471 research outputs found
Catalytic assessment of ion exchange-based bifunctional catalysts for the hydrogenation of levulinic acid to y-valerolactone.
Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Química, Facultat de Química, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2021-2022, Tutors: Jordi H. Badia, Eliana RamírezNowadays, most of the energy and chemicals come from fossil fuels. Nevertheless, there is a growing concern about the depletion of fossil resources and the respective environmental problems they cause in terms of the greenhouse effect. Lignocellulose-derived platform molecules are being investigated as a possible solution. Among the platform molecules derived from biomass we can distinguish levulinic acid, which through a hydrogenation reaction can produce -valerolactone, which has multiple applications.
On this research, the hydrogenation reaction of levulinic acid to produce -valerolactone has been catalysed with bifunctional ion exchange resins.
An initial assessment of the operating conditions has been carried out with Amberlyst CH28 catalyst. As a result of the evaluation, it was found that it is better to work with a water-diluted LA feed, at a temperature of 120 °C and that the catalyst loading, when the hydrogen pressure is limited to 7 bar, does not favour the catalytic activity.
The LA hydrogenation reaction has also been performed to produce GVL with 4 bifunctional copper and palladium resins, which have been doped in the faculty's laboratory. From this study it has been observed that copper doped resins show a higher conversion. Palladium resins, on the other hand, are more selective. In addition, it has been noted that resins with macroreticular structure show higher LA conversion than gel-type resins. Despite this fact, gel-type resins show better selectivity to produce GVL.
Lastly, it should be noted that both the levulinic conversion and the GVL selectivity of the reaction under the conditions tested were very low and need to be further studied
Plan de Comunicación UJI Motorsport
Treball Final de Grau en Publicitat i Relacions Públiques. Codi: PU0932. Curs acadèmic: 2016/2017The current Communication Plan aims to modify the corporative identity of UJI
Motorsport to increase its public visibility in order to reach a better communication
among its stakeholders.
UJI Motorsport is a team which competes in Formula Student, the Europe's most
established educational motorsport competition. The format of the event is such
that it provides an ideal opportunity for hundreds of students to test, demonstrate
and improve their capabilities to deliver a complex and integrated product in the
demanding environment of a motorsport competition.
Despite the importance of the competition and its impact either in both motoring
and college sector, UJI Motorsport did not have a Communication Department
until few months ago. That is why no one managed its corporate. They did not
even have a clearly defined identity to follow which would have help them to be
in the top mind of their stakeholders.
In consequence, from the Communication Department different actions
addressed to each stakeholder are suggest. Those actions, will modify the team’s
identity in almost every way possible, they will communicate all those changes
outwardly and they will help team members to embrace them.El present Pla de Comunicació té com a objectius principals modificar la identitat
corporativa per a donar a conèixer UJI Motorsport i aconseguir per mitjà d'ella
una millor comunicació entre els seus diferents públics.
UJI Motorsport és un equip que competeix en Formula Student, la competició
estudiantil de motor més important d'Europa. En l'actualitat s'enfronten més d'un
centenar d'equips internacionals cada any, creant l'escenari ideal perquè els
estudiants demostren i avaluen les seues capacitats per a oferir un producte
complex i integrat en l'exigent entorn d'una competició automobilística.
Malgrat la importància de la competició i la seua repercussió, tant en el sector
automobilístic com en l'àmbit universitari, fins fa tan sols uns mesos UJI
Motorsport no contaba amb un departament de comunicació que gestionara tots
els intangibles relacionats amb la comunicació corporativa. Pel mateix motiu, ni
tan sols existia una identitat definida que els fera assentar la forma de procedir
de l'equip i posicionar-se com un actiu destacat entre els seus públics.
Per tot això, des del departament de comunicació de l'equip es proposen
diferents accions destinades a cadascun dels públics. Accions que aniran des de
la modificació de la identitat en tots els seus vessants, fins a donar a conèixer
externament tots els canvis duts a terme o la interiorització per part dels membres
de l'equip dels nous elements corporatius.El presente Plan de Comunicación tiene como objetivos principales modificar la
identidad corporativa para dar a conocer UJI Motorsport y conseguir mediante
ella una mejor comunicación entre sus diferentes públicos.
UJI Motorsport es un equipo que compite en Formula Student, la competición
estudiantil de motor más importante de Europa. En la actualidad se enfrentan
más de un centenar de equipos internacionales cada año creando el escenario
ideal para que los estudiantes demuestren y evalúen sus capacidades para
ofrecer un producto complejo e integrado en el exigente entorno de una
competición automovilística.
Pese a la importancia de la competición y su repercusión tanto en el sector
automovilístico como en el ámbito universitario, hasta hace tan solo unos meses
UJI Motorsport carecía de un departamento de comunicación que gestionara
todos los intangibles relacionados con la comunicación corporativa. Por el mismo
motivo, ni siquiera existía una identidad definida que les hiciera asentar la forma
de proceder del equipo y posicionarse como un activo destacado entre sus
Por todo ello, desde el departamento de comunicación del equipo se proponen
diferentes acciones destinadas a cada uno de los públicos. Acciones que irán
desde la modificación de la identidad en todas sus vertientes, hasta dar a
conocer externamente todos los cambios llevados a cabo o la interiorización por
parte de los miembros del equipo de los nuevos elementos corporativos
Taller Vertical de Arquitectura : Nivel VI - Curso 1997
Presentación de propuesta y corrección de trabajo de cátedra.
Alumno: J. Gonzalo Pérez
Taller: García / Morzilli, arqs.
Docentes: Raúl Cóppola y Carla García, arqs.
Tema: Biblioteca Pública Provincial y Escuela de Bibliotecología
Ubicación: “La Manzana del Mercado", calles 3, 4, 48 y 49, ciudad de La Plata
Superficie: 45000 m2Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism
Taller Vertical de Arquitectura : Nivel VI - Curso 1997
Presentación de propuesta y corrección de trabajo de cátedra.
Alumno: J. Gonzalo Pérez
Taller: García / Morzilli, arqs.
Docentes: Raúl Cóppola y Carla García, arqs.
Tema: Biblioteca Pública Provincial y Escuela de Bibliotecología
Ubicación: “La Manzana del Mercado", calles 3, 4, 48 y 49, ciudad de La Plata
Superficie: 45000 m2Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism
Taller Vertical de Arquitectura : Nivel VI - Curso 1997
Presentación de propuesta y corrección de trabajo de cátedra.
Alumno: J. Gonzalo Pérez
Taller: García / Morzilli, arqs.
Docentes: Raúl Cóppola y Carla García, arqs.
Tema: Biblioteca Pública Provincial y Escuela de Bibliotecología
Ubicación: “La Manzana del Mercado", calles 3, 4, 48 y 49, ciudad de La Plata
Superficie: 45000 m2Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism
Computational modelling of the mechanical behaviour of protein-based hydrogels.
Protein-based hydrogels have been extensively studied in the field of biomaterials given their ability to mimic living tissues and their special resemblance to the extracellular matrix. Despite this, the methods used for the control of mechanical properties of hydrogels are very limited, focusing mainly on their elasticity, with an often unrealistic characterization of mechanical properties such as extensibility, stiffness and viscoelasticity. Being able to control these properties is essential for the development of new biomaterials, since it has been demonstrated that mechanical properties affect cell behaviour and biological processes. To better understand the mechanical behaviour of these biopolymers, a computational model is here developed to characterize the mechanical behaviour of two different protein-based hydrogels. Strain-stress tests and stress-relaxation tests are evaluated computationally and compared to the results obtained experimentally in a previous work. To achieve this goal the Finite Element Method is used, combining hyperelastic and viscoelastic models. Different hyperelastic constitutive models (Mooney-Rivlin, Neo-Hookean, first and third order Ogden, and Yeoh) are proposed to estimate the mechanical properties of the protein-based hydrogels by least-square fitting of the in-vitro uniaxial test results. Among these models, the first order Ogden model with a viscoelastic model defined in Prony parameters better reproduces the strain-stress response and the change of stiffness with strain observed in the in-vitro tests.APB was supported by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and
by European Union NextGeneration EU/PRT through the project
PLEC2021-007709 (ProCanAid) the Aragon Institute for Engineering
Research (I3A). SHR gratefully acknowledges the support of the Government of Aragon (Grant no 2019-23). The work of JMGA was
supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European
Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Advance
grant agreement ICoMICS No 101018587) and the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness, Spain Grant No PID2021-122409OBC21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ FEDER, UE. JAC acknowledges
funding from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN), Spain
through grant BIO2017-83640-P (AEI/FEDER, UE). CNIC is supported
by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), MCIN, Spain and the Pro
CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence, Spain
(grant CEX2020-001041-S funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011
033). CHL was the recipient of an FPI predoctoral fellowship, Spain
Comparative Assessment of Pharmaceutical Removal from Wastewater by the Microalgae Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus
In view of risks associated with the discharge of pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment, the objective of this work was to assess the removal of paracetamol, salicylic acid and diclofenac from water by a microalgae‐based treatment. For a comparison purpose, the growth and kinetic parameters for the removal of drugs were determined for three different microalgae strains, namely Chlorella sorokiniana, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus obliquus. It was found that the drugs removal efficiency by these strains was related to their growth. Comparing the three pharmaceuticals, the salicylic acid was the most efficiently removed, especially by S. obliquus (>93% batch culture, >99% semicontinuous culture) and C. sorokiniana (>73% batch culture, >93% semicontinuous culture). Contrarily, paracetamol was the most poorly removed, the maximum efficiencies being those attained by C. sorokiniana (>67% batch culture, >41% semicontinuous culture). On the other hand, diclofenac was efficiently removed only by S. obliquus (>98% batch culture, >79% semicontinuous culture). For the three considered drugs, C. vulgaris was the strain showing the lowest removal capacity. The large differences here revealed between microalgae strains regarding their removal capacity of pharmaceuticals, pointed to the strain selection as a key issue for a successful application in wastewater treatment
Estrategias Educativas para el profesorado de alumnado con TEA a través de la metodología TEACCH
El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado plantea una propuesta educativa dirigida a
integrar al alumnado con Trastorno de Espectro Autista durante la etapa de Educación
Infantil, en un aula ordinaria. Para ello, se facilita al profesorado diferentes estrategias a
través de una guía de intervención, con la finalidad de abordar desde la intervención
educativa individualizada diversas conductas que presenta este alumnado en el contexto
escolar. Dicha propuesta toma como referencia la metodología de Tratamiento y
Educación de Niños con Autismo y Problemas Asociados de Comunicación, en torno a
la cual girará esta guía de intervención. A su vez, se establecen unas pautas a seguir por
el personal docente, y donde la familia cobra un protagonismo especial, con la finalidad
de intervenir y dar respuestas a las necesidades específicas del alumnado. Dichas pautas
favorecerán el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, así como la relación entre el
profesorado y el alumnado con autismo.In this End Degree Project a method of action is proposed to include students with
autism, belonging to the Early Childhood Education stage, in an ordinary classroom. For
this, teachers are provided with different strategies, through an intervention guide, in
order to approach from the individualized educational intervention diverse behaviors that
this students presents in the school context. Among the previously mentioned strategies
is the methodology of Treatment and Education of Children with Autism and Associated
Communication Problems around which this intervention guide will revolve. At the same
time, guidelines to be followed by teachers are specified to intervene and respond to the
specific needs of this student. These guidelines will favor the teaching and learning
process of the same, as well as the relationship between teachers and students with autism
La Atención Temprana: ámbito de desarrollo de las familias con hijos con discapacidad
Uno de los aspectos más destacables de la intervención que se llevaba a cabo en el centro era la presencia constante de las familias en la mayoría de las fases de la intervención. Las madres participaban en las sesiones entrando en el aula y acompañando a su hijo en todo momento. Aunque a medida que el niño iba creciendo, la presencia de la madre se iba reduciendo hasta llegar a desaparecer por completo. De esta manera, la relación entre las profesionales y las familias era muy directa y constante. Participar en las sesiones, permitía a la madres plantear cualquier tipo de duda o inquietud en cada momento, adquirir herramientas y aprender estrategias para trabajar con sus hijos en el contexto familiar
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