50 research outputs found

    Gender, Time Use, and Labor Income in Guinea: Micro and Macro Analyses

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    Higher incomes for women can have significant beneficial impacts for poverty reduction both in the short run by providing more resources to households and in the long run by increasing investments in the human capital of children. Substantial research has been done using microeconomic household survey data on gender disparities in labor incomes in developing countries in recent years. The first contribution of this paper is to summarize some of that research as applied to Guinea. However, microeconomic studies may not necessarily provide insights on how broad structural shifts in an economy could affect differently opportunities for work and income generation for men and women. In the second part of the paper, we use a recent Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Guinea to assess how growth in various sectors of the economy could affect the incomes of women and men both directly and indirectly through multiplier effects. We find that an expansion of sectors oriented primarily towards domestic consumption could have a larger positive impact on the labor income share of women than an expansion of export-oriented sectors.Gender; Labor income; Social Accounting Matrix; Guinea

    Performance of Fe y Alegria high school students in Colombia : is it a matter of Fe (faith) or Alegria (joy) ?

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    Fe y Alegria is a catholic network of schools that started operations in Colombia in 1971, and in 2009 served more than 72,000 students in 61 schools. This paper assesses the performance of Fe y Alegria secondary schools in Colombia using test scores for Spanish and mathematics, as well as detailed information on the characteristics of the household to which students belong. Simple statistics suggest that Fe y Alegria schools perform worse than other schools for all years in the sample. However, Fe y Alegria schools also cater to poorer students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Once controls are included for student background, Fe y Alegria schools actually often perform as well and in some cases better than other schools for mathematics and Spanish, thus partially reversing the previous finding.Tertiary Education,Secondary Education,Gender and Education,Teaching and Learning,Primary Education

    Academic performance of Fe y Alegria high school students in Colombia: is it a matter of Fe (faith) and/or Alegria (joy)?

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    Fe y AlegrĂ­a is a catholic network of schools that started operations in Colombia in 1971, and in 2009 served more than 72,000 students in 61 schools. This paper assesses the performance of Fe y AlegrĂ­a secondary schools in Colombia using test scores for Spanish and mathematics, as well as detailed information on the characteristics of the household to which students belong. Simple statistics suggest that Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools perform worse than other schools for all years in the sample. However, Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools also cater to poorer students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Once controls are included for student background, Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools actually often perform as well and in some cases better than other schools for mathematics and Spanish, thus partially reversing the previous finding.Education; Faith-based schools; Public-private partnerships; Fe y AlegrĂ­a; Colombia

    El desempeño de los estudiantes de secundaria en los colegios de Fe y Alegría en Colombia: una cuestión de Fe y/o Alegría?

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    Fe y AlegrĂ­a is a catholic network of schools that started operations in Colombia in 1971, and in 2009 served more than 72,000 students in 61 schools. This paper assesses the performance of Fe y AlegrĂ­a secondary schools in Colombia using test scores for Spanish and mathematics, as well as detailed information on the characteristics of the household to which students belong. Simple statistics suggest that Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools perform worse than other schools for all years in the sample. However, Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools also cater to poorer students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Once controls are included for student background, Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools actually often perform as well and in some cases better than other schools for mathematics and Spanish, thus partially reversing the previous finding

    Gender, Time Use, and Labor Income in Guinea: Micro and Macro Analyses

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    Higher incomes for women can have significant beneficial impacts for poverty reduction both in the short run by providing more resources to households and in the long run by increasing investments in the human capital of children. Substantial research has been done using microeconomic household survey data on gender disparities in labor incomes in developing countries in recent years. The first contribution of this paper is to summarize some of that research as applied to Guinea. However, microeconomic studies may not necessarily provide insights on how broad structural shifts in an economy could affect differently opportunities for work and income generation for men and women. In the second part of the paper, we use a recent Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Guinea to assess how growth in various sectors of the economy could affect the incomes of women and men both directly and indirectly through multiplier effects. We find that an expansion of sectors oriented primarily towards domestic consumption could have a larger positive impact on the labor income share of women than an expansion of export-oriented sectors

    El desempeño de los estudiantes de secundaria en los colegios de Fe y Alegría en Colombia: una cuestión de Fe y/o Alegría?

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    Fe y AlegrĂ­a is a catholic network of schools that started operations in Colombia in 1971, and in 2009 served more than 72,000 students in 61 schools. This paper assesses the performance of Fe y AlegrĂ­a secondary schools in Colombia using test scores for Spanish and mathematics, as well as detailed information on the characteristics of the household to which students belong. Simple statistics suggest that Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools perform worse than other schools for all years in the sample. However, Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools also cater to poorer students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Once controls are included for student background, Fe y AlegrĂ­a schools actually often perform as well and in some cases better than other schools for mathematics and Spanish, thus partially reversing the previous finding

    Geographic abundance patterns explained by niche centrality hypothesis in two Chagas disease vectors in Latin America

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Ecoepidemiological scenarios for Chagas disease transmission are complex, so vector control measures to decrease human–vector contact and prevent infection transmission are difficult to implement in all geographic contexts. This study assessed the geographic abundance patterns of two vector species of Chagas disease: Triatoma maculata (Erichson, 1848) and Rhodnius pallescens (Barber, 1932) in Latin America. We modeled their potential distribution using the maximum entropy algorithm implemented in Maxent and calculated distances to their niche centroid by fitting a minimum-volume ellipsoid. In addition, to determine which method would accurately explain geographic abundance patterns, we compared the correlation between population abundance and the distance to the ecological niche centroid (DNC) and between population abundance and Maxent environmental suitability. The potential distribution estimated for T. maculata showed that environmental suitability covers a large area, from Panama to Northern Brazil. R. pallescens showed a more restricted potential distribution, with environmental suitability covering mostly the coastal zone of Costa Rica and some areas in Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize and the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, northern Colombia, Acre, and Rondônia states in Brazil, as well as a small region of the western Brazilian Amazon. We found a negative slope in the relationship between population abundance and the DNC in both species. R. pallecens has a more extensive potential latitudinal range than previously reported, and the distribution model for T. maculata corroborates previous studies. In addition, population abundance increases according to the niche centroid proximity, indicating that population abundance is limited by the set of scenopoetic variables at coarser scales (non-interactive variables) used to determine the ecological niche. These findings might be used by public health agencies in Latin America to implement actions and support programs for disease prevention and vector control, identifying areas in which to expand entomological surveillance and maintain chemical control, in order to decrease human–vector contact.MAS postdoctoral fellowship number 80740-504-2019 by Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e InnovaciónUniversidad Cooperativa de ColombiaConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaCONACyT; postdoctoral fellowship number 740751PAPIIT IN116018Posgrado en Ciencias Biológica

    MetodologĂ­a multicriterio para la selecciĂłn de proveedores bajo consideraciones de riesgo

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    La selección de proveedores es uno de los procesos más importantes que tiene lugar en las organizaciones, ya que las mismas requieren de la adquisición de materias primas, insumos, bienes y servicios para el desarrollo de sus actividades y la satisfacción de sus clientes. En el proceso de selección de proveedores son muchos los criterios que entran en consideración, como la calidad, el precio, o el riesgo, es por ello que las personas involucradas en el proceso de selección de proveedores requieren de herramientas que les permitan elegir al proveedor adecuado con base en los criterios considerados por la organización. Como respuesta a esta necesidad, el presente artículo da a conocer una metodología multicriterio de selección de proveedores bajo consideraciones de riesgo empleando la técnica AHP (analytic hierarchy process) combinada con la lógica difusa (fuzzy logic), la cual fue validada en un caso de estudio con datos reales de una empresa manufacturera multinacional