33 research outputs found

    Decreasing the Resistance of the Human Resources to Organizational Changes

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    One of the most difficult problems faced by the management of all organizations within innovation and change processes is the resistance to change. This study, dealing with this issue, has the following main objectives: to identify the main sources of resistance to change, to outline the directions for reducing chang’s resistance, to design essentially managerial approaches in order to counter the resistance to change. The first part presents the 14 most frequent and most important sources of resistance to change, with a brief explanation of its content. It continues with the formulation of five key strands to reduce resistance to change. In the second part of the study, six major management approaches that can substantially reduce the resistance to change in organizations are established: shaping organizational culture, designing a strategy favouring organizational change, performing a management system "open" to change, achieving an intense and multilateral communication with all employees and key stakeholders, focusing on the coaching of staff towards change, developing consistent relationships with stakeholders, both internal and external. The last part of the paper deals with the first managerial approach to counter managerial resistance to change, shaping organizational culture, in a contextual view.management of change; innovation; change’s resistance; human resources management; organizational culture.

    Coordinates of Policy Concerning SMEs Development in Romania

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    Approach of SMEs development in Romania is based on two category of premises: 7 internal premises, which refers on the Romanian economy and 6 external premises regarding the EU situation and world evolution in last two years. The second part of the paper contains the three coordinates of SMEs development in Romania: previsions concerning performances and business environment in 2010; strategic priorities and coordinates regarding economy’s development structure in certain fields – commercial, scientific, human resources and economic; construction and implementation of strategy for realization of knowledge based economy in Romania. Elements incorporated by this material are aiming to contribute to the take of the SMEs sector and implicitly of the Romanian economy from the actual economic crisis.SMEs; business environment; economic crisis; innovation, entrepreneur; business opportunity; strategic priority; knowledge based economy; strategy.

    Procesual and Structural Organisational Features of Small Business

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    The study is aimed to highlight the particularities of the procesual organization and structural organization in the SMEs, starting from the main variables that have influence on them. After presenting these variables, it is necessary to approach the specific parameters of the procesual organization in the SMEs in general and in particular in the industrial companies. On this basis, it is identified and analyzed nine general features of the organization systems in SMEs, with some specific aspects at the level of the microenterprises, the small enterprises and, respectively, the medium enterprises. The final part of the study is concentrated on the presentation and analysis of SMEs particularities with respect to the types of organizational structures and their components – post, function, compartment, hierarchical level, span of control and organization relationship. As a whole, the study provides a comprehensive and innovative description of the organization elements specific to the SMEs, significantly differentiated from those defining the large companies which, as a rule, are studied and described in the specialized books and articles.SMEs; informal organization; organization variables; entrepreneurs; organizational structure .

    Methods and techniques specific to human resource management

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    The first part of the study presents the contextual and conceptual novelty elements concerning human resources on which this human resource management approach relies. The conceptual novelty element is represented by the comprehensive approach of human resource management (MRU), focused on the relationships of the organisation with internal and external human stakeholders, not limiting to the traditional approach, managers subordonees. The second part of the paper makes a selection of methods and techniques used in human resource management, grouped on the 14 activities specific to MRU. This ensures a coherent and effective methodological basis for human resource managers and specialists, in agreement with the challenges of the current period of transition to knowledge-based economy. The last part of the study indicates the methods and the techniques recommended to be used in particular during the eight stages of human resource reengineering.human resource management; specific human resource management methods; knowledge-based economy; human resources reengineering.

    Main Features of SMEs Organisation System

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    SMEs present many particularities which influence to a large extend their functionality and performance. A very deep investigation of more than 60 SMEs has revealed what are the major variables having influence on SMEs organisation and the main features of organisation system. In the first part the paper indicate the variables influencing the SMEs. In the second part there are presented the nine main features of SMEs organisation system.SMEs; organization variable; entrepreneur; procesual organization; organization system; organization structure; function; activity; post; compartment; organization relationship; performance.

    Multidimensional and Multicausal Approach of Managerial Change inside Organisations

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    This paper focuses on the organizational change in the management field. In the first part there are revealed the main five causes of the management change increasement and the evolution in its characteristics. Further, organizational changes are analysed from two points of view – amplitude and deepness. A special attention is paid to the identification and to the analysis of the eight essential dimensions of organizational changes: managerial, informational-gnosologic, human, economic-business, technical-material, methodological, ecological and temporal. In the last part of the paper we propose a new typology of organizational change based on five criteria – importance and magnitude of changes, nature of changes and of the system inside organization, changes evolution in time, way to change manifestation and role of human factor in initiating and development of change.organizational change; managerial change; change amplitude; change typology; competitiveness.


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    Paper focuses on knowledge cycle, essential element of knowledge based organisation. It starts from knowledge revolution, indicating knowledge roles—as raw material, production factor, product and capital—which transforms them in “the engine” of knowledge based economy. Based on these elements author’s original contribution is presented—knowledge cycle—made up of seven modules and structured in five phases. Presented knowledge cycle is highly different from knowledge cycles of McElroy, Wiig, Bukowitz and Williams, Meyer and, Zack. Knowledge cycle is useful both for better understanding of organisation’s mechanisms and knowledge based management and for increasing their functionality and performance.knowledge, organisation, management

    Getting out of Crisis of SME Sector

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    Without any doubt, relaunching Romanian economy depends very much on SME sector getting out of the crisis, sector which has the main contribution to GDP production, to state budget income and human resources employment. Starting from these premises, based on scientific research performed in the framework of the VALAD* project, we present in the following a group of coordinates and markers which, in our opinion, are capable to relaunch indigenous SME sector. Elements contained in this study are complementary to the ones presented in the article “Policy coordinates concerning SME sector development in Romania”, published in the previous issue of this magazine.crisis; SME sector; SME’s management; entrepreneurship.