10,261 research outputs found

    Uso y abuso de las redes sociales por parte de los adolescentes: un estudio en México

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    El uso abusivo y problemático de las diferentes tecnologías ha conducido al desarrollo de una línea de investigación centrada en el estudio de la adicción a estas y sus consecuencias. Por ello, algunos estudios se han enfocado en internet y su relación con problemas de tipo físico-biológico, social y familiar. Esta investigación se planteó examinar el nivel de adicción de los jóvenes mexicanos a las redes sociales online mediante la adaptación de la escala de Sahin (“Social Media Addiction Scale-Student Form”). Además, se analizó la existencia de respuestas diferenciadas en términos de género en la muestra utilizada que consistió en 605 estudiantes de preparatoria (296 hombres y 309 mujeres). Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes no se autoperciben como adictos a las redes sociales online. Por otro lado, no hay diferencias significativas en sus respuestas en términos de género. Estos resultados deben ser considerados dentro de sus limitaciones relacionadas con las características de la muestra y el hecho de que se examinaron las autopercepciones de los estudiantes.The abusive and problematic use of a variety of technologies has led to the development of research focusing on the study of addiction to such technologies and the consequences this brings. Therefore, some studies have focused on the Internet and its relationship with physicalbiological, social and family problems. This research sought to examine the extent of addiction of young Mexicans to online social media networks by adapting the Sahin scale (“Social Media Addiction Scale-Student Form”). In addition, we analyzed the existence of differentiated responses in terms of gender in the sample used, which consisted of 605 high school students (296 men and 309 women). The results indicate that students do not perceive themselves as addicted to online social media networks. In other aspects, there are no meaningful differences in registered responses due to the gender of the participant. These findings should be considered within their limitations related to the characteristics of the sample and the fact that the students’ selfperceptions were examined

    Exponential decay estimates for Singular Integral operators

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    The following subexponential estimate for commutators is proved |[|\{x\in Q: |[b,T]f(x)|>tM^2f(x)\}|\leq c\,e^{-\sqrt{\alpha\, t\|b\|_{BMO}}}\, |Q|, \qquad t>0.\] where cc and α\alpha are absolute constants, TT is a Calder\'on--Zygmund operator, MM is the Hardy Littlewood maximal function and ff is any function supported on the cube QQ. It is also obtained |\{x\in Q: |f(x)-m_f(Q)|>tM_{1/4;Q}^#(f)(x) \}|\le c\, e^{-\alpha\,t}|Q|,\qquad t>0, where mf(Q)m_f(Q) is the median value of ff on the cube QQ and M_{1/4;Q}^# is Str\"omberg's local sharp maximal function. As a consequence it is derived Karagulyan's estimate {xQ:Tf(x)>tMf(x)}cectQt>0,|\{x\in Q: |Tf(x)|> tMf(x)\}|\le c\, e^{-c\, t}\,|Q|\qquad t>0, improving Buckley's theorem. A completely different approach is used based on a combination of "Lerner's formula" with some special weighted estimates of Coifman-Fefferman obtained via Rubio de Francia's algorithm. The method is flexible enough to derive similar estimates for other operators such as multilinear Calder\'on--Zygmund operators, dyadic and continuous square functions and vector valued extensions of both maximal functions and Calder\'on--Zygmund operators. On each case, MM will be replaced by a suitable maximal operator.Comment: To appear in Mathematische Annale

    Four keys to Chilean culture : authoritarianism, legalism, fatalism and compadrazgo

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    Chilean culture is said to be part of a wider Hispanic American culture that shares many traits (see Godoy et al. 1986; Subercaseaux 1999; Valdivieso and which could be identified as an identity with a Latin American sense (see Rodríguez et al. 2001). In this sense, though it may seem as if any attempt to describe or analyse particular operating elements, processes, systems and structures were a useless task, the nature of identity makes it a multiple and symbolically contradictory phenomenon, with relevant contextual 'consequences' and particularities that help identify a collective imaginary that can be associated with what means to be Chilean. As such, the importance of meaning lies not on its production but rather on its reception; therefore, we aim to address some elements of the reception that we have identified as 'critical' or 'diagnostic'. By 'critical', we mean those elements, which absence would substantively modify what is collectively associated with Chilean culture and by 'diagnostic', we suggest the possibility they offer of exploring meaningful contextual traits. In order to contextualise our analysis, we will focus on three discursive levels, namely organisational/structural, cultural/ideological and identity. At the organisational/structural level, we will make reference to structure and aesthetics in the broader sense of social context as well as in public and private organisations; at cultural/ideological level, we will make reference to practices, rituals, values and behaviours; and at the identity level we will make reference to strategies individuals use to manage their social identities