorphic feedback in various domains. The results are of use to all interactivesystems designers, particularly when dealing with issues of user interface feedback design. There is currently somedisagreement amongst computer scientists concerning the suitability of such types of feedback. This research is working toresolve this disagreement. The experiment detailed, concerns the specific software domain of Online Factual Delivery in thespecific context of online hotel bookings. Anthropomorphic feedback was compared against an equivalent non-anthropomorphicfeedback. Statistically significant results were obtained suggesting that the non-anthropomorphic feedback was more effective.The results for user satisfaction were however less clear. The results obtained are compared with previous research. Thissuggests that the observed results could be due to the issue of differing domains yielding different results. However the resultsmay also be due to the affordances at the interface being more facilitated in the non-anthropomorphic feedback

    Dynamic escape game

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    We introduce Dynamic Escape Game (DEC), a tool that provides emergency evacuation plans in situations where some of the escape paths may become unavailable at runtime. We formalize the setting as a reachability two-player turn-based game where the universal player has the power of inhibiting at runtime some moves to the existential player. Thus, the universal player can change the structure of the game arena along a play. DEC uses a graphical interface to depict the game and displays a winning play whenever it exists

    Verifying and Synthesising Multi-Agent Systems against One-Goal Strategy Logic Specifications

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    © Copyright 2015, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (www.aaa1.org). All rights reserved.Strategy Logic (SL) has recently come to the fore as a useful specification language to reason about multi-agent systems. Its one-goal fragment, or SL[1g], is of particular interest as it strictly subsumes widely used logics such as ATL∗, while maintaining attractive complexity features. In this paper we put forward an automata-based methodology for verifying and synthesising multi-agent systems against specifications given in SL[Ig], We show that the algorithm is sound and optimal from a computational point of view. A key feature of the approach is that all data structures and operations on them can be performed on BDDs. We report on a BDD-based model checker implementing the algorithm and evaluate its performance on the fair process scheduler synthesis