7 research outputs found

    The impact of including rest time between transport and slaughter on the IGF-1 and cortisol concentration in the blood serum of barrows

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    The aim of our experiment was to observe the differences of IGF-I and cortisol concentrations in the blood serum of pigs when killed immediately after transport and after a 48 hour stay in a slaughterhouse.  We tested 24 Large white barrows from one breed with the average weight of 105 kg. The first group went through a 2 hour long transport before slaughter. After being delivered to the slaughterhouse, the barrows were killed immediately. After transport, the second group was stabled for 48 hours in a stabling space near the slaughterhouse and the barrows were killed after that. There were 12 animals in each experimental group. Blood samples were taken immediately after slaughter. We used the ELISA method to determine IGF-I and cortisol concentration in the serum. The IGF-I concentration in the serum was significantly lower (p < 0.01) in the barrow group that was killed after the 48 hour stay in the stabling space near the slaughterhouse, as opposed to the barrow group that was killed immediately after transport. The cortisol concentration in the serum of both experimental groups did not display significant differences. Our results indicate that stabling animals in a waiting stabling space near the slaughterhouse can cause a long-lasting stress instead of relax

    Diferencovanie teliat odolných stresovej záťaži pomocou inzulínu podobného rastového faktoru–I (IGF–I) z krvného séra

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    Animals do not respond uniformly to stress load. It leads to energy losses and body damage during stressor exposure. One of the hormones activated by stress, providing the repair of the body during and after load, is growth hormone. It acts directly on cells, but mainly through insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), which protects cells from apoptosis and promotes their growth and proliferation. Changes in concentrations of IGF-I in the circulation during psychical load at individual excitatory types of calves (EHb+ highly reactive, EHb° medium reactive and EHb- low reactive) are not known. Calves type EHb+ and EHb° are more resistant to stress than EHbtype calves. The aim of our study was to measure the levels of IGF-I immediately after the application of psychical form of load with the calves differentiated according to different types of excitation. Differentiation of excitatory types of calves was done after 20 minute habituation test. Habituation test was performed in habituation chamber. Immediately before and after habituation calves were taken blood from jugular vein by syringe. Blood sampling was allowed to clot in a refrigerator at 4 °C and after 4 to 6 hours, it was centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 10 min. Then serum was drawn in from the syringe and frozen in aliquots volume in eppendorf vessel until further processing at -20 °C. Serum samples of calves were treated enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ELISA - test. The highest levels of IGF-I in all types of calves were in the resting blood collection. Within of individual type of excitation in a concentration IGF-I before and after load significant difference was not found. After application of psychical form of stress the concentration of IGF-I in blood of the calves declined.Na stresovú záťaž zvieratá neodpovedajú uniformne. Počas pôsobenia stresovej záťaže dochádza k energetickým stratám a poškodeniu tela jedinca. Jedným z hormónov aktivovaných stresom, zabezpečujúci reparáciu organizmu počas a po záťaži je rastový hormón. Pôsobí na bunky priamo, ale hlavne prostredníctvom inzulínu podobného rastového faktoru-I (IGF-I), ktorý chráni bunky pred rozvojom apoptózy a podporuje ich rast a proliferáciu. Zmeny koncentrácie IGF-I v cirkulácii počas akútnej stresovej záťaže u jednotlivých excitačných typov teliat (EHb+ vysokoreaktívne, EH°strednereaktívne a EHb-nízkoreaktívne) nie sú známe. Cieľom štúdie bolo zmerať hladiny IGF-I tesne po pôsobení psychickej formy záťaže teliat diferencovaných podľa jednotlivých excitačných typov. Teľatá boli zaradené do príslušných excitačných typov v habituačnom teste ktorý trval 20 minút. Habituačný test bol prevedený v habituačnej komore. Tesne pred a po habituačnom teste teľatám bola odobratá krv z krčnej žily pomocou hemosky. Krvné vzorky sa následne nechali voľne zrážať v chladničke pri 4 °C od 4 do 6 hodín a následne boli centrifugované 10 minút pri 1200 otáčkach. Potom sérum bolo odsaté a zamrazené v ependorfkách na -20 °C do ďalšieho spracovania. Vzorky séra získané od teliat boli spracované pomocou imunoenyzmatickej metódy ELISA. Najvyššie koncentrácie IGF-I u všetkých excitačných typov teliat boli v kľudovom odbere. V rámci jednotlivých excitačných typov koncentrácia IGF-I po záťaži klesala avšak nemá štatistickú významnosť. Po aplikácii psychickej formy stresu koncentrácia IGF-I v krvi u teliat klesá

    Difference in exploration and use of PET bottle and horseshoe for environment enrichment in piglets

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    Article Details: Received: 2020-10-20 | Accepted: 2020-11-27 | Available online: 2021-01-31https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2021.24.mi-prap.62-66AbstractAttractivity of two different enrichment objects was investigated in paper. Eight piglets were housed in pen with slatted floor. Pen environment was enriched with two hanging objects – PET bottle and horseshoe. Interactions with enrichment objects were evaluated during two consecutive days. PET bottle was more attractive, total number of interactions was 600 on day 1 and 451 on day 2. Horseshoe has very low attractiveness, number of interactions on day 1 was only 64 and 74 on day 2. Exploration of more attractive object was decreasing between days. Exploration of less attractive object was increasing. We recommend use of different enrichment objects for prolonged duration of exploration and occupation by manipulation, but both objects should be attractive for piglets.Keywords: environment, enrichment, piglets, keyword, keywordReferencesAverós, X., et al. (2010). A meta-analysis of the combined effect of housing and environmental enrichment characteristics on the behaviour and performance of pigs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 127(3-4), 73–85. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applanim.2010.09.010Bolt, S. L. and George, A. J. (2019). The use of environmental enrichment on farms benefits animal welfare and productivity. Livestock, 24(4), 183–188. https://doi.org/10.12968/live.2019.24.4.183Buijs, S. and Muns, R. (2019). A Review of the Effects of Non-Straw Enrichment on Tail Biting in Pigs. Animals, 9(10), 824. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9100824Chen, Ch. et al. (2020). A computer vision approach for recognition of the engagement of pigs with different enrichment objects. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 175, 105580. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2020.105580Council directive 2008/120/EC of 18 December 2008 laying down minimum standards for the protection of pigs. Available online: http://data.europa.eu/eli/dir/2008/120/2019-12-14 (accessed on 15 October 2020).Elkmann, A. and Hoy, S. (2009). Frequency of occupation with different simultaneously offered devices by fattening pigs kept in pens with or without straw. Livestock Science, 124(1-3), 330–334. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2008.12.008Ernst, K. et al. (2018). Play behavior and environmental enrichment in pigs. Available online: https://www.wur.nl/upload_mm/e/f/b/6af2e2db-430e-4771-8f7d-6f5b974eab5e_final%20report%20ACT%202060%20juli%202018%20op%20website%20.pdf (accessed on 10 October 2020).Godyń, D. et al. (2019). Effects of environmental enrichment on pig welfare-A Review. Animals, 9(6), 383. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani9060383Jensen, P. (2002). The ethology of domestic animals. New York: CABI Publishing.Wood-Gush, D. G. M. and Beilharz, R. G. (1983). The enrichment of a bare environment for animals in confined conditions. Applied Animal Ethology, 10(3), 209–217. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3762(83)90142-6Young, R. J. (2003). Enrichment for captive animals. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Science Ltd


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    The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of selenium and combination of selenium with chromium in the feed mixture on carcass and meat traits of finishing pigs. A total 90 castrates (Large White) were divided into the three groups. The control group received basal diet (BD) without selenium and chromium; the experimental group (Se) 0.3 mg Se*kg-1 in the form of selenomethionine was added to the basal diet. Experimental group (SeCr) was fed basal diet with added selenomethionine plus chromium nicotinate (0.3 mg Se*kg-1 , 0.75 mg Cr*kg-1 ). We found that added selenomethionine to the feeding ration increased carcass length (P < 0.001). Technological parameters were affected by selenium: reduced pH24 of ham and drip loss of muscle longissimus thoracic after 7-day post mortem (P = 0.01), and increased cooking loss in muscle abductor. Combination of selenium and chromium in the feeding ration significantly increased firmness of meat (Warner - Bratzler) in each muscle (P < 0.001). Cholesterol in muscles was lower (P < 0.01) in animals supplemented with a combination of selenomethionine and chromium. These results suggest that supplementation of organic selenium and chromium nicotinate in the feed had significant effect on carcass and meat quality of pigs