32 research outputs found

    Modification to Metal Matrix Composites Nomenclature

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    Naming Metal matrix composite (MMC) is very crucial to both the developer and the end users. It is an indication of what the developer put together which goes a long way in assisting the end user in selecting from myriad of available MMCs. The existing nomenclature put forward by Aluminium Association identified the matrix, reinforcement, percentage composition and the form of reinforcement but left out the particle size of the reinforcement. The particle sizes have been found to have significant effect on the properties of MMC and should be included in the adopted naming system. This paper revised the existing standard from ‘Matrix/reinforcement/volume%form


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    In production environment, supply chain system is a tool for attaining efficient production performance because it streamlines and optimizes the entire production processes. It appears that research efforts so far only supported arguments for the benefits of supply chain management in production environment without taking into account problems associated with the administration of supply chain system within production setting that constitute impediment to production throughput and make it difficult for manufacturers to satisfy customers’ demands. Consequently, the aim of the review effort is to highlight the importance of supply chain management and identifies the underlying bottleneck problems related to supply chain administration in production setting to guide stakeholders in policy formulation for further production performance. Notable among the problems identified that are attributable to supply chain organization in production environment are, supply disruption, lack of agility to respond to supply and demand fluctuation, inadequate logistics, lack of adaptation to evolving market, inaccuracy of information between the extended enterprises, ineffective integration and coordination of supply chain strategy across the functional units, lack of capacity and resources availability, lack of quality and regulation compliance. Based on the identified problems, we developed a supply chain appraisal tool for pre-qualification and selection of supply chain vendors in production environment

    Impact of activated–flux tungsten inert gas (a-tig) welding on weld joint of a metal – Review

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    Welding is applied in every industry and it’s a major method of manufacturing and revamping metal products because its generally economical, efficient and reliable as a means of joining together metals. Various ways have been proposed to improve the process ranging from adjusting the various welding parameters like welding current, voltage, arc length, width, type of shielding gas used, to using arc pulsing. The method that has however gained the most attention is the Activated-flux TIG welding process which utilizes welding flux to help reduce the bead width and increase the weld penetration. In order to improve the TIG welding process’s industrial efficiency and penetration ability, one method commonly applied is the use of activating flux with the welding process. This review provides insight to the impact of Activated - Flux Tungsten Inert Gas Welding on weld joint of a materials metal

    Morphological characterization and physio-chemical properties of nanoparticle - review

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    The discovery by researchers that the physio-chemical properties of a substance can be influenced by size led to a realization of the importance of Nano particles. Due to its excellent characteristics, these materials have been a source of interest for researchers in multidisciplinary fields. The morphological features of nanoparticles always garner prodigious attention because of the influence morphology has over most of the Nanoparticles’ properties. This review provides insight to the morphological characterization and physio-chemical of its properties

    Dataset on experimental investigation of optimum carburizing temperature and holdingtime of bi-nano additives treatment of AISI 5130 steel

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    Investigation of optimum carburizing temperature and holding time on bi-nano additives treatment of AISI 5130 steel was presented in this study. AISI 5130 steel of 100 kg mass of 0.35% carbon content was buried in pulverized additives consisting of palm kernel and coconut shell using egg shell as an energizer. Four sets of 150�150�150mm3 steel boxes packed with additives mixed at varying weight ratio of 50:30:20 and sixty-four pieces of 20�20�5mm3 AISI 5130 steel were case hardened using muffle furnace (2500 °C maxcapacity) at respective temperatures and time of 950,1000,1050,1100 °C and 60,90,120,180 min. The core, interface and surface hardness of the treated samples with their respective weight loss, wear volume and rate were investigated. This data set could be used in nano-composite match mixed ratio and optimization of carburizing medium and time for any industrial used case hardened steel


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    Synthetic polymer materials since their inception have seen vast functionality in every discipline of human endeavor indicating their importance and significance in our diurnal life. These man-made macromolecular materials are petroleum-based and most conventional ones are considered to be non-biodegradable or nondegradable, and some pose arduous to salvage or recycle considering that they are materials of intricate composition having varying levels of contamination – by biological substances and food. Petroleum resources are limited, and severe environmental effects have come into being due to the ever-growing use of nonbiodegradable polymers which is a serious source of pollution affecting both fauna and flora. Furthermore, these conventional polymers, non-biodegradable polymers typically made for the long haul persist many years after disposal thus making them unsuitable for temporary use. This review focuses on biodegradable polymer alternatives as a suitable replacement for petroleum based plastics

    Material efficiency: a key sustainable manufacturing strategy

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    Inefficient material utilization results in extra pressure on the environment for the extraction of more material to meet production demand and therefore makes the environment unsustainable. The survival of the manufacturing industry depends on its ability to balance several requirements to meet up with dynamic market demand particularly materials for production ranging from raw materials, intermediate materials to spare components for maintenance. In the past, sustainability and efficiency were no challenges to the manufacturers and material extraction from the environment was always below replenishment. Presently, the reverse is the case where the demand for production material has become incessant and surpasses supply on account of increasing population and modern manufacturing practices thereby resulting in irresponsible exploitation of raw material. This paper aims to evaluate the current efforts in the topic area to gain insight into the impact of material efficiency on the manufacturing performance concerning other manufacturing strategies alongside the environment. It appears from the review that the balance between manufacturing material extraction from the environment and the replenishment rate determines the sustainability of both the manufacturing system and the environment. Hence material efficiency is an index for sustainable manufacturing strategy. We recommend the future research direction to looks into the development and determination of balance between manufacturing material extraction from the environment and the replenishment rate for a sustainable future manufacturing

    Model Selection Process in Time Series Analysis of Production System with Random Output

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    In time series investigation of characteristics of production system, different competing models are generally obtained particularly in production settings with stochastic output attributable to bottleneck problems. Consequently, selecting the best model that describes a production system becomes challenging and critical because some models that fit observed data most accurately may not predict future values correctly on account to model complexities. This research desires to demonstrate the procedure for model selection in production system with random output via the use of Adjusted Coefficient of Determination (R2 ) , Akaike and Schwarz criteria tools. Production output measurements obtained serve as input data to Autocorrelation Function and Partial Autocorrelation Function to obtain the order of Autoregressive, Autoregressive Moving Average and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average models. The model parameters were estimated and used for predictions and compared with original and transformed data to obtain Sum of Squared Error (SSE). Afterward, the models were subjected to adequacy evaluation and subsequently tested with Akaike and Schwarz criteria. Among the competing models, ARIMA (3, 1, 1) model explain 66% variance of the dataset and wielded the lowest Akaike and Schwarz values of 534.41m and 534.34m respectively and thus selected as the model that represents the production system under investigation. The approach establishes that Adjusted Coefficient of Determination in conjunction with Akaike and Schwarz criteria are adequate tools for model selection in time series investigation particularly in stochastic situatio