16 research outputs found
Nuevas poblaciones de Podarcis muralis en Galicia: ¿introducción a corta o a larga distancia?
Los análisis genéticos se realizaron con apoyo del proyecto PTDC/BIA-CBI/28014/2017 Projetos de Desenvolvimento e Implementação de Infraestruturas de Investigação inseridas no RNIE – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte - Portugal 2020 de la Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; PTDC/BIA-CBI/28014/201
Вплив секретів шкірних залоз амфібій на показники хронометричних тестів
According to the extremely high mortality and disability rates associated with the abnormal functioning of the hemostasis system, the search for new approaches for the prevention and treatment of these conditions is one of the most acute problems of modern biochemistry. The active components of reptile poisons are actively used in the treatment of these diseases, but the study of the effects of amphibians’ skin glands secretion on the functioning of hemostasis system has not yet been carried out. So, the aim of this work was to assess the effects of the components of amphibian skin secretions on the functioning of the coagulation link of the hemostasis system. Methods. In this study the skin secretions of ten Ukrainian species of amphibians were collected: B. bombina, B. variegata, B. bufo, B. viridis, R. temporaria, P. ridibundus, P. esculentus, P. fuscus, S. salamandra and the hybrid of B. bombina and B. variegatа. The samples of crude skin secretions were prepared. The activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), thrombin time (TT) and prothrombin time (PT) tests were conducted in vitro using the coagulation analyzer (Rayto RT-2201C, China) and the standard set of reagents (RENAM, Russian Federation).Results. It was established that the components of crude skin secretions of B. bombina, B. variegata, their hybrid, R. temporaria and P. ridibundus prolonged the aPTT of clotting plug formation. The components of skin secretions of B. viridis, P. esculentus, P. fuscus and S. salamandra prolonged the TT of clotting plug formation.Conclusions. The fact that some amphibian species prolonged the aPTT and TT of clotting plug formation could be the indicator of the presence of inhibitors of certain factors of coagulation hemostasis or be the reason of the degradation of the components of coagulation hemostasis by active components of skin secretion. Such results prove that the amphibian crude skin secretions are a potential source of the compounds that can affect the hemostasis system. The identification of an active component and the elaboration of its mechanism of action are required in further investigationsУчитывая чрезвычайно высокие показатели распространенности, раннюю инвалидизацию и смертность от заболеваний, связанных с нарушением функционирования системы гемостаза, поиск новых подходов профилактики и лечения этих состояний является актуальным вопросом современной биохимии. Известно, что активные компоненты яда рептилий активно используются в терапии данных недугов, однако исследования влияния секрета кожных желез амфибий на систему гемостаза до сих пор не были проведены. Еще меньше научно обоснованной информации можно встретить относительно природы и механизмов действия биологически активных компонентов секрета кожных желез представителей отечественной фауны. Поэтому целью данной работы было оценить влияние секретов кожных желез представителей класса земноводных, распространенных на территории Украины, на функционирование коагуляционного звена системы гемостаза.Методы. Было получено секреты кожных желез десяти самых распространенных украинских видов амфибий: B. bombina, B. vriegata, B. bufo, B. viridis, R. temporaria, P. ridibundus, P. esculentus, P. fuscus, S. salamandra и гибрида B. bombina и B. variegatа. Время свертывания плазмы крови в тестах активированное частичное тромбопластиновое время (АЧТВ), протромбиновое время (ПВ), тромбиновое время (ТВ) под влиянием секретов кожных желез исследуемых видов амфибий определяли in vitro и фиксировали на коагулометричному анализаторе (Rayto RT-2201C, Китай), используя стандартные наборы реагентов (RENAM, Российская Федерация).Результаты. Было установлено, что компоненты секретов кожных желез амфибий видов B. bombina, B. variegata, их гибрида, R. temporaria и P. ridibundus удлиняли время образования фибринового сгустка в тесте АЧТВ. Компоненты секретов кожных желез амфибий видов B. viridis, P. esculentus, P. fuscus и S. salamandra удлиняли время свертывания плазмы в тесте ТТ.Выводы. Полученные результаты могут быть обусловлены наличием в секретах кожных желез исследуемых видов амфибий ингибиторов определенных факторов коагуляционного гемостаза, или могут быть связаны с усилением деградации компонентов коагуляционного гемостаза активными компонентами секретов. Такие результаты доказывают, что секреты земноводных – потенциальные источники для поиска соединений эффекторов системы гемостаза, что указывает на перспективность дальнейших исследований в направлении идентификации активных молекул и детализации механизмов их действия, с целью дальнейшего применения этих соединений в качестве основы для разработки новых, более эффективных фармацевтических агентов направленного действияЗважаючи на надзвичайно високі показники поширеності, ранню інвалідизацію та смертність від захворювань, пов’язаних з порушенням функціонування системи гемостазу, пошук нових підходів щодо профілактики та лікування цих станів є актуальним питанням сучасної біохімії. Відомо, що активні компоненти отрути рептилій активно використовуються у терапії даних недуг, однак дослідження впливу секрету шкірних залоз амфібій на систему гемостазу досі не були проведені. Ще менше науково обґрунтованої інформації можна зустріти щодо природи та механізмів дії біологічно-активних компонентів секрету шкірних залоз представників вітчизняної фауни. Тому метою даної роботи було оцінити вплив секретів шкірних залоз представників класу земноводних, поширених на території України, на функціонування коагуляційної ланки системи гемостазу.Методи. Було отримано секрети шкірних залоз десяти найпоширеніших українських видів амфібій: B. bombina, B. variegata, B. bufo, B. viridis, R. temporaria, P. ridibundus, P. esculentus, P. fuscus, S. salamandra та гібриду B. bombina та B. variegatа. Час зсідання плазми крові у тестах активований частковий тромбопластиновий час (АЧТЧ), протромбіновий час (ПЧ), тромбіновий час (ТЧ), за дії секретів шкірних залоз досліджуваних видів амфібій, визначали in vitro та фіксували на коагулометричному аналізаторі (Rayto RT-2201C, Китай), використовуючи стандартні набори реагентів (RENAM, Російська Федерація).Результати. Було встановлено, що компоненти секретів шкірних залоз амфібій видів B. bombina, B. variegata, їх гібриду, R. temporaria та P. ridibundus подовжували час утворення фібринового згустку у тесті АЧТЧ. Компоненти секретів шкірних залоз амфібій видів B. viridis, P. esculentus, P. fuscus та S. salamandra продовжували час зсідання плазми у тесті ТТ.Висновки. Отримані результати можуть бути обумовлені наявністю у секретах шкірних залоз досліджуваних видів амфібій інгібіторів певних факторів коагуляційного гемостазу, або можуть бути пов’язані з посиленням деградації компонентів коагуляційного гемостазу активними компонентами секретів. Такі результати доводять, що секрети земноводних є потенційним джерелом пошуку сполук-ефекторів системи гемостазу, що вказує на перспективність подальших досліджень у напрямку ідентифікації активних молекул та деталізації механізмів їх дії, з метою подальшого застосування цих сполук як основи для розробки нових, більш ефективних фармацевтичних агентів направленої ді
Global Protected Areas as refuges for amphibians and reptiles under climate change
Protected Areas (PAs) are the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation. Here, we collated distributional data for >14,000 (~70% of) species of amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna) to perform a global assessment of the conservation effectiveness of PAs using species distribution models. Our analyses reveal that >91% of herpetofauna species are currently distributed in PAs, and that this proportion will remain unaltered under future climate change. Indeed, loss of species’ distributional ranges will be lower inside PAs than outside them. Therefore, the proportion of effectively protected species is predicted to increase. However, over 7.8% of species currently occur outside PAs, and large spatial conservation gaps remain, mainly across tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, and across non-high-income countries. We also predict that more than 300 amphibian and 500 reptile species may go extinct under climate change over the course of the ongoing century. Our study highlights the importance of PAs in providing herpetofauna with refuge from climate change, and suggests ways to optimize PAs to better conserve biodiversity worldwide
Population dependent behavioral responses among color morphs of European wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)?
Color polymorphisms are common across reptile species and are frequently correlated with variation in behavior and other functional traits. Here, we tested whether the ventral color morphs (yellow, orange and white pure, as well as yellow-orange and white-orange mosaic morphs) of European wall lizards (Podarcis muralis) exhibit differential temporal changes in their reaction to exposure to a novel environment. We conducted 15 min long trials of a novel environment test (open field test) in a set of populations from the eastern Pyrenees. Locomotion, boldness and freezing behavior changed over time, in agreement with a previous study carried out in central Pyrenees, but without highlighting a clear behavioral difference among color morphs. Only yellow-orange lizards showed a distinct correlation pattern between locomotion and body size compared to the other morphs. Carefully standardized studies involving more populations are needed to unravel the complex interactions between morphological and behavioral traits among lizard color morphs
Global protected areas as refuges for amphibians and reptiles under climate change
Protected Areas (PAs) are the cornerstone of biodiversity conservation. Here, we collated distributional data for >14,000 (~70% of) species of amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna) to perform a global assessment of the conserva- tion effectiveness of PAs using species distribution models. Our analyses reveal that >91% of herpetofauna species are currently distributed in PAs, and that this proportion will remain unaltered under future climate change. Indeed, loss of species’ distributional ranges will be lower inside PAs than outside them. Therefore, the proportion of effectively protected species is predicted to increase. However, over 7.8% of species currently occur outside PAs, and large spatial conservation gaps remain, mainly across tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests, and across non-high-income countries. We also predict that more than 300 amphibian and 500 reptile species may go extinct under climate change over the course of the ongoing century. Our study highlights the importance of PAs in providing herpetofauna with refuge from climate change, and suggests ways to optimize PAs to better conserve biodiversity worldwide
The first comprehensive data on the distribution of reptiles within the Southern Bug eco-corridor, Ukraine
This study provides distribution data for 12 species of reptiles in the Southern Bug eco-corridor located within the steppe zone, Mykolaiv Oblast (province), Ukraine. We compiled 935 records from published literature (324), from public databases (68), and from 12 field surveys we made in 2016–2020 (543). All records were mapped on to a grid of 10×10 km, representing the 294 cells of the studied area. We present new distributional data for Podarcis tauricus. For all the other species, our records add new localities that fall within areas where these reptiles were previously reported. Species richness and Shannon’s H’ index show that herpetofauna diversity was higher in the areas along the Southern Bug River. The maximum number of records within a single cell was 118 (for 10 species) in this oblast. Also the high number of identified reptile chorotypes (nine) within the Mykolaiv Oblast revealed that southern Ukraine is an important zoogeographical territory in Europe. These data provide the basis for future biogeographical and ecological studies and conservation priorities
The sheltopusik (Pseudopus apodus) in southwestern Ukraine? Insights from the museum collection
We provide data on the historical record of Pseudopus apodus (Anguidae) from Odesa, Ukraine based on the specimen re-discovered in the museum collection of the National Science and Natural History Museum of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv (NMNH) in 2021. The data show that the specimen belongs most likely to the nominotypical subspecies, P. a. apodus (Pallas, 1775). We discussed the possible origin of the record and we concluded that the specimen was introduced to Odesa most probably from its native range (Crimea or Caucasus). The uniqueness of the record and the past human-mediated interactions thus suggest an allochthonous origin rather than the historical sign of the relict population. Thus, our data clarify the situation on species distribution in the north-western Black Sea region from where we have still limited knowledge
ReptTraits: a comprehensive dataset of ecological traits in reptiles
Abstract Trait datasets are increasingly being used in studies investigating eco-evolutionary theory and global conservation initiatives. Reptiles are emerging as a key group for studying these questions because their traits are crucial for understanding the ability of animals to cope with environmental changes and their contributions to ecosystem processes. We collected data from earlier databases, and the primary literature to create an up-to-date dataset of reptilian traits, encompassing 40 traits from 12060 species of reptiles (Archelosauria: Crocodylia and Testudines, Rhynchocephalia, and Squamata: Amphisbaenia, Sauria, and Serpentes). The data were gathered from 1288 sources published between 1820 and 2023. The dataset includes morphological, physiological, behavioral, and life history traits, as well as information on the availability of genetic data, IUCN Red List assessments, and population trends
Saint Patrick, what about legless lizards? Tracing the mitochondrial affiliation and possible origin of <i>Anguis</i> (Squamata: Anguidae) population in Ireland
Ireland is home to only one native lizards’ species, the viviparous lizard and one of the few areas of the world where there are no native snakes. However, since the end of the 19th century, there have been reports indicating the presence of legless lizards, Anguis fragilis Linnaeus, 1758 population whose origin is unknown. As this genus has been intensively studied genetically and taxonomically in the past decade, we have decided to investigate newly obtained mtDNA sequences (ND2 gene) to trace affiliation of the Anguis population in Ireland. We genetically examined 12 individuals from the Burren area (western Ireland) and compared them to available data. The Irish population was identified as belonging to A. fragilis, specifically to the most common haplotype of the Illyrian-Central European haplogroup. This genetic affiliation is shared by populations across a wide European region, including the western Balkans, Spain, France, western Hungary, Austria, Germany, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Russia, Sweden, Norway, and the Great Britain island. Our findings showed that the Irish population does not exhibit unique mitochondrial variability. This haplotype is present across the range of the species, including Great Britain, which is not in contrast with the earlier hypothesis that nearby populations from this area, along with human-mediated introductions, could be the source of Anguis populations in Ireland. This is thus potentially the first documented case of Anguis introduction out of the native range. However, further research, including broader sampling in Great Britain and genomics, is required to determine and trace its exact origin.</p