22,655 research outputs found

    Optical squeezing of a mechanical oscillator by dispersive interaction

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    We consider a small partially reflecting vibrating mirror coupled dispersively to a single optical mode of a high finesse cavity. We show this arrangement can be used to implement quantum squeezing of the mechanically oscillating mirror.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Contribution from unresolved discrete sources to the Extragalactic Gamma-Ray Background (EGRB)

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    The origin of the extragalactic gamma-ray background (EGRB) is still an open question, even after nearly forty years of its discovery. The emission could originate from either truly diffuse processes or from unresolved point sources. Although the majority of the 271 point sources detected by EGRET (Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope) are unidentified, of the identified sources, blazars are the dominant candidates. Therefore, unresolved blazars may be considered the main contributor to the EGRB, and many studies have been carried out to understand their distribution, evolution and contribution to the EGRB. Considering that gamma-ray emission comes mostly from jets of blazars and that the jet emission decreases rapidly with increasing jet to line-of-sight angle, it is not surprising that EGRET was not able to detect many large inclination angle active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Though Fermi could only detect a few large inclination angle AGNs in the first three months' survey, it is expected to detect many such sources in the near future. Since non-blazar AGNs are expected to have higher density as compared to blazars, these could also contribute significantly to the EGRB. In this paper we discuss contributions from unresolved discrete sources including normal galaxies, starburst galaxies, blazars and off-axis AGNs to the EGRB.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in RA

    Multicanonical Methods vs. Molecular Dynamics vs. Monte Carlo: Comparison for Lennard-Jones Glasses

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    We applied a multicanonical algorithm (entropic sampling) to a two-dimensional and a three-dimensional Lennard-Jones system with quasicrystalline and glassy ground states. Focusing on the ability of the algorithm to locate low lying energy states, we compared the results of the multicanonical simulations with standard Monte Carlo simulated annealing and molecular dynamics methods. We find slight benefits to using entropic sampling in small systems (less than 80 particles), which disappear with larger systems. This is disappointing as the multicanonical methods are designed to surmount energy barriers to relaxation. We analyze this failure theoretically, and show (1) the multicanonical method is reduced in the thermodynamic limit (large systems) to an effective Monte Carlo simulated annealing with a random temperature vs. time, and (2) the multicanonical method gets trapped by unphysical entropy barriers in the same metastable states whose energy barriers trap the traditional quenches. The performance of Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics quenches were remarkably similar.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, REVTEX, epsf.st

    RF Field Analysis and Equivalent Circuit Analysis of Conducting Strips in Rectangular Waveguide

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